
Wondrous Limitation

"Life has meaning because we are in the end, doomed. Who would you be without restraints? The inevitable answer is; Nothing.. We are capable of living because of our mortality. There is a wonder in our limitation." Earth was struck by a phenomenon in which no scientist could find the answer of in its occurrence. It was later named as the "Terran Displacements." People began to vanish within the blink of an eye, seemingly disappearing from existence. The Earth panicked. The world continued in chaos and fear, no one knew when their time would come, or when their loved ones would one day vanish. That was, until one day. An Earthling managed to return. Everything changed, and Earth fought back. I lost my family to the Displacements. Now.. I will also fight back.

ReignyDays · Fantasy
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18 Chs

The Unfading

As the world began to hear the words of the dying man, many came to startling theories.

The people that were displaced, were actually sent to a different world.

The Displacements were a tactic to weaken Earth, mainly mentioned because the man said war.

The Displacements were accidental ruptures in the fabric of Space and Time, mainly mentioned because the man said Displacement.

Other theories existed but non were as popular as the aforementioned.

When people finally got the gist of it, their fear turned into rageful hatred. The result?

They welcomed cold intellect in the preparation to fight back. The original chaos now carried purpose.

Even though people were disappearing every day, the world slowly noted down every occurrence; so that they would never be forgotten.


Within the Northwest of a once prosperous country, a young man shined with a bright light against the darkness that prevailed within the world.

In his city, he built his own faction at the young age of seventeen. Slowly rising in the hearts of the people.

At first, he built it under his father's Company name, but the people of the city refused to accept that.

Thus, "The Unfading Heart Faction" was birthed.

Behind it, the ideals of the farmer fighting for his kingdom because of the love he had for his family, his people, and his land, stood proud.

The faction was wholeheartedly united. They supported each other in the small endeavors, as well as the large ones. They focused on unity and self-sustainability.

When one was displaced, the family would be comforted. When they grew depressed, they were there for each other once more.

They stood firm against the chaos and the bandits. Although much of the world united over time, there were still many who held a grudge against the world government. That included anyone who wanted to imitate their systems.

The reason for his success was not due to his financial power or military might. It was all possible because he never stopped helping, even when he had lost everything he never gave up. That inspired the people of Northwind City, which earned him a reputation that won the hearts of thousands.

He replaced the corrupted police, the degenerate politicians, and the sadistic opportunists. He realized that panic was going to do nothing but harm Earth.

Of course, he didn't come out of the dark reaches of history unscathed. After losing his family, he became distraught. Sorrowful and apathetic.

When he was six, he lost his mother.

When he was ten, he lost his brother.

When he was twelve, he lost his sister.

When he was fifteen, he lost his father.

He slowly pulled away from everyone. He couldn't bear the losses and the scars that were left after their absence.

He wanted to be selfish, and resentful. He wanted to hate everything. To rage against everything.

But when the most trusted person in his father's company came to him for help, he couldn't hold back anything anymore. His chest swelled with pain, and a lump formed in his throat as warm tears cascaded down his face.

He punched and kicked the old uncle who had always been there since he could remember. He screamed with all his might until his throat was sore.

As the emotions flowed, the memories of his family surged. The feeling of loss ripped at his heart and caused his screams to turn into guttural roars.

His body felt powerless, drained of any will to continue.

It was at that moment that he realized his uncle had yet to make a sound.

He looked up, only to see the tear stains running down his uncle's face. The trembling of his whole body, and the contorted expression he wore stunned him to the core.

It was only at this moment that he noticed the little things he had missed in his grievance. The grey hairs, the wrinkles around his eyes and forehead. His hunched back, and his dehydrated skin which almost resembled leather.

His Uncle had always been someone who was composed at all times, someone who stood strong against the sands of time, and the tribulations of circumstance.

But at that moment, it pained him to see his uncle like that. So he fought back everything he was feeling so that he could bear the burdens of his only living relative.

As he grew up, he turned the fortune of his father's company around. Eganian Industries became a symbol of hope in Northwind City. He rallied the people around the company and started to build a self-sustaining faction.

Under his command, Eganian Industries expanded into the mining industry, farming industry, and weapons industry.

When the opportunity arose for him to take a political position, he didn't hesitate.

The previously corrupted government that attempted to establish order was eradicated within a couple of years.

Northwind became a haven for lost folks.

Even one of his distant cousins who was a former Special Ops Soldier showed up at his doorstep, helping him train up a personal militia, as well as training him in the art of combat and command.

As he grew up, he delved into Philosophy, Anthropology, Martial Arts, And Self-development, quickly becoming the man that he is today.

The Leader of the Unfading Heart Faction, and the hope of Northwind City. The man with nothing left to lose.

Amaranthus Eagan, The Unfading Fire. The one who was never snuffed out.

Here's the second chapter.

We finally get the MC's Name! Woohoo.


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