
Womanizer[DXD/Multi Anime Crossover]

Sometimes understanding what a woman wants is a very difficult thing, my friend. It’s like trying to figure out what color, the letter seven, smells like. I have learned that long long ago, they are like exams, you know. They ask too many questions and are hard to understand… But it feels good when you’ve nailed one.

HentaiisArt · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Life is not daijoubu

The second I ordered that I was rewarded by a marvelous barrel roll, from the shy guy. "Good Boy." Wow, that barrel roll was very professional, so I praised the guy for his top-notch roll and his effort.

[You are now treating it like a dog, you are insane!] Hush, keep quiet. [SCP-096 has been added as your summoned beast, the user can see the creature status by simply willing it to appear] [Through special action you have earned the following skill: Shadow Save]

[The user can store the summoned creatures that he has created through his Sacred Gear, Annihilation Maker, inside of his own shadow and recall them when needed.] That's a pretty good skill, thanks to that I don't have to worry about space or keep them in the basement.

And lastly, I will have an army of Scp's with me. Wherever I go, they go to.

[SCP-096, Shy Guy]

Lv 50

Loyalty: Hyōdō Issei.

Class: Euclid.

HP: 200,000.

Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Telepathy, Resistance, Invulnerability, Sixth Sense, Clairvoyance, Regeneration, Rage Power, Berserk Mode, Feral Mind, Self-sustenance.

[Description: SCP-096 is a paranormal humanoid contained by the SCP Foundation, an organisation which aspires to contain and study all paranormal phenomena. The humanoid is very tall and anorexic, is completely pale with white eyes and lacks any hair, and has bony or deformed features such as disproportional arms and a mouth 4 times the size of a human's when open. Whenever someone views the subjects face whether directly or through a photograph, it will become extremely agitated and go berserk, then it will proceed to seek whoever viewed it's face no matter where they are in order to kill and mutilate them leaving no trace, it is impossible to prevent this event. It originated from a large and popular sci-fi horror internet metaseries, it's a creature that hails from fiction, until host brought this abomination to life]

His status is very different from mine, but what the fuck is this! "200,000 fucking Hp that's… I am jealous." Shit is this because of me being human? Are human beings that frail? My own level is 50 but I only have 25,500 Hp points, my own summoned creature has 7 times more hp points than me.

[That's why I am telling you to change your race, and you don't even have to be afraid of dying from a holy object, Lucifer was never actually a devil in the first place, the negative energy has changed his body to a complicated different race, a much more superior version of the devils, his body was very much immune to light based attacks and holy object, his only weakness is the pure positive energy harnessed by God, but right now at this era, I don't think there is anyone who can harness that clarity of positive energy, well except for some God's like Amaterasu and Apollo, but their domains over light is inferior than that of my dear Father, so you don't have to be worried of them.] Me being a demon doesn't change that much except for the loss of my humanity, but do I care? I don't think so, afterall it's a small price to pay for survival.

"What about angels?" I asked, don't they use the same energy? [When I told you that you don't have to be worried about people like Amaterasu and Apollo! Do you think those weaklings will be able to harm you? Hell NO, those two are powerful Gods, Dammit!] Lucifer roared in irritation.

"Tell me about the boons of changing my race?" I asked Lucifer. [Very powerful Regeneration, your mana will be much more powerful and potent than any dark races, you will get two badass pairs of wings made of darkness, the negative energy will constantly empower your physical strength and increase your magical powers, devils will instinctively follow you like dogs, and you will acquire many other dark powers on the way, my friend.] Lucifer answered.

"Wow…" I was speechless, these powers are completely broken. [So, what do you think?] I think I will say yes.

[Great!] Lucifer exclaimed in glee. "So how does this spell work and how can I learn it?" [You need some specific creature's blood, organs, and hearts, to activate this spell. This spell is like a ritual, so once you complete it, it will mend itself on your flesh like a tattoo, and constantly absorb negative energy of the world.] Lucifer stated.

"What type of creatures blood do I need?" I asked and opened up my store, hoping that I might be able to acquire the things I need.

[Nemean Lion's blood, Hydra's eyes, basilisk poison sacks and eyes, elder Cerberus blood, evil dragon's blood, and heart, and lastly you will need a devil's heart, all the ingredient's need to be top quality.] There is a search bar at the top right corner, I clicked on it and seconds later a transparent screen popped up before me.

I got 80% of the ingredients, which is going to cost me a whopping 200,000 store points, the last two ingredients are kind of tricky.

The store doesn't have a devil's heart instead it has the heart of a demon, aren't demon and devil the same thing?

They have weird titles attached at the end, titles like abyss Demon, Primal, Origin, God, and I even saw a heart of Primordial demon, this last one is costly as fuck that single thing will cost me Ten million store points, although I have 30 million currently in my hands, I don't know If I should buy this shit, what if something goes wrong.

[You will be fine, the more powerful the demon is the more benefits you are going to get. Now let's look for our dragon's heart & blood] Lucifer assured me, I nodded in hesitation before wasting 10 million on a heart.

[Wow] Stop staring at the list in awe, and tell me which one should I buy? [Evil dragon... dragons are beings created from large masses of energy, their heart acts as powerful mana storage and it is constantly absorbing mana in the air and empowering its host, they have this mode they called it as "Outrage Mode", When a dragon is enraged, it was nearly impossible to control or stop it as their heart is absorbing the mana around them and pumping into their host body, hence they never run out of juice for a period of time, which could be anywhere between an hour or even a week.] I scroll through the list when suddenly lucifer's voice stops me from scrolling down any further. [Stop that one]

"Tathamet?" I clicked on it and a screen popped up before me.

[In the Diablo universe, Tathamet was formed when Anu, the first being to exist, tried to cast out all evil from himself to achieve a state of purity. These elements coalesced into a seven-headed dragon that was the sum total of all evil. Anu and Tathamet then battled between themselves for countless eons until their energies were depleted. It ended when they both delivered final blows of light and darkness so terrible that it created the universe and killed them both. Tathamet is an impressive dragon, to begin with, being the manifestation of ultimate primordial evil. On top of this, he is the progenitor of hell itself. After his death, his blackened corpse fell down into the darkest corners of reality and the realm of the Burning Hells was born from it. The race of demons was spawned like maggots from his remains and his seven heads spawned the Great Evils.] This thing is costly man.

[Issei, you can acquire store points whenever you want, but this, this right here is a one-time thing. This Dragon is evil incarnate, and probably can go toe to toe with the two dragon gods. You need strength, right? This here will give you absolute power, you need to buy this]

"Heart will cost me 15 million and three vials of blood will cost me 5 million, that's too expensive man." There will be no store points left to buy any other things, what if after becoming a demon, those devils & non-human beings in my school found about my new changes?

[Well, that will be a problem, but you will still have 115,000 store points left to waste, Issei] Lucifer pointed out, now that you mention it, I think, I will have a good sum of store points to waste.

"Hey, system, why does the store have these kinds of things?" I asked, hoping that it might reply. [For alchemy and Potion creations] Wow, it replied.

"Who gathers all these things?" I asked. [Gamers] "Gamers? You mean people like me?" [Yes, there are countless number of systems bonded with countless hosts living in an infinite number of worlds or Universe, so you are not alone.]

"Aren't you a chatterbox today?" I joked. [The previous user who was master in soul magic was able to leech a part of his soul with system after its death, when I bonded with the user, Hyōdō issei. That soul jumped onto you and like a parasite it was absorbing your life force to strengthen it, he used his previous authority as the user and changed the difficulty hopping that you might go insane so that he could easily devour your weakened soul and make your body his, he would have been successful if you hadn't lost your second life in the dungeon.] I-I don't understand... I.

[A one-time special function is provided to every host, if the system detects any life-threatening injuries inflicted inside the dungeons, that function will be commenced instantly and halt every action of the hostile mobs. Then it will run a diagnosis on the user, if it detects any abnormal status or even life-threatening injuries, the system will eliminate the negative status and heal the user.] Chills ran down on my spine after seeing this, I was extremely luck this time, just the thought of someone using my body is disgusting and makes my blood boil in rage.

[How did he die?] Lucifer asked suddenly. [The first Gamer, User: Han Jihan, hunted down the previous user down, this man is tarnishing the name of Gamers and causing great chaos in his home universe, so Han Jihan got rid of him]

As I was about to speak Lucifer interrupts me. [Who made you?] [The system is the manifestation of the very universe itself, in time of great danger the universe will choose a person and pass them the responsibility of Gamer, in time the universe will assign quests and the user must complete them.]

"Great Danger?" [Danger that could end your world, so level up if you want to know more about it] How much level do I need? How much time do I have? [200, as for time, five years that is all you've in your hand.] Phew, I have time.

[Life is not daijoubu] Lucifer exclaimed with a strained voice. "Why?" I asked in confusion, don't I've enough time?

[Issei, if a fucking soul shard can make your life that miserable then think, just think my friend how fucking hellish that danger will be!]

"Shit!" Grim realization dawn upon me. [Why the fuck our luck is that miserable! Fuck!] Even I have to agree on this, I think if my luck is shown on the status section it will be probably between 1 to 5.

[A few hours later, ground floor]

It took me a few hours to set up the ritual circle, I am using my living room since that is the only room big enough to perform this ritual.

First, I stored every piece of furniture and things inside the room in my inventory, and once it was empty, I used the elder Cerberus blood, and with lucifer's instruction I manage to create the circle, if you are wondering if it was something flashy then you are going to be disappointed, it is just a simple circle with a star in it.

Second, I placed all the ingredients at the pointed end of the star except for the demon's heart and the blood of the dragon.

Lucifer told me that I need hold the demon's heart close to my chest, and the blood of the evil dragon should be consumed.

"Are you sure this is going to work? The system only provided three small vials of blood? Will it be enough for the ritual?" I asked Lucifer.

[Yes, one is more than enough. Now shut your mouth and lay down inside the circle] Fine, Fine, I am still hesitant to perform this ritual, what if I die?

[You're such a baby, nothing will go wrong] I sighed in annoyance and lay down inside the circle, as told, but not before drinking the blood, which strangely tastes like a very robust hot sour Sause with a little pinch of metallic taste of blood.

[Now repeat my words] [Darkness…]

"Darkness beyond twilight, Darkness beyond the blackest pitch. Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows" I heard a rustling sound from somewhere inside the room, and then I felt a presence so strong and overwhelming settle upon my room.

The light in my room starts to flicker, and darkness soon claimed my room, I gazed long into the abyss that fell upon my room, I can feel it gazing back at me, the menacing aura of death seemed to pour out of the darkness that promised endless suffering, I was afraid, no I was terrified!

[Continue on, do not stop or it will consume you!] [I call upon…] My gut is churning with disquiet due to its sickening presence, but I didn't waste another second.

"I call upon thee and swear myself to thee. I stand ready to bear the strength you give me. Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed. Become one with my power, one with my body, and let us walk the path of chaos and destruction together!"

All the ingredients that I placed down inside the circle quickly break down in a liquified tar-like form, including the blackened heart that I am holding.

As if life is spat on them, the liquified ingredients crawled their way onto my chest, and in just a blink of an eye, my body soaked up that disgusting slime thing.

"Sweet dreams, sweety, I will see you tomorrow…" You cheeky bastard, that was digustang!

"Cheeky bastard…" My voice almost sounds like an incoherent slur, my eyes feel heavy and very weak.

[A/n: If you're wondering if he will get some reality-bending power then sorry, no he isn't getting them that early, but yeah he will get some pretty powerful abilities and his mana will be off the chart.]

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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