
Wizarding World - Chance at Strength

Strength is all he longed for, riddled with his own excuses; Meeting an untimely death was inevitable. A second chance is what most believe is needed to correct a wrong. Will one who longed for power take this chance, to rise above all others and become the strongest? ---- First time, don't bully me if the fic sucks. Feedback is always welcomed. Also no R-18.

Multipotentialite · Book&Literature
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2 Chs

The life before

I could hear a faint bubble popping noise, over and over. I started thinking about how I got here to distract myself from the constant sounds and not go insane from the near-zero visibility. 

It was just a regular day at my job 9 to 5 job at the cafe, doing the bare minimum for survival. After the grueling hours of listening to customers' complaints, I exited the cafe and began my trek to the rundown apartment, about a 7-kilometer walk.

You may be asking why a rundown apartment, your income can't be that bad right? You'd be correct, however I despise this society I was stuck in. It made me want to fade into the background in my own life.

 All my hatred was due to being born as an infamous criminal son, I was abandoned; Every day I was treated mold that needed to be remediated, and avoided. Not even meeting my basic needs. I wanted to make them acknowledge me, fear me. The answer to this was strength. However, I let myself succumb to my petty excuses never reaching out for the one thing that could change me; Living my life as a misanthrope.

Back to how I got here; I remember these last few moments clearly. I looked up at the starless night sky. A bright white light and a honking sound came from the very edge of my vision. The next thing I knew, I was flung 3 meters into the sky. My life was flashing right in front of my eyes, I reflected on this shell of a life I had. I promised that if there was a second life; If I would be given a second chance. I would do anything I wanted without listening to the words of others, I would live a life worth living.

But it seems like all that reincarnation stuff was a just sham from the internet. As my head fell well "head first" onto the cold pavement, I opened my eyes, well I don't even know if I have eyes, I can't feel anything. As if I'm simply spectating in this void filled with bubble-looking balls of light drifting upwards. After they reach a certain point they pop making the irritating noise that leads to this train of thought.

Suddenly I see a mirror embroidered with golden symbols in front of me, appearing seemingly out of nowhere. However, it doesn't show me. It shows some child in an oversized robe. The child looked to be around 10-12, he had spiky jet-black hair and a wand in his left hand. As I further inspected the tween, an urgent ticking noise started reverberating through the mirror. I started panicking trying to move away but without a body I was helpless, so I simply waited; There wasn't anything I could do anymore after all, I was dead.

A blinding white light captured one of my only remaining two senses. Everything slowly faded back to the boring black filling the abyss. However, it continued changing into a reddish black. Like when your eyes are closed and light is hitting your eyelids letting you partially see the reddish inside of your eyelids.

I notice I finally have a sensation again, a prickling agitation everywhere. Similar to when your leg falls asleep, but for your whole body. My eyelids snap open and I look around, one thought eclipsed all else in my mind; I was given a second chance.

- After chapter talk -

Well? How was it? It was my first time making a chapter, well more of a prologue for what's to come and giving a feel of what type of person the main character is.

Kinda of just winging it…

I tried checking my grammar but if there are any mistakes comment and I'll fix them as soon as possible.