
World Isekai Reborn- Tale of a Reluctant Savior

Author update!!!!! Still working on the next few chapters please be patient. Warning this is considered a first draft "I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com," https://www.royalroad.com/profile/331825 Trigger warning this is a dark fantasy novel recommended for 16+. Murder, R*pe (will be implied but not described), likely slavery, and much more dark themes (it will not be shown in a positive light, that would be stupid), but this world is not a happy one, and the characters will be put through the wringer. Morals will be tested. Ideologies threatened. Shit gets real :). Author out! So while at first, it seems that I am making something full of tropes using the isekai and monster invasion through portals subgenre. I plan to use these motifs as a backdrop and break some troupes and hope to Supersede the tropes of the genre as Overlord did for its genre. Synopsis So the worlds are merging, and they need to get stronger, Or at least that's what the robotic voice said. All she knows is they were given a couple of minutes to choose a class; if they didn't select one, it would be randomly assigned. Shortly after the countdown, portals worldwide opened, and hundreds of millions died in less than 30 minutes. The world suddenly seems quieter and more dangerous than ever. And this was just the beginning. Our story follows Trish, a raven-haired girl who is a senior in high school who always finishes her assignments in minutes so she can sleep in class. During the selection process, While everyone else in the class was freaking out and or picking their class, she was promptly asleep. When she finally woke up, she found out what was going on. She was a glitch, classless. Though She does Have a few unique things about her; for ex, she has all nonreligious elemental magics, a skill called “hard work” where she can repeatedly do actions to gain skills that are related to said action ex jumping 1000x and getting a skill for 2x to jump height, etc. And a title called “ not the one,” which has zero information. She also has a seemingly ordinary skill called “menu,” which allows her to see a video game-like display of people's statistics. This skill is highly temperamental and a constant source of annoyance for Trish.

OverGoat · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Chapter  11 The Ken Do Flame Swordswoman

Pov Lea

Lea stepped out of the portal. Her feet touched a soft blue grassland.

She moved her blood-red kinky hair out of her gray eyes. Her gaze lifted, and she saw an utterly alien sky containing a blue star and many foreign moons.

The sky was bright green, and the air smelled of blood and death. The sounds that assaulted her ears were deafening screams, sounds of pain, and the clanging of metal.

Goblins surrounded her; they had not noticed her yet as they were focused on marching forward.

She had come out of the portal directly into the middle of a goblin army.

She turned around, looking for her friends, only to notice that she was all alone, surrounded by the creatures that had taken her classmates.

'My friends, they were right behind me. I don't understand. Did they not get transported with me?' she thought.

She barely stopped screaming for their names. Worry rose in her heart as she felt doomed. This entire situation made her shake like a leaf. She was alone, surrounded by goblins as far as she could see.

Steeling herself, she tried to take in all that was around her. Her gaze was so sharp that not a single detail could escape her.

'There is no way this is happening. They have no end," she thought, fear clouding her mind as she saw nothing but goblins for miles.

Kwayakaal! A goblin nearby screeched, pointing its gnarly little finger at her as it noticed the woman trembling.

She wore black chainmail over her white leather armor, complementing her toned build and moderate bust. The color of her armor contrasted her caramel skin nicely, and she wielded an Onyx-colored blade designed to look like it was engulfed in crimson flames.

Having drawn her blade, she grasped her sword tightly, trying to steady her hand, then ran to the goblin that noticed her first. She swung her sword true, bisecting the goblin.

Trying to hold on to the continents of her stomach as the goblin split into two equal parts.

'Did I just…' not able to finish the thought.

Doing her best to take another step forward, she ran ahead without knowing where she was going. Slicing every goblin in her way as little dings sound off in her ear.

Her movements looked ethereal as she ran threw the army. Her mind was empty except for swinging her sword.

Her blade moved quickly, like lightning.

Every cut led to another death.

As the bodies started counting toward triple digits, she seemingly became one with her blade. Her movements are becoming smoother and more accurate. The dings that were going off in her ear long faded from her attention.

She had one mission to go in one direction and escape.

She had entered a trance-like state, seemingly to protect her mind from internalizing the carnage she was causing. She had retreated into a place in her mind where she felt the safest—a single memory of her grandmother's warm embrace.

Days passed in heated combat.

She avoided the deadly strikes of the enemy's blades with deft and agile feints. With every swing of her blade, another advisory departed from this world. Despite being encircled by the goblins, their blades never reached her, unlike her blade, which struck in all directions, moving so quickly it left one hundred afterimages.

Her stamina seemed boundless, and her movements unwavering, as if she were an indomitable goddess of war.

With every kill, her mastery of the sword was honed even further. Her movements were fluid and deadly. Not a single muscle twitch was without purpose.

She crossed hundreds of kilometers, causing the untimely end of thousands of enemies. The copious bloodshed caused her armor to become blood-soaked, permanently dying the leather armor completely crimson.

A few more hours passed, and the goblins stopped trying to attack her. They Seemingly started to think it wiser to just run from her.

With the goblins giving her a wide birth now, it wasn't long before she came to a clearing.

Her boots finally stepped on something besides blood and guts. The breeze gently blew on her face, the sky dimmed into a deep forest green, and the temperature was very mild. The scene would have been picturesque if not for one thing.

In front of her stood an absolute unit of a Goblin. He could win Mr. Olympia at four feet tall with his herculean physique. Scars marked him. They were body wounds from past wars.

Muscles rippled as he held in his hands massive grey stone hammers.

He glanced at her and grinned, causing his face to morph into an even more vile visage.

"Warning (One with the blade) skill deactivated due to low stamina!" A voice screamed inside her head at a volume that was so loud it caused her pain.

Her breathing turned highly labored. Her arms felt like wet noodles her legs shook like a leaf in the breeze. She used her sword to prop herself up.

Her mind came slamming back. No longer was she in a trance. Disgust and horror she didn't quite understand overwhelmed her completely.

Her body was shaking even harder now. Grabbing her head, and then she screams.

"I killed so many I still feel their blood on my hands and hear their screams." She exploded in a delirious string of rhetoric.

Only a few seconds have passed. She starts feeling a slow calm and love washing over her.

The embrace once more wrapped around her, almost like her grandmother was right there, giving her courage and strength.

She could almost make out the words her grandma used to say to her.

"True strength comes from the resolve to stand and accept what you must do to protect you and yours, and remember when your strength fails you. I will always be there with you." Lea whispered to herself.

Tears streamed from her eyes as that single memory of embracing her grandma as she passed was still raw and powerful. Those words have always given her strength, and today was no different.

"Esne Hume? milites, quos occidisti, daemonem flammae rubrae te vocant. Sed omnes video puella rubris crinibus et gladio." The goblin spoke almost eloquently in a language she didn't know.

Its speech brought her attention back to the creature before herself.

She grasped her sword tightly, knuckles turning white.

"Where are my friends!! My classmates that your people murdered and kidnapped," she bellowed every word louder and more rage-filled than the last.

"The ambient life force from the goblins has been converted into 150 skill points." the robotic voice said in her head.

A blue screen appeared in front of her. The world around her melted away and turned into an inky black void.

Sound, light, and time ceased nothing, but Lea and the screen before her even existed.

"Please select which stats to increase." The robotic voice in her ear gently instructed.

These are your current stats.

Health: 22 (10)

Mana: 10

Stam: 45 (0 due to skill usage)

Str: 40


Int: 22

Wis: 15

Luck: 5

Perc: 65

Stat points left to use 150 (can't put more than 45 in one category at this time)

She faintly felt many hands. Some were even familiar, grabbing her hand and moving it for her.

They raised her hand and increased her strength by 30, agility by 15, stamina by 45, health by 8, and the rest of the points went into her mana.

Finalize these changes? A screen prompted showing her the changes to her stats.

Health: 30 (18)

Mana: 70

Stam: 90(45 due to skill usage)

Str: 70


Int: 22

Wis: 15

Luck 5

Perc: 65

She confirmed it with a nod.

"Heroic Class Unlocked (Tinetaua Samedi Swordswoman). Beginning the process to change class from (Knight) forcefully to (Tinetaua Samedi Swordswoman)." the voice said in her ear impatiently.

She fell out of the trance when she heard it was changing her chosen class.

'No, wait, what are you doing?' She thought loudly.

"Class change successfully. Unlocked (skill menu) can now activate list by thinking skill list," it said while laughing.

Everything suddenly returned to normal, and the roided goblin started talking, seemingly not even noticing anything had happened.

She felt her breathing stabilize and her body return to normal, feeling much more powerful and lighter.

"Si vera locutus est, magnum sexus servum facietis" Then goblin said with a disgusting lear in his eyes. It meant one thing, and she understood at a glance that it had an awful idea running through its head.

She held her blade at the ready.

"I may not know exactly what you said, but your intent is clear." She says, barely keeping her rage bottled up.

"NOW ANSWER MY FUCKING QUESTION WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS AND CLASSMATES" Her booming voice caused nearby goblins to fall on their asses, cowering. The one in front of her sneered and said in broken English, "Scouts tell me invasion of hole was win. Take concubines back to the capital."

Her entire body froze for just a second.

"YOU BASTARD!!!!" she screamed her words, carrying her rage like a sword. The same goblins who before were cowering now were foaming out the mouth and suffocating. They died on the spot.

She thought of two words, "skill list" She saw five skills (Siva Afi), (Ignite), (One with the Blade), (gearradair rionnag), and (Belenanua Samedi).

She screams, "IGNITE!!!!" the flame designs on her blade begin to glow red and then shoot out flames, which coat almost the entire blade in red hot flames from tip to just fifteen centimeters from the hilt.

Smiling cruelly, she runs full tilt toward the muscle-bound goblin. Stopping just before him, she grabs the hilt with both hands and plants her feat, then twists her hips at extreme velocity attempting to bisect the globin. The blade moved so fast that her eyes could no longer see her sword, even though before, she could see every slice of her sword as if moving through molasses.

She then screams, "GEARRADAIR RIONNAG"!!!

For a split second, the surroundings became so hot her metal armor started melting.

Klathunk Screech

The goblin had swung his left hammer directly at the blade connecting in mere milliseconds before the blade cut him.


The grunt escaped her mouth as she felt she came in contact with the earth itself.

The impact caused her to taste copper as blood filled her mouth and her bones creaked.

'What just happened' she thought in complete disbelief.

The goblin brought a free hand to his mouth as he yawned right in the middle of their clash, the smile never leaving his face.

Jumping back, she tries to activate 'one with the blade.'

She did not feel as she did before the trance never came. It had failed to activate. This shook her resolve even further as the goblin walked toward her, and the goblin reached down and grabbed her white hot, emblazoned blade.

A sneer cracked his ugly mug, making him look like a grotesque brawny baby. He lifted her by her sword and swung her in circles above his head. She hung on for dear life. A scream escaped her lips.


The monster laughed with glee like a child at play.

"Begone," he jovially said.

He finally released her, causing a sonic boom and her to fly dozens of kilometers in mere seconds. While in mid-air, she saw something that made her shiver. She saw hundreds of thousands of creatures that were colliding in waves against a much smaller army.

She could barely pick out much detail, except they seemed much taller than the goblins and looked like a medieval army.

She decided here and now that she would do at least as much damage as she could and make that disgusting oaf regret his actions.

"Ignite" she then poured all of her magic into her blade and swung towards the thing that flung her. Even if he were dozens of kilometers away, she would try something, even if it were seemingly futile.

Careful not to aim toward the small army, she made a mighty cut sending the flames in a giant wave covering hundreds of kilometers in the air and five kilometers towards the creature that was the cause of her rage, all before her eyes turned to ash. The very air became hot enough to melt steel.

She had created a giant inferno consuming tens of thousands of goblins and scorched the earth.

The sight only lasted a moment before she could no longer see the devastation she had wrought.

Only a few moments passed, and she sensed a familiar feeling and turned her head. She was heading right for a portal. Hundreds of meters in the air and going much faster than a jet, she was about to go through a portal.

"Shit!" she thought.

Moments later, the scenery completely changed, and she was heading directly into a forest, and what slowed her down were the massive trees. She slammed into one after another her body became more and more mangled, her hp dropping fast.

Moments later, she stopped as she hit the ground, skidding across the dirt for a few more meters stopping next to a small obsidian tree trunk. Her visions darkened as blood started pouring from her head.

Barley, conscious, she reached towards the stump to pull herself up. She managed to get halfway up with great effort, only for her hand to slip. It grazed a glowing symbol she could not see due to the blood flowing freely from a deep gash right above her right eye.

"Sign of Belenus selected." a voice sounded off in her head, but she never heard it. Her eyes closed, and she then proceeded to lose consciousness.

Accessing damage to user…

Analysis indicates prompt steps are required to preclude expiration. Initiating utilization of mana pool to restore user's damage. a new male voice, this time, said monotonously.

"Failed! No mana left to use. Now searching through all available options. Only one solution is possible now using the recently obtained Stat points. Success. Commencement of physical body repairs initiated. The expected time for completion is six months, said the voice.