
World Isekai Reborn- Tale of a Reluctant Savior

Author update!!!!! Still working on the next few chapters please be patient. Warning this is considered a first draft "I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com," https://www.royalroad.com/profile/331825 Trigger warning this is a dark fantasy novel recommended for 16+. Murder, R*pe (will be implied but not described), likely slavery, and much more dark themes (it will not be shown in a positive light, that would be stupid), but this world is not a happy one, and the characters will be put through the wringer. Morals will be tested. Ideologies threatened. Shit gets real :). Author out! So while at first, it seems that I am making something full of tropes using the isekai and monster invasion through portals subgenre. I plan to use these motifs as a backdrop and break some troupes and hope to Supersede the tropes of the genre as Overlord did for its genre. Synopsis So the worlds are merging, and they need to get stronger, Or at least that's what the robotic voice said. All she knows is they were given a couple of minutes to choose a class; if they didn't select one, it would be randomly assigned. Shortly after the countdown, portals worldwide opened, and hundreds of millions died in less than 30 minutes. The world suddenly seems quieter and more dangerous than ever. And this was just the beginning. Our story follows Trish, a raven-haired girl who is a senior in high school who always finishes her assignments in minutes so she can sleep in class. During the selection process, While everyone else in the class was freaking out and or picking their class, she was promptly asleep. When she finally woke up, she found out what was going on. She was a glitch, classless. Though She does Have a few unique things about her; for ex, she has all nonreligious elemental magics, a skill called “hard work” where she can repeatedly do actions to gain skills that are related to said action ex jumping 1000x and getting a skill for 2x to jump height, etc. And a title called “ not the one,” which has zero information. She also has a seemingly ordinary skill called “menu,” which allows her to see a video game-like display of people's statistics. This skill is highly temperamental and a constant source of annoyance for Trish.

OverGoat · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 1 What A Classhole

Sounds of Cicadas can be heard outside the Scorching Senior AP Calculus classroom. The eight rows of seniors were working on their worksheets in the classroom, except for one who had finished 20 minutes ago and was taking a nap.

A loud staticky feminine voice suddenly started announcing to everyone. "Congratulations. Your universe has been selected for the unification of worlds". The students began to rise abruptly from their seats. "What the fuck" bellowed a male student in the front.

"I just heard a voice say something about unification. Did you guys?" Stuttered a blonde girl in the back. Then nearly everyone was talking at once, making everything else unintelligible. After a few seconds, the voice starts again. "It seems everyone is too weak to survive the process. At this time, you will be given a chance to survive." The voice suddenly stopped.

"Quiet everyone, this is probably some prank by someone, "cautioned Mrs. Vhans, who was disturbed." The voice started speaking again. '' You will be given three minutes to choose a class, or one will be chosen randomly for you."

One of the students looked in deep contemplation. "Wait, this reminds me of something I read before,'' muttered an exchange student from South Korea. His expression darkened and was contorted in fear at first then excitement. "Whatever you do, pick a class!" he yelled.

As if summoned by his words. In front of everyone, thousands of cards hovered. A timer in the upper right corner of their vision started the countdown from three minutes. A Search bar is right below the rotating cards that are moving slowly in an extensive arc wrapping around each person.

The Class is now in an uproar, some praying, others kneeling, covering their heads, and others quickly looking through their options.

As time passes, a few more start looking through them. While the exchange student searches for one he is sure would be substantial. Finally, a blonde-haired boy named James chose a job he was the first.

Daggers appeared in his hands, and suddenly his clothes seemed to morph into light and reconfigured into a green leather tunic with a hood, brown leather pants, and black combat boots. Seeing this, many other students decided to start choosing in a panic.

Two and a half minutes passed, and almost everyone obtained equipment and a class. The exchange student looks around the classroom and notices Trish sleeping in the back. He rushes to her and tries to wake her up by shaking her and yelling, "Trish, Wake up, hurry, wake up. You need to hurry and choose."

With less than 15 seconds left. She opens her eyes "what, Jin? Is class over?" Looking at Jin, she notices two things. Jin is wearing a black cloak and holding a scythe. At the same time, cards are in front of her eyes. They have pictures with warriors, mages, priests, thieves, and many more" wait, what the hell" the cards suddenly disappear from her vision.

A notification from a staticky voice sounds in her ear "you have failed to select a class in the given time, so that one will be chosen at random for you," said an annoyed feminine robotic voice.

"error corrupted code detected. Attempting to correct… Failed," said the annoying voice. Trish's clothes suddenly changed to a Black Robe with swirling light red nebula patterns that continued to shift as if by magic.

A video game like Hud appears before her eyes with a Blue window that says the status has been updated. As she was reading, a sultry voice started speaking in her head, "Because of high intellect, stat unlocked all nonreligious based basic magics linked to your class."

"Error no class detected" "Magic unlocked Minor Noctis, Chaos Arrow, Temere Res, Minor Ventus, Minor Frigus, Minor Scintillam..." before she can even truly process what just happened.

Everyone in the room could hear a sudden loud ripping sound just in front of the whiteboard beside the teacher's desk. A swirling portal seemed to have opened. A small child-like green hand reaches out, grabs the teacher, and pulls her in.

Directly after, something metallic can be heard hitting the floor. Stunned, all the kids stared at the portal seeing nothing but a dark purple swirling mass. All that could be heard was the screaming coming from the portal for a couple of seconds, then sudden silence. A small green child with ears pointed like daggers and a face looking like it had been smashed by a hammer, its tiny nose was crunched and upturned. This was a goblin jumping out of the portal, followed by a few dozen more.

Screams Erupt all around the classroom as the goblin starts slicing up a few of the closest male students; dripping with blood, three goblins start gorging themselves on the flesh of the students that were just killed. The rest of the goblins quickly cut down the frightened male students, and the females were dragged into the portal. In 5 short seconds, the first two rows of students are either dead or dragged through the portal, in the case of the females.

A few goblins started to Rush the closest girl to them, a redhead named Lea, who had a short sword next to her on the floor, where she dropped it when the teacher was taken. Three goblins rush towards her, and one climbs on top of the desk in front of her and jumps with Daggers pointed directly at her head.

Suddenly a baseball-sized Multicolored warbling Ball slams into the goblin's chest. It is then flung back into the portal at great speed and force. As if waking from a dream, Lea reaches quickly for the sword she dropped.

She looks up; the goblins are trying a pincer attack, one on the left and the other on her right. She kicks her desk into the one on the right, which the goblin jumps to the side to avoid. Less than a second after she kicks the desk, she stabs at the goblin rushing to her on her left. Her sword pierces the goblin's head right through its wide open mouth.

The daggers it held sank into her hip about a ½ inch deep, and she felt a sudden wetness. Pain rushes through her body. She screams in pain, stumbles back, slams into the desk behind her, and then crumbles to the floor.

The pain causes her to drop her sword again only to be pulled by four more goblins That had rushed to her in confusion and started to remove her quickly towards the portal." No, let go of me. Don't touch me. No, stop. Somebody; please help me" she screams with tears streaming down her face.

She tries to grab onto the desks near her attempting to slow them down. A cold black aura envelops the middle one holding her left foot before another multicolored ball slams into it. An arrow pierces the goblin holding her right foot.

The goblin hit by the two different magics started to shed its flesh, leaving nothing but bone with a faint green light in its eye sockets. Lea finally manages to grab a desk by its leg and pulls it to her as she is dragged. She swings it with all her strength at the two goblins left. The sudden hit made them fly directly into the portal only a few feet away.

Lea hurried to her feet and rushed to her sword; grabbing it; she looked up to see Trish with her hand outstretched with a small multicolored ball forming in front of her hand, and Jin with a dark, cold aura surrounding his hand and his eyes glowing a ghostly green.

Trish Shouts the words "Chaos Arrow" the ball then shoots forward and flies right above Lea's head, missing her by mere inches. It whipped her kinky crimson hair forward. The ball slammed into the goblin that had jumped from the desk to Leia's right; the multi-colored ball hit the goblin right between the eyes. Sending the goblin flying, While mid-air fire completely envelops the head of the goblin, melting it down to ash.

"Everyone hurry to the back of the room," bellowed Trish. As if waking from a daze, the dozen or so remaining students in rows five, six, and seven rush to the back; most of them begin to hide behind Jin, Trish, and Lea.

The last one to run to them was the school's star quarterback James an African American teen who towers over them at six foot ten. He is currently wearing a gold and purple Gi that looks to be made of steel, though he has no weapons in his russet-toned hands they were covered by wraps that seemingly absorbed all the light around them, making it look like they were massive clubs, and he was currently strangling a goblin in each hand.

"What is going on? You seem to know something, Jin. These are goblins aren't they?" he says, throwing their corpses behind him. The corpses slam into the wall at the front of the classroom 30ft away, cracking the brick wall.

As if to prelude, more screams, explosions, gunshots, and yelling could be heard when the bodies hit the floor on the other side of the classroom.

"Yes, those seem to be goblins, but this is not the time to discuss this. While I don't know exactly what's happening, I have read about something like this happening in a web novel back home.

By the sound of it, more than one portal opened in the school. Right now, we need to focus on what is in front of us." Jin said, almost out of breath.

He then looks at Lea, who is currently bleeding from her wounds. "Did anyone pick a healing class? anyone?" Jin Urgently Inquired, Scanning the people who were hiding behind them. A blonde girl walks forward wearing a Green Robe with leaf patterns covering it.

"I have a healing spell; it looks like I only have enough mana to use it once," says the girl frantically. She hastily casts "Druidic Grace" the spell conjures green vines, and they wrap around Lea, binding the wound while the vines glow a soft grassy green. The spell finishes, the vines disappear without a trace, and only small green scars are left on Lea's skin.

After he makes sure she is fully healed, Jin scans the area, stopping at a point above the portal where green glowing numbers can be seen. "Have you guys noticed that there is a number above the portal? The number has been dropping every time a goblin has died," said Jin pointedly. "Yes, I have; I think it might close if we defeat all the goblins that come out of it, or we may have to go in if they don't come out." Trish pensively responded.

"I think we should go in to get our classmates; some might still be alive," Jin remarked with some apprehension. The four are staring at the portal, trying to make a decision but reluctant to make the first step.

A few moments pass with all the sounds happening outside getting louder, and finally, Trish looks at the door, looking very worried. " Momo is in Coach Hales' English class, and I need to get to her and ensure she is safe. Can you guys handle it here?" Questioned Trish, worry strewn across her face looking at the three restlessly.

James looks at Trish and proclaims, " Do what you want. I'm going to the portal over there and see if I can rescue some of our classmates; hopefully, they and Mrs. Vhans are still alive." Jin asks Trish. "will you be okay alone? You sure you don't need our help?" You guys go ahead and save our classmates. I will be fine and join you all when I have Momo safe and back at my side."

The group disbanding James, Jin, Lea, and the druid all head towards the portal while the rest of their classmates they saved barricade themselves behind desks doing their best to get as far as possible from the portal they can. Trish walks towards the door leading to the hall, and with one quick look behind her, she sees the group of her friends disappear into the portal. She then opens the door and heads into the Blood soaked halls.

I updated one of the descriptions i accidentally posted an older revision its now showing the corect one.

Please let me know what you think so far!!!!!

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