
World Isekai Reborn- Tale of a Reluctant Savior

Author update!!!!! Still working on the next few chapters please be patient. Warning this is considered a first draft "I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com," https://www.royalroad.com/profile/331825 Trigger warning this is a dark fantasy novel recommended for 16+. Murder, R*pe (will be implied but not described), likely slavery, and much more dark themes (it will not be shown in a positive light, that would be stupid), but this world is not a happy one, and the characters will be put through the wringer. Morals will be tested. Ideologies threatened. Shit gets real :). Author out! So while at first, it seems that I am making something full of tropes using the isekai and monster invasion through portals subgenre. I plan to use these motifs as a backdrop and break some troupes and hope to Supersede the tropes of the genre as Overlord did for its genre. Synopsis So the worlds are merging, and they need to get stronger, Or at least that's what the robotic voice said. All she knows is they were given a couple of minutes to choose a class; if they didn't select one, it would be randomly assigned. Shortly after the countdown, portals worldwide opened, and hundreds of millions died in less than 30 minutes. The world suddenly seems quieter and more dangerous than ever. And this was just the beginning. Our story follows Trish, a raven-haired girl who is a senior in high school who always finishes her assignments in minutes so she can sleep in class. During the selection process, While everyone else in the class was freaking out and or picking their class, she was promptly asleep. When she finally woke up, she found out what was going on. She was a glitch, classless. Though She does Have a few unique things about her; for ex, she has all nonreligious elemental magics, a skill called “hard work” where she can repeatedly do actions to gain skills that are related to said action ex jumping 1000x and getting a skill for 2x to jump height, etc. And a title called “ not the one,” which has zero information. She also has a seemingly ordinary skill called “menu,” which allows her to see a video game-like display of people's statistics. This skill is highly temperamental and a constant source of annoyance for Trish.

OverGoat · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Chapter 2 Murder can be Colorful Too

As soon as Trish walked through the door. Screams, battle shouts, spells, and explosions assaulted her ears.


Soon after, she stepped out the door; an arrow whistled by her head. Only to slam into the door, she had just closed.

Turning her head, she sees—a figure wrapped in torn clothes. In the holes of the clothes, you could see bones and rotten flesh sloughing off.

'A Zombie, are you serious, a fuckin zombie.' Grinning ear to ear. Like almost everyone in the modern day, she always hoped for a zombie apocalypse.

Trish mentally opened her spell menu, which she obtained whenever she got access to her magic. she could see blinking at the corner of her vision, and just before she selected chaos bolt.

The zombie throws its hands up in surrender. "Oh shit, I'm sorry I thought you were a monster." The zombie was shaking in what was overwhelming terror.

Trish's jaw practically hit the floor. "Wait, you're not one? Have you seen yourself in a mirror? You look like a fucking zombie?"

"I know it happened after I selected undead archer as a class; please believe me. I had to run out of my classroom. My classmates attacked me when the portal opened, and zombies started swarming. They thought I was one of them. Even though I told them I was Cedric, they didn't listen."

She closed her mouth and nodded in understanding. She looked at him a little closer, and he didn't appear as dead as she thought. His flesh did seem fresh, even with the visible wounds.

'Considering I tried to kill him on sight, I feel like his class will be a curse for him. Not all classes are created equal and have hidden disadvantages, some not so hidden.'

"Chaos bolt," a warbling multi-coloured baseball-sized mass flew as fast as a major league baseball pitch towards Cedric. The ball slammed into a zombie behind him, which was about to munch on him.

A scream left His mouth as he crouched as fast as he could, just milliseconds after the magic passed him. The zombie that was struck with the magic head was blasted off.

Lightning courses through its body as it is shocked for a second before dropping right on Cedric.

"I figured it was better to kill it without wasting time telling you; you were about to be eaten; sorry about that; I didn't mean to scare ya." She said apologetically.

Cedric slowly raised his head and pushed the zombie off him. "I ah don't know how to feel about that." Cedric, slightly distrustful, met her gaze.

"Why are you in the halls? It's hazardous here. It seems there is a portal at the end of the hall."

"A few of us seemed to be in the halls at the time, and well," glancing around to the puddles of blood all over the place and a small pile of zombie corpses mixed with a few other human corpses.

A blinking tiny red exclamation mark was in the corner of her eye. Now that she finally focused on it. A menu popped up. 'Would you like to identify Cedric?' A sultry feminine voice said in her head. 'This is new, but I need more time.

'Last time I tried to sound sexy for you, brat,' the voice in her head switched to a bitchy tone. "What the fuck was that" Trish seethed

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to offend" fear consumed his voice. "Not you, never mind." Coming back down to reality, realising she had wasted too much time.

"I need to head upstairs to get to my friend's class. You're welcome to join, but I must get going now. I'm in a hurry."

Turning around, not even glancing at the corpses, she starts running to the stars to get to Momo's class.

Hearing shuffling behind her, she glanced back to see Cedric was trying to keep up with her. Whipping her head around, she starts climbing the stairs as fast as possible, just as she is about to clear the final step.

In front of her, she saw a portal. More goblins were coming in and going dragging student corpses into the portal, with the portal blocking her way. She had no other choice.

Raising her hand, she mentally selects chaos bolt in the spell menu, and before she fires it, a blue pop says. If you inspect them, I'll unlock the Multi-fire function.

Growling in annoyance, 'fine, inspect' as soon as she thought those words, she felt a chill down her spine as if someone was watching her.


Name: Dave

Race: Goblinoid

Lvl: 2

Class: N/A

Rank G

Title: Fierce Fucker, World's ugliest, Rapist


Rank G


stab eight times in quick succession.

Stam cost 10

(Speed is based on Agi when used for sordid activities, costs 80 stam)

Weapons: Crude stone dagger

Armour: Torn Loincloth

Health: 5

Mana: 1

Stam: 10-150* (10 in combat) (150 in the bed)

Str: 3

Agi: 6

Int: 2

Wis: 1

Cha: -9999999999999999999999999999999999999

'Multi-fire unlocked' after unlocking it. Information flooded her brain, letting her know the in-depth details of what it does. Its rate of fire, damage reduction, and mana cost are all based on her int.

All of this is automatically calculated for her; currently, she can cast a single target offensive magic 20x per second, each one draining 1.5x more mana than usual and doing 1/5 the damage.

Only a second has passed since she used her skill menu to inspect the goblin. Her face seemed to darken and contort; her eyes narrowed to slits at what she read. "Vile, disgusting creature." Spittle flew after her shout. Rage and disgust overtook her mind as raising her hand activated the multi-fire and chaos bolt.

Golf Ball-sized orbs of colourful magic shot out at a rapid rate. Not caring for accuracy, she shot where Dave was for a full 5 seconds, covering the entire hallway with her magic, exploding with different random effects, some creating flames, ice, lighting, and even acid.

Ding, 'you have obtained 500 exp from killing 20 goblins,' barely even registering what the voice said. She ran to the next Classroom, just past all the dead Goblins, to room 626.

Flinging the door open, she sees what can only be described as a monster soup covering the floor. Bits of monsters were floating in blood at least 3 feet deep. Now with the door open is flowing towards it, draining quickly.

Another multi-coloured portal was in the same spot that it was in her classroom. 'Momo, where are you' It was the only thing she could think of. It was as if a hot knife had stabbed her.

She was falling to her knees into the blood. Overtaken by the pain, she blinked away a few tears. She barely even noticed the soft shuffling behind her.

"A-a-are y-y-you okay-y," a worried Cedric said as he put his hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her. It might have worked if he wasn't shaking like a leaf.

Catching her breath, she gently moves his hand from her shoulder and, with great struggle, stands up. "Yes, I was overcome with a pain in my heart for some reason."

"She is probably in there. I'm going in." Turning towards him. She sees an almost funny sight. A Zombie coward tries to act brave when he can't keep his body from shaking.

"I'm Heading inside the portal, I don't know how to explain it, but I can feel her on the other side. You don't have to come, but I'm going"

Before Cedric could even respond, a rather sizeable Green hand came through the 4ft tall portal, grabbed the top of the portal, and started stretching it till it reached 8ft tall, and a Green 8ft Creature's Head just started poking out of the Portal.

With her back turned, she didn't see any of this happening, but Cedric did, as he was a solid 6ft 1 and was quite a bit taller than her. With shaking hands, he grabbed his bow and knocked an arrow. Her eyes widened at what to her was him pulling out his bow and knocking an arrow to shoot her.

"B-B-ehind you" He stammered. He shook his head to clear it. "Get down! He roared, and finally, it seemed like the shakes had stopped. Ducking as fast as she could, his arrow flying true just above where her head was.

The creature, quickly as a whip, grabbed the arrow between its pointer finger and thumb right before it pierced into its green head.

Snapping the arrow in twine between its two fingers.

The creature finally made it the rest of the way out of the portal, its head almost scraping the ceiling. It turned its head to look at the two at the doorway and roared so loud it shattered the glass windows in the classroom. Finally turned around, Trish used her skill to inspect the creature.

'Partially failed to inspect the target as it is much stronger than you. Informed the feminine voice in her head.

Name: Bvahagg

Race: Lesser Troll

Lvl: 1?

Class: Wild Monk

Rank: F

Title: Smash?, Combo Novice, Wild Magic Infused


Rank G


Combo artistry

Wild magic resistance

HP regeneration (??hp ps)

??re ?????? ability


Imitation Wild Jab: ??? ???? ??

Imitation wild Haymaker: ??? ???? ??

Chi Armor: ??? ???? ??

Weapons: N/A

Armour: nude

Health: 1.2?


Stam: 3??

Str: 2?

Agi: 1?



Cha: 0

She only took Half a second to memorise the whole stat sheet. She had to devise a plan of action quickly as the monster was not waiting for her and had already started to sprint toward them.

'Okay, this should be easy to figure out some missing information. First off, based on the fact that in games, trolls are usually weak to fire. It says fire vulnerability since the number of question marks likely equals the number of missing letters.

''That means it's logical to assume it's likely across the board, so its level is between 11-19. Then its hp regen is between 10-99; the missing parts on the skills are likely the requirements to use the skill, probably similar to what the goblin had. HP's best-case scenario is it's missing a K and not an M. Based on the goblin, I'm going with K as the rest of the stats seem pretty obvious.'

Before it could even make it a meter, She managed to work all of this out; not even one second had passed. Pulling up her spell list to ready a spell. 'Shit, I'm at a disadvantage. I can't use Chaos bolt in case it electrifies the water. Since it's weak to fire, Then maybe minor Ignis should do.'

The creature now has moved a few meters closer, only 8 meters away. She selected auto fire "Minor Frigus," Aiming at the ground where it was moving. Aiming at the ground by its feet, The air around its frat suddenly dropped below -100°C. The blood underneath the creature's feet froze solid, capturing his feet in a 1ft thick frozen blood.

"Back up into the hallway in a hurry. This probably will not hold long at all she yells at Cedric." Still having her spell active, she backed into the hallway, never breaking eye contact.

Cedric started shuffling back to the stairs in a hurry trying to get some cover. Seeing this, Trish ended her spell and started running toward Cedric.

Turning back, she recast it, freezing the rest of the blood, hoping to gain some advantage.

A guttural sound for the likes this world had never heard before. The base in this troll's roar vibrated, the walls cracking appearing on them, and the very bones of Trish and Cedric rattled. They felt nothing but genuine dread.

All the calm and collected attitude she had shown this far broke as if it was nothing but a flimsy iPhone dropped from 3 meters. Her face contorted into dread. Unwilling tears flowed from both of their eyes, teeth chattering so hard it threatened to break them.

The roar ended as quickly as it started. Directly after, the Troll burst through the doorway and promptly slipped on the icy blood covering the floor, slamming into the wall.

Seeing this jolted Trish back into her normal state of mind and hurriedly cast "Minor Ignis" with an auto-cast. A glowing red arcane symbol appeared in front of her hands, then expanded outwards in a constant rotation Shooting out Golf Ball sized fireballs, each one careening towards the troll and causing explosions on impact.

The troll, still trying to stand up, was having its flesh melt away to show bones quickly blackening. Finally getting a foothold, it barely managed to stand up and rush towards Trish, who was in front of the stairwell, in a mad dash to make the fire stop.

Finally reaching them, it raised its fist and sent a jab so fast that it had a heat cone around its fist. Seeing the fist come for her, she tried to move out of the way but was just a little too slow to react. The punch nearly caved in her stomach, causing her to be lifted in the 3ft in the air, only to be haymakered in the ribs, sending her flying into the wall behind her. Fell to the ground about 9ft at the bottom of the stars.

Cedric, beside her, barely registered what had happened because it was so fast. The spell setting the troll ablaze finally died out, the magic symbol shattering at the end.

Cedric finally knocked an arrow and shot it point-blank into the troll's face. This time, with all the damage to the troll's arms and body, The troll could not stop it.

The arrow shot directly into the troll's left eye. Causing the troll to stumble backward, Crying out in pain.

He tried to knock another arrow when the troll was staggered, but before he could, another jab, this time aimed at him, sent him flying into the wall with a sickening crunch sounding on the impact on both his fist and wall.

Trish, barely raising her hand in time, then reactivated her spell; after about 3 seconds, the troll was nothing but ash. The first spell activation killed the troll, but Trish wasn't conscious anymore of being notified so she could stop her spell.

A few minutes later, she opened her eyes to see Cedric's undead face staring at her lifelessly as he landed on top of her. Her heaving chest propped up his ghoulish face as she struggled to breathe over his weight.

Just in front of her, she saw the spell Shattering. She Gently pushed Cedric off her. She still couldn't seem to fill her lungs with air. Pushing herself off the ground with great effort, finally managing to stand.

She glanced downwards at Cedric, who was dead at her feet.

Guilt and despair spellbound her; she could barely think, let alone speak. Every attempt at an apology was a non-starter. Her very voice was halted by a knot in her throat grown from her guilt and despair. She had failed him completely.

'I'm sorry, but I need to keep going.' she thought, unable to vocalize the words.

Laying next to him was his bow and quiver. She thought about it only for a second, then picked them up and started walking to the classroom with the portal.

Standing in front of it, she tried to take a deep breath. Instead, it was just a shallow, ragged one. Finally taking that final step, she walked right into the multi-colored swirling hole in spacetime.