
World Enemy

Lex is a ring fighter who loathed his present life and age, had spent years engaging in underground fights to earn enough money for a Brain implant. Upon his return, a cyborg ended his life.  Even in death his strong will and hate burned brightly. Cursing God and swearing vengeance, Lex found himself in the New World one year before the arrival of Nazarick.  The story is in the process of rewrite Gore will be plenty, followed by excessive brutality and low-hanging comedy. Death to a chicken and or horny MCs And the harem is only for Jirciniv.

MatMax · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 12

..staircase ends"

At the end of it is a room where sits a big skeleton leaning on the wall. he wears full plate armour without a helmet made from unknown violet material.

The armoured skeleton looks at the stairs in a satirical manner jaw opening in a way like he was having fun from looking at any person who would trip and fall off from stairs, unfortunately for him it doesn't happen.

The skeleton looks very prestigious mainly purple colour symbol of royalty coming from the front of the chest to the head the far away it goes the more darker the purple becomes, at the gauntlets and boots are pitch black, at elbows, and ankles when transformation between purple and black occurs one can see lightly visible thin lines of gold that become more visible with intensity of black. On his fingers are five rings, to the left is a large like men, a lump of metal in the form of a sword. The smell of spices comes mainly from the gigantic sword

"Ludger I think that I know who was your ancestor" "Enlighten me"

"He was a player from Yggdrasill, probably a level 100 free player specializing at close range, mele classes, according to popular theory Dragon Emperor is summoning players with the world items to the New World in crave for more power…." before Lex ends his speech Ludger interrupts

"Yggdrasil? Level 100 free player? dragon emperor? world items? Did you just throw buzzwords to make me look stupid?"

"It was unintended my friend"

"explain them to me so I can understand what you are saying"

Lex thought deeply about how to express such lore of Overlord and game slang to uneducated peasant from the middle ages "Imagine a gods who were bored with their lives and descended to lower realm to have some fun... "

Lex thinks to himself 'Wait did I just summarise the lore of danmachi?'

"… what is called Yggdrasil. Yggdrasil is split into 9 realms, we are probably in Midgard "

"Player is a god that descended to lower realm, level 100 means that he achieved maximal racial/profession potential, look at the left hand of your ancestor" Lex points his index finger at the right hand from his perspective as the skeleton is facing them "how many rings do you see?"

Ludger comes closer to an armed skeleton and takes the torch to see better then starts to count

"two, four, five! He has five rings on hand"

"if he would have 10 rings on both of his hands he would be considered royalty or what is called a person who spends cash or simply whale, so in your veins flow the blood of a minor god"

"That means that I'm a godkin?"

"This is a tricky question, in theory, yes, in practice no. You are something that is called an unawakened godkin. As being a godkin allows you to become stronger faster and raises your racial limits"

"Race, race, race you all the time speak about it however what it even means?"

"Oh man, did you all of your life live in this village? And don't ask your father or somebody about this?"

"Yes, you are right, my father told me something about this when I was in love with Sara, I just ignored his words as I don't plan to leave her and adventure"

"ehh" Lex clearly dejected continues his never-ending explanations "There are 3 main categories humanoids, demihumans and heteromorphes. The more you stray away from humanoids the stronger you are. Humanoids are humans, elves, dwarfs and others. Demihumans are simply beastman like ogres, and minotaurs. To heteromorphes we count beings with pure carma like a demon, angels and undead at last monsters. Do you understand now?"

"Yes, however on my mind lingers another question how do you know so much? Are you a God too?"

after Ludger question Lex, he gains a massive boost to his ego

"In some way by the logic of my explanation. I'm a God from the past. Let us go back to my explanation where I ended?"

"Now you would explain to me about drag-on queen" Lex got a little smirk from hearing the interpretation of his words

"Dragon Emperor his name implies is the Strongest dragon in this world, in fan theory he summons world items using costly rituals and bound to them avatars of gods ergo players, in one year he will summon a guild of players named Ainz Ooal Gown or at least what remained"

"Next world items imagine them as unique objects that work outside of laws of nature"

"Well that's a lot of knowledge to remember"

"Now I'll do some experiments" "All right" Lex moves to the wall away from Ludger and the skeleton then he hits a stone wall with a fist, attack breaks part of the stone wall few rocks fall off from it

"Do you want to kill us both!?" angry Ludger yells "If you want I could strike with full force, take equipment off the skeleton, dead doesn't need material goods"


'now let's try if inventory works ' Lex leans and grabs the rock and tells "Put a rock in Inventory"

Nothing happens 'hmm maybe try another one "Open Inventory" small red portal opens 'uuu like in anime but the colour changed from dark violet to deep crimson, ' sudden realization hits Lex like a train ' Ehhh so I can't use inventory in combat shame, it would be pretty cool to throw a mountain at the enemy, or trap them in an alternate dimension and starve to death or boredom'

In the meantime, Ludger takes off the rings of the gauntlet, after taking four from the hands he comes for the fifth located at the pinky finger and takes off the last ring in instant gravitation starts to take effect on armour and sword. Violet Armour fall off on the stone floor and sinks a few inches into the ground, Gigantic sword is another matter it looks like it will sink into the stone unlit it comes to the core of the New World Ludger hastily shouts "Lex Grab the sword!!!!" as he tries to hold it he can't move it in any way or stop from sinking after sword sinks halfway Lex finally grabs it by the hilt and stop it from sinking into stone "Fuck It's heavy what happened for it to sink"

"I removed that ring" He points at the ring laying on the floor and grabs it "Put it on my finger! I can't last any longer!"

Lex takes off the left pinky finger from the hilt, and then the sword starts to sink again Ludger in a heartbeat puts a ring on Lexes finger. Sword weight decidedly reduces as he still exerts all of his force sword slashes through stone like a hot knife butter leaving a deep over one-meter cut mark going across the floor and wall

As Lex mistakenly makes a big vertical slash he lands on his butt, after a few moments dire situation ends

"How the hell this sword is so fucking heavy with my strength it shouldn't be any problem"

Lex thinks 'even Cocytus NPC with highest attack power that likely measures strength would have big difficulty with holding it if for some reason somebody else activated this trap then they would say goodbye to the sword as it falls to the deepest parts of the planet '

"I don't know …." Ludger starts to use his brain and an idea comes to his mind "… Maybe it's 'World item' like you explained before. It's weird for something in that size to weigh so much"

"Ludger you are a fucking genius " Now when Lex takes a closer look at the Big ass sword he comes to the realization ' Wait this sword looks like something I know … It's a dragon slayer from Berserk, the primary weapon of Guts ' Lex stands up and takes the sword to measure its longness in comparison to his body

'It looks like DS is a little bit longer around 3 inches (12cm) to a total of 75 inches (195cm). That Game developer must be a fine specimen of weeb to add DS to Yggdrasil, now I'm curious what ability it has, In manga after bathing in the blood of demons it gained the ability to hurt anything.'

When Lex thinks his nose is bombarded by the smell of spices coming from the DS 'now I'm some hunting dog for treasures? And how I'm supposed to know how to identify the ability of DS and armour not even speak about rings' Lex starts thinking as it goes in anime and novel of Overlord 'Well Momonga doesn't have any problems with using spells that his character learned. he did it by instinct. Let's try it, maybe it will work'