
A Destined Pair

In this i'll explain how one pair is chosen in this story.

The female's palm glows white and has a circle above it and a four leaf clover as a design for the normal ones, but if your royalty how ever,it has a crown and it glows Red.

As for the male,they won't feel anything when they first see their destined partner but once they touch hands that's when things change for the both of them.

The royalty destined pair meets up in their dreams,where both male and female sees each other and their hands collide. And glows a bright yellow.

In our world there's this process called s#x to which the male and female express each others feeling and bodies together in bed.

But in this world They have s#x once they met up with their partners in reality and in dream. Once they hold hands for the second time that's when the mating process starts.

Here it only takes 2 weeks of pregnancy 2 weeks is equivalent to 9 months.

So yeah there..Now i'm out.....