
World Enemy

Lex is a ring fighter who loathed his present life and age, had spent years engaging in underground fights to earn enough money for a Brain implant. Upon his return, a cyborg ended his life.  Even in death his strong will and hate burned brightly. Cursing God and swearing vengeance, Lex found himself in the New World one year before the arrival of Nazarick.  The story is in the process of rewrite Gore will be plenty, followed by excessive brutality and low-hanging comedy. Death to a chicken and or horny MCs And the harem is only for Jirciniv.

MatMax · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 13

...maybe it will work'

Lex puts his hand on the blade of DS and speaks "All Appraisal Magic Item" … Nothing happens

'hmm maybe I'm doing it wrong' He concentrates fully on the task, emptying his mind of any thoughts

'All Appraisal Magic Item' he thinks and like last time nothing happens "Shit"

"What are you trying to do?" Ludger asks "I tried to cast a spell and it doesn't work"

"How even it's possible for a god from the past to not use magic"

"Don't call me a god, it's cringe-worthy to hear something like that from a friend"

"All right"

"Wait… what you said earlier?"

"god from the past" "and afterwards?" "to not use magic"

Cogs in Lexes brain start working like oiled 'god past magic... Past magic... Modern magic Tiers… Past magic WILD MAGIC!'

"Thank you, Ludger, now I know why I was unable to cast magic, it's because I'm a wild magic user!"

"As Cas explained before in this world person is able to use aura and mana. He definitely means that aura is the martial arts of this world like mana is wild magic everything now makes sense"

"Okay Lex but what about the tier magic?"

"you know what slavery is?"

"Yes, it's a despicable thing where one person has complete control over somebody"

Curious Lex asks "Why do you think so? I expected you to don't have such thoughts"

"Simple my father explained it to me, his father to him and so on"

"Ohh so your ancestor was a decent guy, who would have thought. Imagine Wild magic like slavery and tier magic like servitude do you see the problem?"

"What is servitude?"

"it's something like this imagine you are a peasant working in the fields for 120 days you work for a lord or local aristocrat after you have done your serfdom for the aristocrat you can start working for yourself rinse and repeat. I forgot to add that you can't leave your place where you were born as in some way you are owned by aristocrat"

"doesn't that mean wild magic is worse than tier magic? Its better to be a serf than a slave"

"you are right and wrong. Where being Serf is better than Slave two of these options are infinitely worse than being a free man, you catch on?"


"natural progression from being a slave is to become a free man. While Servitude is a link between slavery and being a free man. It's just a dead end that leads to nowhere"

"Still you don't answer the question of what is being a free man in the context of magic"

"As I stated before if Slavery is a Wild Magic then being free is Stable Magic. From what I know oldest written records of this world are about 600 years old maybe your people don't have time to develop magic. Six centuries ago Dragon Emperor summoned six players that introduced to this place tier magic and founded Slane Theocracy. Afterwards, Eight Greed Kings Learned Tier magic and conquered the world and spread Tier magic to the rest of the realm, almost killing Wild Magic as art, only a few know it"

"Who knows what are limits of Stable magic like possibilities of a free man they are endless"

After hearing Lexes words Ludger enters a state of deep thinking rectifying all he heard.

Words of his friend the more he thinks about them, the more he likes them.

"All that you told me, sounds true. Thank you for shedding a bit of your knowledge to me"

Unexpectedly Lex by his speech changed Ludger's looks on slavery

"Now let's get out of this shithole"

"what about armour? I wouldn't be able to lift it"

Lex comes to the armour. While having a DS based on shoulder

"It looks like I could put it on me, and rings Open inventory" small crimson portal opens and Lex throws four rings to it. All of the rings look utilitarian it looks person designing them put all of his efforts into armour, not spearing any bit of creativity to other things

Ludger looks at the magic thing "So you were a sorcerer" "No. You can assume that it is my talent"

"I can put there… I think everything non-alive"

"nice so you plan to put armour too?"

"No, I know that it will be a great loss for this world to put armour on me, but I don't like being seen as a nudist, and degenerate"

"you know that armour is... stained by remains of my ancestor"

"I don't care" Ludger looks at Lex shaking armour from dust and bones "It looks good enough for me"

"do you want to bury him?"

"No, I'll respect his last words"

Ludger gives unfriendly gazes at Lexes action as dead should be respected

Lex after somewhat cleaning freshly earned armour puts it on himself. decorated armour is enchanted with shapeshifting as it fits perfectly on the body. Now armour looks way better than before, Lex takes his heir out, as it's uncomfortable to keep it in the chest plate

"Are we ready to start our adventure?"

"No. First I need to visit the graves of my family and then take equipment from the house. Second, we need to make some rations and ask the village chief about the map. Wait where we would go?"

"To E-Rantel, we'll register in adventures guild and make some quick money, on other things we decide lather."

"Sounds like a good plan to me. How we should name our duo? Maybe 'Two guys one sword' as I'll be using a bow and you have that big ass blade" Lex almost explodes with laughter,

"L-L-Ludger when you say something" Lex calms himself "No matter how much I want that name, going duo would be pretty boring"

"hmm, you are right, let's go to the graveyard as its closer" Lex puts DS on his back thankfully armour comes with a custom scabbard

two men go out of an abandoned decaying building, Lex grabs DS by the hilt and unsheathes it and swings with full force at weird T like shaped structure. A lump of metal goes through wood without any resistance shock wave comes along ripping anything in its path. Barely standing building fall under it's weight as the supporting wall crumbles under impact.

After an attack of Lex there is only ruin

Ludger says "lets go to the graveyard as it's closer" He doesn't care about actions of Lex, because now ruin couldn't withstand the passage of time and would collapse at any time

Two men go to the graveyard Ludger first comes to the graves of his son and wife "Sara, Lance wish me good luck in the journey" Afterwards he goes to the graves of his father, grandfather and great grandfather To any of them he bows "All right Lex now to my house"

In the lodge, Ludger goes to one of the drawers and takes out leather armour nothing special and puts it on. Then he goes to the other side of the room where lies a bow and quiver full of arrows grabs them all. Afterwards, he goes for a pair of knives that land on the belt as they'll be needed in emergencies.

In the meantime, as Ludger is getting dressed Lex thinks about how to create something like stable magic 'As it's stated in Overlord to cast Wild magic you need souls a lot of them to be exact souls…souls.. hmm...soul power? Maybe I could use it instead and who knows in the future, stable magic could hurt bearers of world items?'

As Lex thinks Ludger comes from his house fully decked out with bow and quiver on the back and knives on belt "I'm ready"