
World Isekai Reborn- Tale of a Reluctant Savior

Author update!!!!! Still working on the next few chapters please be patient. Warning this is considered a first draft "I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com," https://www.royalroad.com/profile/331825 Trigger warning this is a dark fantasy novel recommended for 16+. Murder, R*pe (will be implied but not described), likely slavery, and much more dark themes (it will not be shown in a positive light, that would be stupid), but this world is not a happy one, and the characters will be put through the wringer. Morals will be tested. Ideologies threatened. Shit gets real :). Author out! So while at first, it seems that I am making something full of tropes using the isekai and monster invasion through portals subgenre. I plan to use these motifs as a backdrop and break some troupes and hope to Supersede the tropes of the genre as Overlord did for its genre. Synopsis So the worlds are merging, and they need to get stronger, Or at least that's what the robotic voice said. All she knows is they were given a couple of minutes to choose a class; if they didn't select one, it would be randomly assigned. Shortly after the countdown, portals worldwide opened, and hundreds of millions died in less than 30 minutes. The world suddenly seems quieter and more dangerous than ever. And this was just the beginning. Our story follows Trish, a raven-haired girl who is a senior in high school who always finishes her assignments in minutes so she can sleep in class. During the selection process, While everyone else in the class was freaking out and or picking their class, she was promptly asleep. When she finally woke up, she found out what was going on. She was a glitch, classless. Though She does Have a few unique things about her; for ex, she has all nonreligious elemental magics, a skill called “hard work” where she can repeatedly do actions to gain skills that are related to said action ex jumping 1000x and getting a skill for 2x to jump height, etc. And a title called “ not the one,” which has zero information. She also has a seemingly ordinary skill called “menu,” which allows her to see a video game-like display of people's statistics. This skill is highly temperamental and a constant source of annoyance for Trish.

OverGoat · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Chapter 8 How a Boot that.



She stood staring at these two humes, whom she was informed were at the front gate. They have now been her wards for the past three weeks, and they have not entirely regained consciousness.

They fade in and out of consciousness, and she has had to feed them a hearty broth as they are incapable of eating anything else. Finally, their fever broke a couple of days ago, though they have still yet to stir.

She looks at one of them and thinks with worry.'The thin one with black hair is in much more favorable condition than the mountain slumbering next to him.'

'His aura is constantly drained into a void where his Energy Well should be. Only one Discipline Creates a void there: The Way of Nihility; if he does not receive more aura to fill the void, he will die." She grimaced as she thought about what she was about to do.

Aura gathers to her palms, causing them to glow as blue as the sky. She then proceeds to place her palms on his stomach. The aura gathered around her palms is then drawn toward the void like a star pulled into a Black hole.

After four hours of constantly pouring a steady stream of aura into him, she finally manages to fill the ever-hungry void.

"It took so much aura he is now scratching on the door of Blue Soul Rank. That is incredible for someone so young; nearly achieving that rank means you are a prodigy." A crooked smile crosses her lips, making her look like a mischievous fox.

"I must have him as a disciple to train a prodigy like him who could give me insights into the Purple Soul."



Finally stirring, James sees something that confuses him instantly.

A woman wearing a purple form-fitting gi, with short snow-white fur covering her entire body, pointed black fur-covered ears, and eyes that were a deep vibrant purple.

She was rubbing his stomach with a deranged look on her face biting her lip slightly.

He starts to gather his aura into his palms as quickly as possible.

Only for a more immense aura to cover his entire body and start pressing down on him with tremendous force; it felt like the Titan Atlas himself had given him his burden of holding the heavens.

"I am not your enemy, disciple, but if you decide to attack, I might just cripple you, though I'd hate to do that since I spent the last couple of weeks treating you and your partner." Nodding her head to the left where Jin lay snoring.

"huh," he sputtered in confusion, then proceeded in an even more shocked tone.

"You can speak!!!" James blurted, seemingly unable to contain his surprise.

A sigh escaped her full black lips, her vibrant purple eyes slanting in annoyance.

"I am not just some creature. My name is Camilla, and I am a Kitsune. Now, if your done being rude, I've got other duties to attend to, my disciple."

His brows furled in further confusion."What is a kitsune, and why were you rubbing my chest? Wait, did you call me your disciple?

Caught off guard by the confirmation that he didn't know about her people. All the oddities of the situation caused all the puzzle pieces to fall into place for her. She Looked up at him, eyes widening till the whites of her eyes were visible and her mouth slightly parting, showing her fangs, causing her to look deranged again.

"Are you from another world?" She questioned.

"Yes," he replied simply. "You still haven't answered any of my questions."

Her eyes shift from purple to blood red. "It's happening again; the damn prophecy was true." She starts to rock back and forth on her feet. Her eyes flash purple and red, then white flames wrap around her body, causing the ground to crack under the heat.

She divulged in a deep haunting sounding tone."When the sky is ripped open, people will invade from the sky once again. A disciple of a wise Kitsune shall rise, and a suspicious accident shall bring forth an era of sorrow and a new fury. The fire-palmed princess shall cause the downfall of two kingdoms."

Shaking her whole body like a wet dog. She focuses on James as if nothing happened.

"I hate when that happens," she replied with mild annoyance. She tilts her head to the left, causing the ears on top of her head to twitch.

"Fine, I will answer any of your questions, but in return, you will accept my tutelage. You won't survive out there if you don't become stronger anyway," Camilla declared. Her fierce eyes and furrowed brow caused her to give off a no-nonsense attitude.

She then puts her left hand on her hip, raises her right hand, and points her claws toward him.

"You need the training to be able to survive the plains. It was sheer dumb luck you did not encounter a single monster as the average monster is E rank in Eclipse plains," Camilla declared as she raised her right eyebrow.

James was shocked and lay on the bed with her hand still rubbing his stomach. Grabbing her hand gently, he removes it. Then glancing back towards her gaze. He sits up and tries to stand.

"Listen, thank you for caring for me and Jin, but I need to find my friends. They did not get dropped in the same location as us, and we only came through to save our classmates who were dragged through the portal by goblins."

"I'm sorry, not only are you in no condition to travel but if your friends did not appear with you, they were likely sent to another break. The second problem is you wouldn't last another week out there, your luck will run out, and you will die." Camilla retorted in a huff.

The look that he gave her was as sharp as any blade. If a glare could kill, James would no longer need his fists.

"I am plenty strong. I just need supplies, and you can point us in the direction of the other breaks, and then we can take care of ourselves." James retorted as he clenched his jaw and tried to push past her, only for her to grip his arm and hold him back.

"I'll tell you what spar me, I won't even use my aura, and if you beat me, you may go look for your friends." Her razor-like gaze and bare canines made it clear that objecting was not wise.

She turns around and drags him out the door of the small warm hut made of stacked red clay bricks.

She let go of him and starts walking to the gate where he and Jin fell unconscious weeks ago. Bregugindly, he follows behind her as she turns off the road, heads left, and walks half a mile.

Finally, they arrived at a massive clearing that looked like bombs had gone off. The craters ranged from small holes to ones that looked like missiles caused them.

"Do you test explosives here or something" he questioned while blinking repeatedly.

"Hmh, no, this is where I practice my skills and train my body. I can't do it near the village as I could accidentally destroy it." She remarked while shrugging her shoulder nonchalantly.

She then proceeded to take a stance reminiscent of a boxer. She held both hands in front of her face, but instead of closed fists, they were open, showing her black nails, which grew to an impressive six inches long.

Only giving him a second to get ready, she launches forward, clearing the five meters between them in a hop, then sends a roundhouse kick toward him.

James just barely brought his arms up to block. Only to be launched into the air and fall hard on his back.

His arms felt like they had been hit by a train.

His heart starts to pound, adrenaline coursing through his veins, and he now has no worries that he has to go easy.

He bellows and activates his aura more than ever, almost overwhelming him. The wraps bound to his arms started to absorb all the aura he was released, and then they got increasingly heavier, now exceeding over fifteen thousand pounds.

"Why are they so damn heavy" James' roared, which was so robust it could be heard back at the village.

Which caused him to struggle to lift them. The veins in his neck and arms were bulging so much they looked like rope. He worked hard to take a step forward as he raised his head to look at Camilla. The last thing he saw was a boot an inch from his face, then darkness once again.