
Wizard Of Douluo Continent

Travel through the legend of the Dragon King and become the legend of the wizard. ......... If you like Tang Wulin, Tang San or Huo Yuhao than this novel is not for you. Heroine Gu Yuena ........... It is a translation from a novel by Serious Bard 斗罗世界的巫师 .................. Early access of 25 Chapter Translation:-patreon.com/Astridira

Astra_20 · Book&Literature
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Time passed

Long Chen's challenge to Anping can only be regarded as an episode in the academy's life. Anping effortlessly released a spatial cage, and Long Chen surrendered in despair as he couldn't break free.

The Sun Moon academy was still brightly lit at night, and Anping and Gu Yuena walked side by side on their way back to the dormitory.

"You haven't been to the Spirit Pagoda for a long time, have you?" Gu Yuena said with some confusion.

It had been a semester since she came to Sun and Moon academy. Except for the first month, Anping would accompany her to the Spirit Pagoda, but the rest of the time, he spent most of his hours locked in the laboratory.

Anping thought about it and realized that he had indeed not been to the Spirit Pagoda for a long time. He nodded and said, "Well, I have basically finished learning the knowledge that I can access at this stage. There is no point in going back."

Gu Yuena was a little surprised and said, "Have you completed your studies? So you can already make a hundred-year-old artificial soul?"

You must know that they basically went together, and only recently had she reached the level of being able to make artificial souls for ten years. How could she not be surprised by Anping's learning progress?

Anping said, "Well, I will give you a copy of the information after I finish sorting it out."

"Okay, then I will wait for your information." Gu Yuena did not hesitate on this issue and changed the topic, saying, "Speaking of which, based on our current cultivation progress, it is time to consider the production of Battle Armor."

"Battle Armor? I've never thought about it." Anping shook his head slightly.

Speaking of which, Anping has never considered this problem. The wizard's code is to explore the truth of the world, and the various abilities brought by the process of exploring the truth are enough to deal with various crises. Compared with more practical alchemy tools, Battle Armor seems like a superfluous thing.

Gu Yuena was a little puzzled about Anping's thoughts and asked doubtfully, "Don't you want to become a battle armor master?"

"No." After a pause, he continued, "Do you think the set of jewelry you named Phoenix Serenity is better than the Battle Armour?"

Anping also wants to know which alchemy props are better compared to Battle Armour.

"You're talking about this." As she spoke, Gu Yuena couldn't help but touch the necklace hanging around her neck and said, "Although I have never used Battle Armour, Phoenix Serenity does not have the defense brought by Battle Armour. The elemental increase this brought should be greater than that of Battle Armour."

"And as the wearing time increases, I can feel that they are more in tune with me. This is something that low-level battle armor cannot achieve. So what do you mean, give up the battle armor and study this kind of item instead?"

Anping nodded and said, "Absolutely. The advantages of Battle Armour mainly lie in the increase of soul skills and defense. In this regard, I can achieve similar results with fewer materials, so I think Battle Armour is not too significant for us."

"Okay, then it's up to you." Gu Yuena nodded lightly.

For some reason, as their time spent together increased, Anping sensed an inexplicable trust from Gu Yuena. He wasn't sure whether it was a good or bad thing, so he shook his head, deciding not to dwell on it.

With Long Chen's challenge resolved, no one troubled Anping and Gu Yuena afterward. Gu Yuena, after receiving the compiled information from Anping, dedicated more time to soul research. Except for the final exams, he rarely attended classes.

Anping, naturally reclusive, showcased such remarkable talent and speed in soul tool improvement that even Ling Hongchen exempted him from the final exams.

While continuing studies at Sun Moon Academy, Anping persisted in learning on the Spirit Pagoda. During every semester break, he devoted time to studying with Leng Yaozhu on souls and the Spirit Ascending Platform.

Three years swiftly passed, and Anping excelled in alchemy and soul-related fields, reaching the pinnacle of a first-level wizard in cultivation.

Advancing to a second-level wizard would grant him the power to protect himself on the mainland, opening avenues he hesitated to tread due to his initial weakness. As time flowed, Anping not only progressed significantly in strength but also underwent a remarkable physical transformation. He transitioned from the cute young boy to a handsome young man. Gu Yuena, too, evolved from a cute loli into a slender and increasingly beautiful girl.

In the Dean's Office of Sun Moon academy,

Ling Hongchen, the dean, felt a mix of emotions as he bid farewell to Anping and Gu Yuena. In just three and a half years, the duo completed their theoretical studies, leaving only practical application.

Anping's exploration of soul tools now surpassed Ling Hongchen's knowledge. Many times, the questions Anping posed required extensive discussion before finding answers. Despite their limitations due to soul power, this was precisely why advanced soul tools remained elusive.

"I understand your situation, so I won't stop you from leaving. As the dean, I wish you a safe journey. Perhaps we'll meet again when you've grown even stronger."

Ling Hongchen comprehended that a talent like Anping shouldn't be bound to the academy, especially considering their mentor was Heavenly Phoenix Douluo Leng Yaozhu.

"Thank you, Dean, for your support over the years. This is the result of my research, and I wish to contribute it to the academy." Anping took out a stack of notebooks from his storage device, a token of gratitude to Sun Moon academy for the care they received.

Ling Hongchen acknowledged Anping's accomplishments in soul tools. While Anping's research results were not mandatory to be shared with the academy, he understood the sentiment behind it and accepted graciously. Nodding, he expressed, "In that case, I extend my gratitude on behalf of the academy."

Before Anping could add anything, a cold voice cut through the air, like the chill of approaching dusk, interrupting his thoughts.

"Sun and Moon Royal Soul Master Academy students, listen up, We, the five from Shrek Academy, with an average age of fourteen, challenge you—the strongest under twenty. We're here to show you the vast gap between your academy and the strongest in mainland."

Recognizing the voice, Anping understood this was likely the storyline of the protagonist group challenging Sun and Moon Academy. While it seemed ordinary when reading the book, being a part of Sun and Moon Academy, Anping found it distasteful.

Gu Yuena shared similar sentiments with Anping. Though she lacked a strong sense of belonging to Sun Moon academy, Ling Hongchen had treated them well. Even when their requests weren't modest, he accommodated them. Frowning, she commented, "Isn't this a bit too much for Shrek Academy?"

Ling Hongchen was naturally angered by Shrek Academy's provocation, but maintaining composure in front of the students was challenging. Helplessly, he explained, "You've been here for a few years, and I believe you're aware of the conflicts between Sun Moon academy and Shrek Academy. Can you please represent for the Academy? I'll arrange the best teammates for you."

"Alright, forget about teammates; the two of us are sufficient." Gu Yuena, not pleased, swiftly agreed without consulting Anping. She nodded, indicating her readiness to participate.

"Are you certain?" Ling Hongchen asked in surprise. It wasn't that he doubted the strength of the two, but having lived in Shrek's shadow, he was keen on seizing the opportunity to challenge Shrek Academy. He merely aimed for a foolproof strategy.

Gu Yuena nodded with assurance, stating, "I'm sure. Even if five soul kings appear on the other side, we can handle them easily."

Four years had passed, and Gu Yuena didn't immediately recognize that the person shouting was Wu Zhangkong. Furthermore, she didn't anticipate that it would be Tang Wulin and the others. Even if she had known, it wouldn't have mattered.

Ling Hongchen acknowledged this and said, "Since you're confident, I'd appreciate your assistance. Please wait here for a moment while I make the necessary arrangements."

Don't Worry 5 more will be released today only.

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