
Chapter 3: The Forbidden Pair!?!

Jessica's PoV

Who ever that man was,he sure seemed familiar to me,like i've seen him in a dream...But enough with the distractions, I watched as all went into the battlefield and started to fight.

I ran along with the unknown strangers surrounding me. I took my spell book and started to chant.

"Din nucleul de dedesubt, să crească magma, care se duce la toate sufletele rupte, să se ridice în porunca mea și să ne distrugă pe vrăjmașii noștri în această țară.[From The core beneath let the magma grow,which to all the broken souls go,rise up in my command and destroy our enemies in this land.]"

Then Lava started to emerge from the ground rising up creating a lava barrier around me. I was able to controll the lava and aim it at the enemies that would come near me.

I noticed that the man from earlier was surrounded by a bunch of rouges for sone unknown reasons I ran towards him and started shooting fire balls at the rouges around him.

Then I noticed my hands glowing....this...this is one way of finding your destined partner...

your hand glows once your near him. and once you held hands that's the onebof the ways to...you know...have sex but not in a disturbing way!

He looked at me worriedly and let out a sigh... But when he noticed my glowing hand his expressions changed...he was now shocked.

Our hands suddenly collide and it glowed yellow, strange how this also happened in my dream last night.

Then we we're distracted by the rouges who came in and attacked us. I looked at him and he nodded. I chanted something in Roman and summoned a sword.

I twirled it around and started to kick the rouges and clashing swords with them. One amazing thing is though is that me and this man are still close to each other.

Like we we're attached....

Then a rouge hit me in the side making me loose grip of this man's hands and stumble. I noticed his angered reaction and started to charge at the rouge who hit me.

I watched as he sliced the rouge through his abdomen and pulling out his sword he was about to walk towards me when I noticed a warrior behind him.

I stood up,grabbed my sword and charged at the warrior cutting his head right off. I suddenly had the urge to hug the man in front of me,so I did.

And it feels so right being with him.... I just don't wanna let hin go. Even if he's a Wizard that specializes sword combat.

I know this type of love is forbidden,but I can't just leave him. Just after the Rouges and warriors retreat I looked at him one last time and walked away,but was stopped when he held onto my wrist and pulled me closer to him.

I felt my cheeks heat up at the muscle this man has....and blushed even more when i heard him chuckle.

"I'm David Brooklyn." He said

"I'm Jessica Roman." I said shyly.

He smiled and held hands with me. As we we're walking back to the Kingdom square,I thought of the negative possibilities that could occure...

"David....i'm sorry but...we have to let go,we can't let anybody else to know about this..." I said

"I understand your worry. We'll be fine my love..." He said as he looked at me and stroked my hair gently.

But our happiness didn't stay long...

"David Brooklyn!!!" I looked up and saw Heneral Xun Kim running towards us.

I quickly let go of David's hands and ran away far far from where they where. I could hear David's voice calling out my name....But it didn't stop me from running.

Once I was a mile away, I sat underneath a tree and pressed my head against my knee. With tears dropping to my long skirt. The pain, it's real.....

I've heard of the story of the forbidden pair...now that i've thought about it..David...his parents are rouges...but he decided to betray them and joined forces with us....

No....no..this can't be the truth.... This can't....then I felt something hit my head causing me to fall into the dark abyss.