
Wizard of Sky God

One sin burned an age. And time stopped for them. As darkness rises softly from under the shadows Heed the call. As the stars fall The Wizard of the sky god will return again Time passed, old stories faded Wizard of the sky god under the blue light When he respawns, the Icebreaker will come for him. Old stories circulated. In an unknown time and place, one of the holy magicians committed a sin. Finally, a punishment that set an age, a people on fire, found him. In this age of monsters rising, as time passes, a voice will be heard again from the depths of the forest and rise from the dark shadows. For the remnants of the forgotten ancient times, the Wizard of Sky godwill heed their call and come back for the final battle.

Hipolte · Fantasy
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33 Chs


Yelis, Mextumsila, David Abigial, Tumaris and Elendiz had explored the city. Ewin stayed at the inn to wait for Uras to wake up. Mextumsila said that there would be no harm in visiting the city. Yelis was very excited to meet the Ice people for the first time apart from the others. Ewin had warned them to be careful. Especially after what happened last night.

The group was making their way through the crowd with difficulty. When Mextumsila stopped in front of a dark green double-storey building, someone tapped Yelis on the shoulder. When Yelis turned around, he met a woman with short hair. The woman whispered, "Are you Yelis?" She asked. Yelis didn't say anything. The woman shrugged. "You are all connected by something dangerous,"

"We all?" murmured Yelis. "

"I see the same thing in you when I look at her... Ms. Ayda knows, She's been looking for you for a long time. They've been talking to her," she said. Yelis's gaze hardened, she frowned. "What does this mean?" Yelis said uncomfortably. The girl continued. "I saw, I saw a war, and I saw a war on the top of a cloud-covered mountain. There's the guy holding the sword and.." "That guy is a wolf, I can't make out all that I saw." The girl cleared her throat, waiting for him to ask her a question. The girl grinned when Yelis said, "Well, you have to say more." "A pink stone, a bloody hand, a vora," "All right," she interrupted uneasily. "You don't have to list them all." Yelis gave him a questioning look as if she didn't understand. The woman touched her cheek and stroked it. Yelis withdrew herself from him with an unexpectedly agile movement. She said, "I have to go, I have to go to my friends." and quickly returned. "

She said, "Go then." Yelis left with steps similar to running. The woman shouted after her, "We will meet again."

She grinned like that, wondering if she was crazy. "I have to go," she said, circling her. "I... I got to meet my friends."

"Go then. But you won't be able to escape."

She didn't quite start running, but each step she took was faster than the previous one.

"Run if you want," she called after him. "You can't escape me."

As he hurried through the crowd, she plunged into the crowd, seeing harsh stares and harsh words, but did not slow down until she was a few blocks from the inn. After a while she began to pay attention to where she was again. The streets of the city were alike. Narrow, winding streets paved with cobblestones… It was almost no different from a human city. Yelis guessed that the inn was not far away. She was sure they had come this way. In the shops, fabrics were strewn across every street, with awnings guarding the front tables covered with everything from pottery to boots. They must have already realized that she does not belong to this world. Yelis noticed that people didn't use or carry anything like money. Yelis wondered how she could buy anything. Maybe they were trading something. The kind of things Mextumsila paid the boatman … There were too many people in the city. For a moment, Yelis' head was spinning. The people in the city were slender and dressed in elegant dresses. Some had furs on their arms.But most of the people looked almost no different from the people she grew up with, except for his clothes and eyes… Her eyes were almond and her clothes were colorful. They wore long dresses of blue, purple, green and red. The men wore matching trousers with vests underneath, their vests ending an inch or two below their waist.

Yelis turned a corner. When she saw Yelis Tumaris turning the opposite corner, she jumped out of the alley. Continuing to call out to him, he ran after her, turning the corner. The mud piled into the pile when it hit a man's back.

"Can't you see where you're going?" There was a murmur and Yelis jumped to her feet in surprise.

"Are we eliminated?"

Elendiz straightened up and whipped the mud off his cloak with his hands. "You really are a city girl," she said ironically, then muttered, continuing to wipe them on her cloak. Yelis "Listen, a woman just ..."

"He told you she saw things," Elendiz said.

" How did you know?"

"She just said something to me and to others too"

"So, we bond with each other…" Yelis paused to look around cautiously, but the crowd was passing by without a glance. Elendiz was glad she had learned to be a little careful. "That woman is a fraud, she said such things to everyone." Yelis was confused. Elendiz put on a serious, albeit difficult, demeanor on his face. "You can encounter all kinds of strangeness in this city, anyway, everyone is worried because you disappeared from our side and they are looking for you, we must return to the inn as soon as possible," he said and turned around. Yelis grabbed his arm. "I don't want anyone to know about this, you have to promise me you won't tell anyone," he said. Elendiz grinned, "Your secret's safe, too." Elendiz drew his cloak and took a deep breath, looking around to decide where to go. "Elendiz, what happened last night and now this woman, do you really think we're safe?

"I do not know." His sharpness surprised Yelis. They began to walk quickly through the crowd.