
World ALTer - EinjarD

Many years ago, In order to protect humankind from the extinction, humankind created Einjard from a very advanced nano-tech. This tech was able to created a bio-mecha capable to halt the mysterious beings the humanity nemesis. Now, humanity has lose its places above the ground, and being forced to hide themselves so They could survive. "For the loved of mother Earth" Humanity once again rise to fent off those creatures and trying to reclaim the earth. --------------- Warning (18+) Gore and explicit content.

Yasha10 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Ch. 10

In the corner side of Sheila's room, Dr. Millie was sitting with her and having a cup of tea. She was taking the opportunity to ask Sheila a few questions before addressing the events that took place while she was unconscious.

"Before all of that, do you know what is an Einjards, Sheila?"

Hearing the question that being asked by Dr. Millie, Sheila took a moment to think about them before answering.

"An Einjards was a bio-mecha that capable to defeated our enemies, like those creepers? "

Hearing Sheila's answer, Dr. Millie nodded her head, as if she was agreeing with her. However, she then added "Of course that was correct, but it's only about 30% of it"

"An Einjards was a bio-weapon we had to defeat our enemies, which consisted of two people who could control it. In order to do that, we needed a man and a woman onboard."

"Let me ask you something, what would happen if only a girl controls it?"

"I don't know." Sheila responded while tilting her head curiously.

"The answer would be your case Sheila... At some point, when only the girl who controls the Einjards , the Einjards would definitely go on a rampage, without caring who their foe or friend is."

"After a while, the Einjards would definitely becomes more stronger and stronger by every second, while losing their reasoning. Not only that, when a mutation occur the girl would went a drastic change in their einjards appearance. Making things become much worse for every second."

"That's why, there's a rule in our kingdom that stated when a Einjards becoming a mutant, the one who killed her could do anything to her remaining dead bodies as they like, that's why Seth want you to die so he could make you as an ingredient for weapon making"

"Beside, when someone become a mutant einjards just like you... The cores they carried becomes corrupted and unable to be reuse anymore"

After saying all of that details about the Einjards, Dr. Millie let out a small sigh while smiling reassuringly to Sheila, in an attempt to comfort her.

"Do you know how much a B-Core Grade you corrupted cost?" Dr milley ask while taking a sip of her tea, while waiting Sheila response.

"I don't know" Sheila said with a worried look in her eyes, showing her concern and confusion. She didn't knew how much it cost and it didn't seem like a good news, judging by the fact that Dr. Millie was asking this question so suddenly.

"It'll take more 50 building of a brand new orpahanage house your live in Sheila or in other words it takes more than $80 billions of Ether "

"WHAAAAT!!!!??" hearing this, her jaw literally dropping to the floor when she heard how much it costed. She was flabbergasted by that fact and couldn't make sense of why something like that would cost so much.

"A-are you SERIOUS Dr?" Sheila said still couldn't believe that fact.

"Yes.. That's how expensive that core is, usually when an einjards fallen from the battle the core could be resynchronized with another person.. It's like a family heirloom in our military, it's the first time someone could turn into an einjards without making the right procedure, and in that case it was you Sheila... "

"Also In the military rules, it's a grave violation when an Einjards turns into a mutant, and they're demanded the family soldier to pay for the loss of that cores. fun fact, the mutant einjards usually would be put down because there's no hope in returning them to normal, so at the end of the day their bodies could be used as an ingredients for an ego weapon."

"You are the second the exception Sheila.. Maybe you are more special than I thought, good grief your survive that hell"

Hearing this new piece of information, Sheila swallowed her spit out of concern. It was a lot to digest, and it was also a pretty terrifying thought that their dead bodies could be used for such purposes, even in death there's no peace for those soldiers.

"Well, that sums up how important the cores are. We can't easily replace them after all." The doctor's last words telling Sheila how crucial these cores are and how difficult it would be to replace them if they were lost.

"Okay I got it doctor... So what would happened to me?" Sheila said while having worried face.

"Hard to say.. Commander hayato would tell you the rest of the detail"

After delivering all of that information, Miss Milley stood up to leave Sheila's room. Outside, Seth was waiting patiently on the other side of the door.

Dr. Milley and Seth's glances at each other seemed to be a form of communication, as if they were communicating non-verbally. The doctor seemed to be indicating that she had told Sheila everything that she needed to know.

Sheila, who had apparently just exited the room as well, appeared to have a worried look on her face. She had heard all of the concerning information that Dr. Miley had just given her and was probably wondering what was going to happen next.

Seth scratched his head and asked Sheila, "You get the gist of all that?"

"Ummm, yes...." She responded, while avoiding eye contact with Seth.

"By the way, nice fight... You were kinda strong back then, it's been a while I fight someone strong." Seth commented while giving a thumbs up, complimenting Sheila on a fight she didn't even conscious, making her wondering what she did exactly.

"But don't get your hopes too high up, I'm still not changing my mind about having you as an ego weapon." Seth said nonchalantly, as if it was nothing. He had already decided that he wanted her for the very purpose of using her as an ego weapon, and she would have zero say in the matter.

As Sheila and Seth were talking and she was about to ask a question, Commander Hayato came out from the corner of the hallway and headed in her direction.

"Hang on a minute, stop right there..." Commander Hayato said sternly, with a gesture directed towards Seth. He didn't seem to appreciate him bothering Sheila and was ready to intervene.

Seeing that annoying commander came, Seth's response with a tongue click, showing his frustration at being interrupted. It seemed like he was going to have to leave and he didn't seem to be too happy about it. He turned and waved slightly at Sheila, giving her a brief farewell. "Well here we go....I guess. See you around....Sheila, right?"

While Sheila watched Seth as he walked away, Dr. Millie shrugged her shoulders at Commander Hayato, indicating that she didn't consider this wasn't such a big deal. She was probably used to people who has Seth's kinda behavior and knew that he would back off when someone with authority told him to do so.

"Sheila.. Come with Dr. Milley into my room. She already told you something you need to know, correct?" Commander Hayato asked Sheila, indicating that he wanted her to accompany him to his room.

He didn't state what the reason was, but he seemed to have something important to discuss.

After a few moments, Sheila and Dr. Milley made their way into the office room. Sheila was seated and sitting perfectly straight with a worried expression, while Dr. Millie stood nearby her.

"You're looking like a bit of a scaredy-cat. You did look so brave and strong before, back when you were out looking for your little brother." Commander Hayato stated, while smiling towards Sheila reassuring her as he tried to downplay the serious situation. He wanted Sheila to calm down.

"Y-yes... "

"There's no need to be afraid, I'm not gonna hurt you. Rather, I'm here to help you..." Commander Hayato said, trying to ease Sheila's worries with his soft tone and reassuring expression.

"You don't need to worry about the settlement payment. As one of the higher-ups, I will take care of it personally. Consider it done." Commander Hayato said, giving her a big grin to match his tone, which indicated that this was just a small matter to him and not a huge deal.

"Rather....I would like to say thank you. Because of you, we're able to save more lives. It's truly a remarkable feat that you were able to overcome such a situation. If Captain Carla hadn't given you her cores, I don't think any of the survivors in the shelter would have made it out." Commander Hayato said, giving Sheila the proper recognition for how she had managed to help so many people.

"What I've been thinking, it seems that you didn't just save your little brother. You saved the lives of many people who were in a deep state of despair at that time, and among them is someone very important, someone important who you saved too." Commander Hayato said, noting that Sheila had saved not only her little brother but many others as well. He also noted how some of them were important people.

"Yes.. I heard that my little brother could made it out alive thanks to my rampage in the middle of city, buying times for him to hides"

"Yes, your rampage in the middle of city bought a lot of time for your little brother, giving him a chance to escape and hide safely." Commander Hayato said, confirming that Sheila's actions had indeed played a role in allowing her little brother to survive.

"That's why I want to admit you to the military academy. We would like to conduct some experiments with your blood, and we're finding that your blood is more special than we initially thought it was." Commander Hayato said, revealing the reasoning behind his decision to admit Sheila to the military academy.

"I believe, Dr. Milley told you that your blood could potentially be used for curing your little brother, isnt?" Commander Hayato asked, assuming that was the information she had been given.

"Yes.. For my little brother, I'm willing to give everything that I can"

"Good. I suppose we'll be seeing each other at the academy." Commander Hayato said, seeing as how they had come to an understanding and concluded the conversation.
