
Wizard of Sky God

One sin burned an age. And time stopped for them. As darkness rises softly from under the shadows Heed the call. As the stars fall The Wizard of the sky god will return again Time passed, old stories faded Wizard of the sky god under the blue light When he respawns, the Icebreaker will come for him. Old stories circulated. In an unknown time and place, one of the holy magicians committed a sin. Finally, a punishment that set an age, a people on fire, found him. In this age of monsters rising, as time passes, a voice will be heard again from the depths of the forest and rise from the dark shadows. For the remnants of the forgotten ancient times, the Wizard of Sky godwill heed their call and come back for the final battle.

Hipolte · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs


Elendiz asked Yelis, "Do you see that?" pointed to a car. A single stake held a dozen stacked barrels in the flatbed. Then Elendiz seemed to forget that they had to go to the inn. He started climbing onto the roof next to his shop next to the car he was showing. Elise was just watching him. After the long journey, Yelis already understood the meaning of the mark in Elendiz's eyes. "Trouble" Something was telling her that this feeling was wrong, that it was dangerous, but she still smiled expectantly. She nimbly climbed onto the tile roof. When Elendiz took something out of his hand, a sharp crack was heard and the barrels began to roll with a loud thud. The floor of the entire street was covered with mud. People fled left and right, splashing mud on them. Some passers-by fell to the ground, splashing more water, but the three of them moved nimbly and avoided the barrels with ease. A man in a long red suit hurried off the street, waving his arms and shouting in anger, quickly making his way back to the alley. Yelis looked at the roof of the shop; Elendiz was already gone. Yelis was laughing at people's avoidance. When Elendiz returned to the street, three men stared at them.

"Did you find it funny kiddo" The man was standing a little ahead of the other two. He gave Elendiz and Yelis an arrogant glance.

Yelis stopped laughing at the man's seriousness. Anger made the man's face look even more tense. Elendiz stepped forward, pointing at the tip of his dagger. The man cast a disdainful glance at the dagger. "Maybe you're responsible for this, aren't you?" Adam told Elendiz. Elendiz shrugged his shoulders for a more courageous interview. Yelis had a crazy curiosity about what he was doing. The narrow-faced man raised an eyebrow. "Are you that dangerous young?" His words were sarcastic. Then his gaze rose to Yelis's face and he sniffed carelessly. "You're not from this city, are you?" he said coldly, "Where do you come from?"

"I just arrived in Pasina." A chilling excitement ran through Elendiz's arms and legs. He felt himself blushing, almost warming up. "Where do you stay, is there an inn nearby?"

Yelis and Elendiz did not answer. "You're avoiding my questions," he snapped, walking towards them. "Why don't you answer, this is the first time I've seen you in this city, or are you on the run?" The other two men approached either side of them, their faces stern and expressionless. Yelis's heart was pounding. A small voice inside her screamed that something was wrong, but she Smiling, she swayed on her heels and waited for what would happen. Vaguely, from afar, she wondered what would happen. The man turned his attention back to Elendiz and as he approached, Elendiz thrust his dagger at the man with unexpected agility. "You're so brave, kiddo, but I'll hurt you if you do more mischief." Meanwhile, Uras and Ewin were running towards them. Although Elendiz saw them, he did not lower his dagger. Ewin said, "What are you doing, Elendiz, they are the guardians of this city, and you must lower that dagger immediately" Elendiz looked at him and then at the man and lowered the dagger. Yelis and Ewin got behind Uras. The man said, "He met you last night. First, Karmas," he said. "Yes," Ewin said, but he didn't seem happy to be remembered that way. "You have an event in town every day, last night and now," Ewin said. "He's still very young and scared," she said. "I hope you don't cause any more problems," the man said. "I can assure you there will be no more problems, we will leave the city in a few days and continue on our way," Ewin said. "Okay," said the man, and turned on his heels, making a nod to his companions, and then walked away.

Ewin took a quick glance at Elendiz, then left them behind and began to execute. Elendiz and Yelis also fell behind them. He said that when they heard of the disappearance of Uras Yelis, they went out to look for him and that some of them came here when they talked about the overturned wagons a few streets away. Yelis and Elendiz were two steps behind Uras. Elendiz poked Yelis. "What are we going to do now?" Yelis said. Yelis said, "You should have thought of this before making childish jokes" Yelis said and turned her head towards him " And how did they let you come " Elendiz " It's none of your business, if they catch you don't ask me to fight for you I just wanted to go on an adventure, And remember, I have your secret." Yelis was sluggish now. "What are we going to do, ?" Elendiz said. "Shall we tell them? Maybe the woman was really seeing something, and with new creatures and features coming out every day, I'm not sure you know anything right about it," Yelis grumbled. He warned Elendiz. Yelis rolled her eyes in disapproval of his behavior. He said, "You're such a child." Elendiz gave a threatening look, saying, "You should keep your mouth shut." Uras warned him. "You can fight when you get back to the inn? Or I'll hold your ears to both of you," he said. "I'll take you away."