
World Breaker: Maximizing Efficiency Gave Me Broken Stats!

What will you do if the world suddenly gets turned into a game? In a situation where Levels and special powers exist, there are even monsters and mutated animals to fight. Most gamers would probably rejoice, but what about normal people? A world where mutated monsters took over the vast majority of lands. A mysterious system made by the combined consciousness of nanomachines. An all-powerful entity deeming Earth as Open for invasions! Chaos and death. Defending from invasions or counter-invading the other side... How about you? In this situation, what would you do?

SeraphWedd · Fantasy
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72 Chs

20 Hours Without Backup (1)

As the pets were eating, we started to set up a temporary camp near the foxes' nest. Of course, since we didn't have the proper tools and equipment for setting up camp, we could only use spare materials, like last time.

Leather and cloth are used as tarps, acting as a roof over our heads. It was another simple, envelope-style tent. While we were setting up the tent, Mina went and tried to fetch the trike, parking it a little bit closer. However, it seems like the difference between auto and manual got to her, and she almost crashed it against one of the piles of bones.

"Great, now that we have set up camp, it's time to explore!" Toki spoke with great gusto.

The primary reason we came here early is to take advantage of the new lands and try to gain as much advantage as possible. There could be treasures or rare materials nearby, after all.

"Right, let's do that. But this time, we'll go in two groups only," I clarified.

There's still the unknown threat that probably wiped out the entire scout team after all. We can't say that whatever got them wouldn't move, so it's better to be cautious.

"Groupings?" Mina asked, crossing her arms across her chest.

I looked over our group, analyzing our battle styles. We have one healer, one mage, two melee, a long-range DPS, and a multi-role player. Taking into consideration the team's balance and flexibility, only one configuration would work.

"First: Lily, Hailey, and Toki. You three would be team alpha. Me, Mina, and Marionne would be team beta."

Hailey's spear would be more than enough DPS, and when there are monsters immune to or strong against physical attacks, then there's Toki to back her up. Furthermore, Lily would provide them with healing in case of injury or support when they needed more power.

The second team is me as the main DPS, Mina as the long-range DPS and support, and Marionne with her flexible class that could deal physical and magic damage, acting as a shortstop. For us, rather than flexibility, it was more focused on attacking. Clearing enemies at the fastest time possible!

"... I wanted to be on Ruin's team, though..." Hailey sighed but didn't have any qualms about my chosen personnel assignments.

If it was her deciding the split, then she would most likely divide their group the same way. Toki and Lily also didn't have any problems and quickly prepared to move out and continue scouting the surroundings.

As everyone was doing their preparation, I started to talk about our objectives. "First, we would prioritize scouting out precious resources, points of interest, and hostile regions."

To ensure the safety of the base camp when the military comes here tomorrow, we need to gather as much information as possible on the local topography and enemy distribution. If not for the threat of being able to kill off a team of 3rd-class dudes, then this mission would be a lot easier since we could split up into six directions like last time.

Just as we finished setting up, distributing consumables, and double-checking our weapons, the foxes finished eating their meal. Of course, it's not like they'd give us a ride like before. The three kits curled up in their nest, taking a nap right after having their fill. With their children sleeping, the parent foxes decided to stay in place, guarding them. In short, this time, we can't expect backup from a powerful ally.

"Right, time to decide which direction we'll go—west or east?"

North was the direction the first scout team went and got wiped out. South, on the other hand, was the direction where the bees retreated, making it the tentative direction where the enemies were located.

"West!" Lily answered as she raised her hand.

She turned to look at her two teammate's faces, gauging their reactions, and felt relief after seeing them nod. "West sounds good. Well, both directions look the same, anyway," Hailey confirmed.

From what we could see, other than the extremely hot and dry, desert-like region, nothing else could be seen. As far as our eyes could see, nothing but an open field with nothing expanded.

"Then, let's go with five hours. After five hours, we should be back here. In case the other team doesn't return in time, wait for an hour before going rushing to their side."

Five hours should be more than enough time to go and explore the entire region we selected. Furthermore, it should give us enough time to prepare before sundown.

"If you encounter an enemy beyond your capabilities, quickly send a flare. You still got the ones I gave you before, right?" Just in case, I reminded them.

With our preparations finished, respectively, our two teams finally started to explore.


Toki, Lily, and Hailey. The three of them decided to head west, running at a leisurely pace of about 20 kilometers per hour.

"You backed down pretty quickly! I thought you wanted to be on Mahiro's team?" Toki remarked, looking at Hailey with a cocky grin.

Hailey sighed as if thinking that Toki's words were spot on. "You know that this configuration is the one that gives us the most balance on both parties."

"With me being a melee too, it's hard for me and him to be on the same team when divvying up the party..." Her voice trailed off; a hint of loneliness and sadness could be glimpsed in her words.


Toki was only picking on her with a joking attitude; she didn't expect that Hailey was actually pretty down with regards to the topic. Unable to mutter a word in reply, their team ran straight until something finally entered their vision.

"You two, enough talk. I can see something like ruins ahead!"

Lily's words quickly broke the weird atmosphere, causing the two to return to their serious modes. Their eyes narrowed, trying to see the far end of the path and identify the type of ruins they were heading to.

"Is that... a city?" Toki muttered in disbelief.

They originally thought that this planet was an underdeveloped one, a primordial one per se, and that it was under attack by insects. However, now that they could see traces of previous civilizations, their initial conclusion seemed to be off the mark.

"So an intelligent species did exist in this world!" Hailey added, her eyes widening in awe. "Let's go and see it closer!"

The three of them doubled their pace, rushing across the desert-like environment. Soon enough, they reached the location of the ruins. All around them, destroyed buildings made of blocks and concrete were scattered everywhere. Some still retained their previous shape, making it obvious what sort of level of construction the people of this world had.

"They had enough technology to create tall buildings, it seems, but it's still far behind our current technology. I guess around the industrial revolution level at most," Toki explained as she analyzed the traces of civilization she could observe.

There were traces of other materials, similar to metal and plastic, inside the ruined houses. Glass was common too, especially on windows and doors. As they kept on forging deeper into the ruined city, the more they discovered the previous civilization that once lived on this planet.

"But looking at how battered this place is, it must've been years ago when this place was destroyed," Lily muttered as she picked up a fragment of something that looked plastic, but it crumbled to dust upon her touch. "It could even be longer than a decade, for all we know."


Suddenly, Toki raised her hand, stopping the other two from taking another step further. Hailey was confused at first, but after a few seconds, her face turned serious. "We... are surrounded."

They haven't let down their guards for even a moment. Despite that, a group of hostiles still managed to surround them. Their presence was thoroughly hidden until the moment their formation was completed!

"There's no way out. We need to fight," Toki muttered, raising the staff in her hand lightly.

At that moment, a few figures popped out of the ruined building's shadows. They looked like black ants, drawing on six long and strong-looking legs. Each was pretty big, but compared to the beyond-human-size insects that invaded Earth, the one-foot-long ants were several times smaller.

"Don't let your guard down! These things are at least level 30!" Lily shouted as she held her mace, her eyes flickering with worry. "Should we call for backup?"

Hailey flicked her spear, waving it around as if it weighed nothing. "Backup? Just because of these small fries? No need!"

"You worry too much, Lily. These numbers wouldn't even be a threat." Even Toki felt the same, a confident smile covering her face. "Let's go and raise our levels using these things!"

The ants moved rapidly, like a single entity, assaulting the three from all sides. Toki didn't waste a moment and waved her wand, sending three fireballs to block the ants from approaching any further. On the other side, Hailey was waving her spear with finesse, killing the ants with a single swipe, literally.

"That was quick." Hailey sighed, looking at how all the ants, numbering a few dozen, turned into corpses in under a minute. "I thought they'd pose a little more threat to us."

"... Uhm... Toki? Hailey? I think we're in deep trouble now." However, Lily was sweating bullets as she looked around. "These ants... they have reinforcements!"

From further into the ruins, an army of ants appeared. Their numbers were not only in the dozens but over the hundreds. Toki, Lily, and Hailey looked at each other, nodding their heads firmly.

"Let's run!"

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