
Wizard King

Old Title: Godfather and Godson Sirius Black was always said to be a playboy. What if he taught his godson a bit of his trade. A more mature and savvy boy-who-lived heads off to Hogwarts for his fourth year. Advance Chapters: https://www.patreon.com/Mark_Ward Website: https://markwardfanfics.wordpress.com/ Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/pYg27q6Zwz

Mark_Ward · Book&Literature
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This took a while to complete, but it was all worth it. Now I can call myself a web developer, if I wanted. Hahaa!

Anyways check out my website, it's official and all that shit. I got everything on there, so hope you enjoy!

Link: https://markwardfanfics.wordpress.com/