
Working as a private detective in the fictional world

Reincarnating into a world full of mysteries, Jaxon Cross must find his way to the top to live the hedonistic lifestyle he desperately pleases, with the help of his unreliable system and his own intellect. For additional chapter join my patreon patreon.com/WriteandZen ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ. ⌖ ╾━╤デ╦︻ The novel is a collection of different movies, comics, and even TV series. Including popular movies like Fast and the Furious, Marvel, and various slasher and action movies. ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ. ⌖ ╾━╤デ╦︻ And yes, I've been inspired by "Super Detective in the Fictional World," and many series with similar ideas. But I'll promise you an original take on the series.

Write_and_Zen · Movies
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28 Chs


"I am Vince." He introduced himself, "I've got a plan to get us out of here but I need your help!"

"Really?" Jaxon's eyes shined with hope as he looked back at him hope, "You can trust me, I'll do anything to get out of here!"

Vince scanned the room, his ears straining for any hint of movement behind the closed doors. The silence reassured him. He leaned closer to Jaxon and whispered, "I've got a knife in my back pocket. If you can get it out, we can cut the ropes and get out of here."

Jaxon's face lit up with a mix of determination and relief. He shifted in his chair, inching closer to Vince. "Alright, let's do this. Just stay still and let me try to reach it."

Vince nodded, tensing as Jaxon twisted his body, trying to reach Vince's pocket with his bound hands. Every second felt like an eternity, the fear of being caught hanging heavy in the air.

"Almost there..." Jaxon muttered, his fingers brushing against the fabric of Vince's jeans. Finally, he managed to grasp the handle of the knife and carefully pulled it out. "Got it!"

Vince exhaled, a small smile forming on his lips. "Good job. Now, cut my ropes first, and we'll take it from there."

Jaxon nodded, carefully maneuvering the knife to cut Vince's ropes. The blade sawed through the thick cords, and Vince winced as the friction tugged against his raw skin. After a few tense moments, the ropes loosened and fell away, freeing Vince's hands.

"Yes," Vince whispered, rubbing his wrists to restore circulation.

"Now free me, hurry!" Jaxon said with anticipation but after a while of waiting, he turned around to find Vince just glaring at him.

"Sorry, kid!" He said, "I'll let someone know about you!"

Vince ignored Jaxon as he made his way towards the doors clutching his chest.

"Do you really think you can get out of here?" Jaxon's cold voice sounded out as he menacingly stared at Vince, "Look at you, you can barely walk!"

Vince paused, turning to face Jaxon, his expression hardening. "What's your angle, kid?"

Jaxon's demeanor had shifted, the hopeful and desperate facade melting away to reveal a calculating glare, "Do you take me for a fool?"

"You need me to get out of here just as much as I need you. So stop playing games."

Vince tightened his grip on the knife, his instincts screaming at him to stay alert.

Jaxon smirked, the bruises on his face making the expression look even more sinister. "You don't get it, do you? Do you really think you can escape, the way you are? There are two people guarding the door, can you defeat them? With your tiny knife while limping around like a retard?"

Vince paused, his eyes narrowing at Jaxon's taunting words. He could feel a surge of anger rising within him, but he forced himself to stay calm and focused. Jaxon's mocking demeanor only fueled Vince's determination to prove him wrong.

"I don't need to defeat them," Vince replied, his voice steady despite the throbbing pain in his ribs. "I just need to outsmart them."

"And how do you plan to do that genius?" Jaxon's smirk faltered for a moment, replaced by a pitying look, "Get me out of here, and I'll make sure to get you home."

"If not I don't mind getting beaten up around a few more times alongside you, waiting for that guy to bring your friends here one after another and torture them too."

Vince's eyes narrowed, suspicion rising in his chest. Jaxon's sudden change in tone set off alarm bells in his mind. But he was right, the enemy was unknown and with the masked guy's skill, it wouldn't take him long to hunt down the rest of the crew.

"What's your game, Jaxon?" Vince asked, his voice low and cautious.

Jaxon shrugged, a nonchalant smirk playing on his lips. "No game, Vince. Just survival. And right now, it looks like our best chance is sticking together."

Vince studied Jaxon's face, searching for any hint of deception. But the bruises and desperation seemed genuine enough. Still, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Jaxon's story than he was letting on.

"Fine," Vince said, his tone wary. "But don't think for a second that I trust you."

Jaxon chuckled, a dark edge to the sound. "Trust is overrated, Vince. Let's just focus on getting out of here in one piece."

With a silent nod, Vince turned around releasing Jaxon from his bind.

Jaxon stood up towering over the hunched-up Vince with a smirk as he stretched around cracking his back, "Oh! That feels good!"

"What's the plan?" Vince asked still unsure about his decision,

"We take it simple and easy," Jaxon said walking towards the door, and before Vince could say anything he opened the door.

"Wai-" Vince felt his words get stuck in his throat as he watched Jaxon beat up the two men next to the door with ease. He had figured Jaxon had been bluffing him to escape but it didn't seem like the case anymore.

"Looks like we're in the basement of some creepy abandoned building!" Jaxon said as he picked up a rusted metal pipe that one of the people guarding the door had on him, "Keep walking, I'll try to find a way out."

With Jaxon rushing away, Vince was left alone as he struggled to gain any large momentum with his injury. Clutching his bruised body, he held on to the walls as he slowly made progress navigating his way out of the building.

Passing through one room after another, he saw nothing but several bodies of men lying on the floor, some grunting on the floor and some looked like they were knocked out cold, "Who is this kid..."

As Vince pressed on, his movements slow and labored, he couldn't shake off the feeling of vulnerability that gnawed at him with every step. The pain from his injuries radiated through his body, threatening to overwhelm him with every movement.

His breath came out in ragged gasps as he leaned heavily against the rough, cold walls of the dimly lit corridor. Each agonizing step felt like a battle against his own body, but he refused to succumb to the darkness that threatened to engulf him.

Suddenly, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed down the corridor, causing Vince's heart to skip a beat. Panic surged through him as he frantically searched for a place to hide, but there was nowhere to run, nowhere to escape.

The footsteps grew louder, and closer, until finally, two figures emerged from the shadows. Vince's blood ran cold as he recognized them as the same men who had attacked him earlier. Fear gripped him like a vice as he braced himself for another onslaught.

With a menacing glint in their eyes, the men charged toward Vince, their movements swift and aggressive. Vince's heart hammered in his chest as he desperately tried to defend himself, but his weakened state made him an easy target.

Blows rained down upon him, each strike sending waves of pain shooting through his battered body. He gritted his teeth against the agony, refusing to give his attackers the satisfaction of seeing him break.

But just as Vince felt himself on the brink of collapse, a familiar voice cut through the chaos like a beacon of hope. It was Jaxon, his presence a welcome relief in the midst of the turmoil.

With a determined roar, Jaxon launched himself at the attackers, his movements fluid and precise. He fought with a ferocity that took Vince by surprise, swiftly overpowering their assailants with a series of well-aimed strikes.

In the blink of an eye, the tide of the battle turned, and Vince found himself standing alongside Jaxon as he tried to defend against the attack while Jaxon went on the offense.

As the last of their enemies fell to the ground, defeated and broken, Vince couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards Jaxon. Despite their rocky start, Jaxon had proven himself to be a true ally in their fight for survival.

With a weary smile, Vince turned to Jaxon, his eyes reflecting the silent understanding that had formed between them. They may have started off as strangers thrown together by circumstance, but now, they were bound by a shared goal: to escape this place.

"Thanks," Vince said with his voice hoarse, "And I am sorry-"

"It's cool," Jaxon said holding on to Vince who barely could stand anymore, "Listen, I found a way out, and unless there are any more surprises we should be good."

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