
Wizard Of Douluo Continent

Travel through the legend of the Dragon King and become the legend of the wizard. ......... If you like Tang Wulin, Tang San or Huo Yuhao than this novel is not for you. Heroine Gu Yuena ........... It is a translation from a novel by Serious Bard 斗罗世界的巫师 .................. Early access of 25 Chapter Translation:-patreon.com/Astridira

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Tang Sect


From the depths of the young man's brow, a radiant azure glow emerged, swiftly enveloping his entire frame. A surge of blue-purple electricity crackled and danced around him, and as his right arm extended, it transformed, adorned with scales of the same ethereal hue, the hand morphing into a formidable claw.

Two vivid yellow soul rings ascended, entwining around the robust right arm as they advanced with an otherworldly rhythm towards Anping.

Anticipating the confrontation, Anping preemptively conjured multiple magical barriers. As the distance closed, the first soul ring on the young man's augmented arm ignited, projecting a fearsome blue-purple thunder dragon claw towards Anping.

A resonant clash echoed as the thunderous claws collided with the ice barrier, sending crystalline shards into the air. Undeterred, the young man altered his trajectory, intending to circumvent the obstacle.

Yet, a brief pause ensued, as frosty chains manifested, coiling around the young man's legs and creeping upward. Despite the seemingly slender chains, the shock of his potent soul power failed to rupture their icy embrace. Frustration etched across his face, his soul power surged tumultuously.

The electric serpents encircling him expanded gradually, intertwining into a net of thunder and lightning that hurtled towards Anping. Reacting swiftly, Anping unleashed a silver flash from behind, executing a precise cutting technique. Instead of a gruesome outcome, the young man dissipated into azure motes of light.

"First level passed, onto the second. Defeat your opponent or endure for thirty seconds."

Transitioning to the second level, Anping dispatched the adversary swiftly, prompting the mechanical voice to intone, "Advanced assessment, first level, preparation."

As the artificial resonance subsided, a radiant white light materialized where the boy had vanished, only to reveal his reappearance, slightly aged.

"Indeed," he murmured softly.

Re-emerging in the third-ring state, his third purple soul ring aglow, the young man surged towards Anping with heightened speed.

Anping's mind raced, swiftly calculating the boy's approaching speed. With each step, a glacial layer spread beneath their feet. Ice pillars shot up, coalescing from the fringes toward the center, enclosing the area in a crystalline cage.

A flash of silver light burst forth as the magic barrier shattered, leaving the young man isolated within the frosty confines. Anping activated his magical prowess, employing the shaping technique to manipulate the ice cage. It steadily contracted, narrowing to half a meter in diameter, its fortification intensifying.

Even the fusion of Gu Yuena's four elements would falter against this impervious ice cage. Enhanced by the solidification technique, the young man, despite his three rings, found himself powerless, and thirty seconds slipped away.

"Advanced assessment, second level, preparation."

The boy persisted, still in his third-ring state but with heightened soul power. As the electronic resonance initiated the round, he fervently assaulted the frost cage, yet Anping maintained a relentless output of magical energy, reinforcing the enclosure, and once again, thirty seconds elapsed.

"The final test, first level, preparation."

In a blink, the boy reappeared, now in his teenage years, martial soul manifested, boasting four soul rings – two yellow and two purple.

"Is it the fourth ring?" Anping whispered, observing the unfolding spectacle.

With each illumination of the third and fourth spirit rings, a thunderous dragon head materialized within the cage, hurtling toward Anping. The resounding kacha kacha of cracking ice echoed as fractures marred the frosty prison.

Sensing the impending rupture, Anping retreated swiftly, silently erecting a spatial barrier before him. A thunderous explosion ensued as the colossal dragon head detonated, causing ripples in the space barrier. The undulating waves neared their limits, prompting Anping to intensify his magical output, stabilizing the protective shield.

The boy, now adorned with the formidable fourth ring, moved with such swiftness that Anping's array of spells struggled to keep pace. Ice walls, earth barriers, and space defenses became desperate shields as thirty seconds swiftly ticked away, leaving Anping with dwindling magical reserves.

"Ultimate test, second level, prepare," echoed the mechanical electronic announcement.

With a resounding crash, Anping's soul-powered barrier shattered, unable to withstand even a moment against the superior quality and quantity of magic power.

In a luminous instant, a protective beam descended, shielding Anping from impending harm. The spatial fabric fluctuated once more, transporting Anping back to the initial space.

Emerging from the trial, Xie Xie approached Anping, inquiring, "Anping, how many tests did you pass?"

Gu Yuena and Tang Wulin diverted their attention, seeking solace for their tumultuous emotions. Anping's response was measured, "The final level, the second stage, was not passed."

Upon hearing this, Xie Xie wore an expression that silently acknowledged the inappropriateness of the question.

"Come here," Wu Zhangkong beckoned to the group.

As they gathered before him, the spatial flux enveloped them, and the scene transformed into an office-like setting.

Indicating the sofas, Wu Zhangkong urged, "Sit down. I wish to discuss something with you."

Seated, the group attentively regarded Wu Zhangkong as he continued, "I understand you likely harbor doubts about today's examination. I can reveal that the adversaries you faced in the Hall of Heroes were simulated versions of actual soul masters from history. Their representation is limited to about 70% of their authentic strength. Reflecting on your experiences, how would you gauge your strength in comparison?"

"Remarkable!" Tang Wulin and Xie Xie exclaimed, recollecting the intensity of their encounters.

Wu Zhangkong nodded in acknowledgment, "I bring you here for two reasons. Firstly, you're approaching the upper limit of spiritual energy absorption on the Ascension Platform. A few more attempts should see you reach that threshold. Secondly, as your strength and proficiency grow, the Ascension Platform's impact on your development diminishes. Anping and Gu Yuena, unless faced with a multitude of thousand-year-level soul beasts, will no longer derive significant benefits from the platform."

"Then, you need another place for your training. The Hall of Heroes serves that purpose. In comparison to the Ascension Platform, it offers a more authentic experience, as it's your body that undergoes the trauma. When injuries reach a certain threshold, teleportation occurs, avoiding spiritual impact from body destruction seen in the Spirit Ascension Platform. Consider it a high-level Spirit Ascension Platform."

Wu Zhangkong paused, noting the nods of understanding before continuing, "The second matter is that the true significance of this assessment lies not in the final exam; that concluded during the riot period. This assessment serves as an entry point into our organization. If you choose to join, you can accumulate merits and access the Hall of Heroes for future experiences."

Upon hearing the invitation to join, Xie Xie voiced his doubt, "Teacher Wu, what is the purpose of this organization?"

Originating from a prominent family, Xie Xie hesitated to join an organization with an unknown background. Although situated within the Eastsea Science and Technology Park, boasting advanced space technology, he sought clarity.

Tang Wulin, too, gazed intently at Wu Zhangkong, eager to unravel the nature of this mysterious organization. Wu Zhangkong had previously extended an invitation, which Tang Wulin declined due to his parents' abduction by an unknown group.

Wu Zhangkong explained, "Have you heard of Tang Sect?"

Tang Wulin and Xie Xie, both stirred by the mention of Tang Sect, shared a moment of excitement. Having grown up with legends of the Tang Sect, the name held a special place in their hearts. Anping, being aware of Wu Zhangkong's Tang Sect affiliation, remained composed.

Surprised, Tang Wulin exclaimed, "Teacher Wu, hasn't the Tang Sect vanished for a long time?"

Wu Zhangkong clarified, "Not quite. In reality, the Tang Sect never truly disappeared. It extends beyond the Douluo Continent, with foundations in the other two continents. The alliance officials are aware of this, and the decision to seemingly fade from the public eye was to avoid unnecessary attention. The place we're in, Profound Tangmen Technology Co., Ltd., is a company under Tangmen. The Hall of Heroes you just experienced is a training system developed by Tangmen, and even the soul master you faced is a former member of Tang Sect's renowned Shrek Seven Devils."

In the quiet aftermath of their battles, Tang Wulin's thoughts were consumed by the opponent he had faced. Realization dawned on him, "I was contending against the Shrek Seven Monsters, the peers of Spirit Pagoda's founder from 10,000 years ago. Xiao Xiao Flute Cauldron Douluo?"

Xie Xie, still in a daze, voiced his own revelation, "So, the one I fought isn't Demon Rabbit Douluo Jiang Nannan from that Shrek generation?"

Wu Zhangkong affirmed, "Indeed, and the one who bested Gu Yuena was Spirit Ice Douluo Huo Yuhao, while the enemy against Anping was Dragon God Douluo Beibei."

A trace of disdain flickered in Gu Yuena's eyes at the mention of the Dragon God.

Wu Zhangkong continued, "You need not be disheartened. Those who surpassed you are legends of the past. By advancing in the Hall of Heroes, you might even confront the first generation of Shrek members in the future."

Tang Wulin eagerly declared, "Count me in."

The Tang sect had been his childhood aspiration, and the chance to join the Tang Sect was an opportunity he couldn't pass up.

"I'm joining too," declared Xie Xie, refusing to be overshadowed.

Wu Zhangkong advised Xie Xie to consult his family, considering the difference between joining an organization and enrolling in a special class like Class Zero.

Xie Xie, however, excitedly dismissed the suggestion, "No, Teacher Wu. I won't miss this chance. I believe my family will support me. After all, this is the legendary Tang Sect."

Anping's unexpected refusal surprised Tang Wulin and Xie Xie, but Tang Wulin's gaze remained fixed on Gu Yuena, anticipating her decision.

When Wu Zhangkong questioned Anping and Gu Yuena, the unexpected happened. Anping shook his head, "Sorry, Teacher Wu, I won't join."

The revelation shocked Tang Wulin and Xie Xie. However, Tang Wulin's attention shifted to Gu Yuena, hoping for a different answer.

"I won't join either," Gu Yuena calmly declared.

Tang Wulin, disheartened and disappointed, questioned, "Why? This is the Tang Clan! A legacy spanning 20,000 years!"

Gu Yuena simply replied, "No specific reason. Anping and I have already committed to joining the Spirit Pagoda."

The mention of the Spirit Pagoda caught everyone off guard, leaving them momentarily stunned. Wu Zhangkong hadn't anticipated the swift approach of the Spirit Pagoda's invitation.

Anping and Gu Yuena, Class Zero's two most exceptional talents, ultimately opted for the Spirit Pagoda. Wu Zhangkong couldn't help but feel regret for not extending the invitation sooner.

Collecting his thoughts, Wu Zhangkong acknowledged, "Since you've committed to the Spirit Pagoda, joining the Tang Clan is naturally out of the question. Both the Tang Sect and the Spirit Transferring Pagoda stand as premier organizations on the continent. Each of you has your path to choose, and as your teacher, I respect your decisions. Your talents will shine, whether within the Spirit Pagoda or the Tang Sect."

As a representative of the Tang Sect, Wu Zhangkong posed a final question to Anping and Gu Yuena, "Considering you've made your choice, are you sure about joining the Spirit Pagoda instead of the Tang Sect?"

Anping affirmed, "Yes, I've made my decision, Teacher Wu."

Gu Yuena echoed the sentiment. Wu Zhangkong then turned his attention to Xie Xie and Tang Wulin, emphasizing the weight of the decision. "Xie Xie, Tang Wulin, I urge you to ponder this carefully. Choosing an organization is unlike joining an association. Once you align with the Tang Sect, joining the Spirit Pagoda becomes impossible. Should you wish to withdraw after joining, everything gained from the Tang Sect, including cultivation techniques, must be relinquished."

Tang Wulin expressed his unwavering resolve, "No need to think about it. I want to join the Tang Sect. It's my dream."

Xie Xie nodded in agreement, "Same here. No need for further consideration."

Wu Zhangkong nodded approvingly, "Very well. I'll need you to provide some information later. You'll be the outer members of the Tang Sect, and I'll elaborate on the benefits and responsibilities later."

Turning his attention back to Anping and Gu Yuena, Wu Zhangkong advised, "Since you've opted out of joining the Tang Sect, remain here for a while and refrain from wandering. I'll take these two to complete the necessary paperwork. The details are not suitable for your knowledge."

With nods of understanding from Anping and Gu Yuena, Wu Zhangkong stood up and addressed Tang Wulin and Xie Xie, "Let's go, the two of you come with me."

As the trio exited, Gu Yuena gently patted Anping and inquired with curiosity, "Do you regret your decision to join the Spirit Pagoda now?"

Anping, taken aback by the question, responded, "Regret? What is there to regret?"

Gu Yuena pointed out, "Just as Tang Wulin mentioned, the Tang Sect boasts a heritage of 20,000 years. While the Spirit Pagoda is commendable, the first generation of Tang Sect's Seven Monsters, led by Shrek, are said to have ascended to godhood. The foundation must be profound."

Anping shook his head, "There's nothing to regret, whether it's the Tang Sect or the Spirit Pagoda. It doesn't make much difference to me. Do you regret it?"

Gu Yuena dismissed the idea, "Impossible. If you don't regret it, how could I?" She shook her head with a smile.