
Chapter 2

Seven year-old Jimin continued to chase after you around the courtyard. It's been a routine to have you visit him everyday after school. His parents weren't as busy as yours were and they enjoyed your company to pieces.

"Chim!" You suddenly yell. Jimin smiles over his shoulder as he points towards the house. "I'll go get us some drinks. Be right back."

So there you were left standing all alone in a big yard. You waited. And waited.

Until you couldn't wait anymore.

You got up to your feet and strode towards the pretty fence where the sidewalk meets you. If Jimin was gonna take his time preparing the drinks, then might aswell find a way to keep yourself entertained.

You walk up to the house a few steps from Jimins and slowly knock at their door.You made sure your pony-tails were tight,grinning widely.

A pretty familiar face peaks as the mahogany finally opens. The sparkles in her eyes seem to brighten when they land on your toothy grin. It's as if she expected you to come, chuckling as she steps aside to let your excited feet jump in.

You familiarly skip around the hallway leading to the livingroom. Behind, you hear her say. "Make yourself comfortable sweetheart. I'll tell him you're here."


It's long after the bus started moving when you're finally able to step out. Fresh breeze greets you rather than the stinky city that's been populated by garbage and buildings.

You revel on the surrounding greens and clear blue sky peaking from the twigs above.

From here, it'll take another three hours before arriving on the camping ground. The thought leaves you groaning mentally. Jimin's all cozy and asleep where you left him inside.

While you needed to use the bathroom.

"Okey boys!" Yells Coach Sejin. "You've got ten minutes to stretch and take a piss then we're leaving!"

You were the fifth to step out, debating whether or not to scram towards the forest and do your business behind a tree. There's a bathroom over there but that would just risk your identity.

It's a challenge you had placed a thought on the last couple of hours. Then again. With Jimin going on about it, how could you not?

When no one's looking, you quickly get behind the bus and make your way towards the woods.

Its unknown to you how a pair of eyes' observes you making your escape. For a minute, he remains still, watching intently.

His perfect brows arches down as the certain feeling swells his chest again. Something about you makes him want to make amends with you in the nicest way possible. But at the same time swing a bat towards your ribs.

He doesnt know why. Or maybe he does.

Maybe...maybe because you looked so wrong in his eyes. Everything about you. After the intents of grabbing your attention, when you spoke up, he expected a somewhat deep manly tone to combat the softness of your delicate  features. Maybe then it would chase away those weird feelings.

But boy did he get the surprise of his life.

You were hiding something. And the way Jimin acted proved half of him right.

It won't be long before he figures what it is.

Jungkook remains unfazed until you've disappeared from his sight.

After a minute of searching for a safe spot, you're finally able to stop and you reach for the hem of your shorts.

"Four minutes!"

Coach Sejin's announcment barely reaches you as you crouch down, carefully avoiding sticks that decorated the soil.

"Finally." You sigh in relief.

"Three minutes!"

Nevertheless, you heard him loud and clear.


Jimin was about to lose his mind when he woke up to find your seat abandoned and empty. Practically bolting out the door. Sejin thought the poor boy really had to go before clicking the megaphone on. "Two more minutes!"

Jimin found you beside a cabin laughing your hat off. He sighs in relief. No one knows yet. You're still safe.

You were able to tone down your voice a little and you think it was working like a charm.

"No way!" Your new friend, Jin, hollers in laughter as he punches you on the shoulder. The way his blond hair swings with motion gives off an affect of a shiny streak under the blaring sun.

When you returned from the woods, Jin had stared at you for a minute before approaching you with a question that had caught you off guard.

To think a cute guy like him would ask such a childish question was out of your thoughts. And since you didn't want to scare such a potential friend, you simply grinned and replied to his belief of werewolves.

"Yes way! He calls himself diminie in his sleep!" You assure. "There was also this one time when h-"


Jimin stands beside you as he eyes Jin, who in return, tries not to choke on his doritos. Stifling a laugh, you slap a hand on your cousin's back.

"Jimin, Jin." You grin. "Jin, this is my cousin Jimin."

"Cousin uh?"  Jin stuffs another doritos in his mouth, suddenly going quiet. Jimin's spine seem to tense against your hand and you begin to question.

Did you say something wrong?

"You wish." Your cousin suddenly says, looking at you. He shakes your hand away and playfully yanks your cap down gently. "This little twerp moved in last week and immediately proclaimed I was the family he never had. Cousin my ass." He scoffs. "I'd rather sell myself on a black market than to be related with him."

Forget about saying something wrong. You were defintly missing something here.

"Ah!" Jin's happy aura returns and he points at you. "So it's you. Geez Doyoung, I guess what Jimin says about you isn't all lie."

"Hold up!" You can't keep up with this as you flail your hands in the air. God were you confused. "You two...know each other?" The finger motioning inbetween gets smacked down by Jimin's hand before he's rolling his eyes.

"Obviously." Jin agrees with a nod as you turn to him, rubbing your hand.

"Why didn't you say anything then?"

He laughs charmingly, biting down on another chip. "Its fun finding out hidden stories of your friends."