
woke up as revenant in marvel

when Marcus pissed off a Rob, instead of a cool power up and hot wive's, he gets trapped in revenant's body and taken to the beginning years of earth in marvel. Watch as he scrounges for a form of a regular life while trying to survive a world ending scenario with a purple psychopath with a killer rock collection.

mr_potato_guy · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

The Morning comes too soon

As I awoke during the early hours of the morning, I hurriedly checked my surroundings for any predators only to see the same sight as when I fell asleep.

Nothing but cold shadows and winding jungle, hammering in the fact that I really left my old world behind.

As I looked around I started to stare at my hands, then my arms, then my legs and torso, I truly am not human anymore, I take one hand up to my face and feel my smooth metal features and my matte jaw, taking in the fact that I am no longer human, but a cold machine, made of metal and wires, yet I can still feel my body as if I was still truly alive.

But enough of that, my first goal is to get food and water so I don't die... Before I could do so, I remember that I don't need to eat or drink, so I instead must find shelter because the weather might start storming soon and while I might not rust, electronics and water do not mix.

So I go off to collect some sticks and leaves as while I was alive I LOVED those survival training videos, and they will finally be useful now, as I gather the sticks I wonder to myself how I was going to get leaves until I remembered my passive abilities, and so I just climbed the tree and grabbed them.

As I started to climb down, I start hearing a loud grunting sound and as I look down, I see the source of the sound, a strange human-looking creature with a pronounced jaw, large thick limbs, and a loincloth, looking around, seemingly befuddled.

As I try to think of where I've seen this...creature before. it hits me that it looks sorta human, and by looking at the dirty, stained loincloth, and the lack of shirt or pants, I'd say it's not too advanced.

As I'm trying to determine whether the creature in front of me is a friend or foe, it looks up and sees me on the tree, it raises its arms and tries to climb up to get me, the keyword "tries" as its heavy frame makes it fall every jump.

With one final grunt, it begins punching the tree in anger, and that is when I strike, diving down with a grace I didn't know I had, my body reacting before my mind as my fist hits it right in the nuts, with the other fist straight to the jugular, knocking the beast unconscious.

When I gained my bearings, the first thing I saw was an unconscious beastly-looking human-Esque creature, I bent down to make sure it was still alive, then I grabbed an armful of leaves and left, not wanting to be there when it woke up.

After the somewhat harrowing escape from what looked to be a homo Erectus, I realized that my memory had improved as I could remember what a homo Erectus looked like from an old biology class.

deciding to deal with that can of worms tomorrow, I made my shelter and decided to relax for a few hours.

here it is. hope ya like it, if ya don't, that's ok. Also will update the aux page on the character beliefs soon

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