
Wizard King in Grail Wars and Beyond

Guy unfotunately dies but he get's lucky! For once in his life He get's reincarnated by B.O.R.B and also gains abilities of Julius Novachrono from Black Clover! Read his story and how he goes around and trying to win Grail Wars! I don't own Fate/Zero, Fate/Stay Night, FGO and all Nasuverse series. Cross Posted on Webnovel! I don't own Black Clover! I don't own Cover! Expect violence and curses!

MegaDanijel · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 5 Gilgamesh Story?

Next Day.

2 PM

Near Einzbern Castle.

Julius POV.

I used my Time-Magic to open Space-Time to appear near Einzbern Castle.

'My motive is very simple, it's to heal Saber.' I thought before stepping out of my portal, as I stepped out, it disappeared.

I released little bit of Mana from my body, to alert Einzbern security for my presence. And I want to hold first ever meeting consisted of Servants from Red team in designated location.

Which means I would have to teleport to "their" bases.

As I was deep in though, I sensed her.

I turned my head in her direction, and she is coming my way. In full battle-gear with invincible Excalibur in her left hand.

"What are you doing here, Caster?" She asked, she is on guard. While we are supposedly allies, it doesn't stop any-one of us to betray each other, two person had appeared near Kotomine church and proclaimed themselves as Masters, had Command Seals which confirmed their status as one, both of these masters are Teenagers, appeared to be normal civilians who by their servant suggestion had walked to church for more informations about Grail War.

They had Black Command Seals.

"I'm here for.." I began before raising two of my fingers to symbolize " To heal your wound caused by Lancer and to invite you to meeting between servants on this location." I finished my sentence before pulling out small paper with address. " This meeting is only between us Servants, no masters. It would be best for you to come, I have sensitive informations to share." I launched it at her, she tucked it behind her armor.

She looked at me, like i'm idiot for asking such question." This could be trap, why do you not spill out informations right here and now?" Her voice sound too arrogant. For my liking. She is not Gilgamesh.

Now is me who is looking at her like she is idiot." Everything and almost everywhere had ears." I stated. Now she is flustered. Well, she was still teen before dying, she was not experienced like other Kings like Iskandar, Gilgamesh, etc.

"Now if you would let me heal you?" I asked her, motioning at her right hand, she looked at it then at me.

She looked troubled.

She doesn't trust me, at least that's obvious.

But she doesn't have that much of a choice.

But she nodded but not before warning me

"If you do anything suspicious..." Last part went un-said but message was clear.

I smiled before taking several steps and opened my arm. And pointed my palm at her right hand.

Before blue light enveloped her hand. The wound slowly healed.

But this is actually Time-Reversal spell. It reverts wound in state before it was given. While curse had managed to hold back normal healing, it couldn't stop time reversal.

I stepped back, giving her some room.

In attempt to test this, she decided to change Excalibur back to right hand, and swinging it with said hand, without any problem.

"Thank you." As she said this, she raised her head to look at me.

But I left already.

Next location.


I teleported into Kayneth's room.

And as you could guessed.There is Lancer. With both of his spears pointing at me.

Kayneth is nowhere to be seen.

"What do you want Caster? Why are you here?"

I simply threw at him the copy of paper that I gave to Saber.

"I'm holding meeting today at this location. Only Servants, I have very interesting informations to share." As I said this, another tear in Space-Time opened before eating me.

Teleporting me to another location.

To Waver Velvet's house.

Or rather his Garage, where Rider is currently watching television.

"Oh Caster! What does bring you to my castle?" Asked Rider before turning around and standing up. With giant smile on his face.

"Well. This." I said before again giving him same paper with same information again. " Tonight on this location we would have meeting. Discussing about enemy servant and informations I will share. "

"And this is meeting for Servants only. But Considering your personality, you wouldn't care and would still bring young Waver with you. Wouldn't you?"

"My Master is not coward, he is coming with me."

"Good." I said before again teleporting to another location.

'I had already gave invitation to Kariya. Berserker will participate without mad enchantment. Which means we would see some-what "normal" Lancelot."

Tear in Space and Time opened again, this time in Tohsaka residence.

Just as I stepped out of my tear. Numerous spears are launched at me.

I swiftly dodged them all by reading mana and time-acceleration.

After dodging several more I stopped before turning around to look for Gilgamesh. And there he is. On the mansion itself.

"What do you want, Wizard." Stated Gilgamesh, but his addressing of MC is different than how he addresses other servants. It's simple, Gilgamesh recognizes danger in front of him.

"I have come here to give you invitation." I said before throwing small paper at him. He caught it before reading it. He crushed it before throwing it.

"The same for Assassin, this meeting is only for Servants but even Master allowed." I said before disappearing.

"Tsk!" Gilgamesh gritted his teeth in rage before jumping from mansion and storming into it.

He needs some peace.

20 minutes later.

One person decided to enter Gilgamesh room. That person is Tokiomi, he entered his room, bringing wine before kneeling down in "respect" to King.

"What do you want, Tokiomi." He said before taking said Wine from Tokiomi's hands. And grabbed one of the glasses before pouring that same wine and drinking it. "This is disgusting."

"I apologize. I need more informations about Caster of Red. " Said Tokiomi while he is still kneeling.

Gilgamesh looked at him in disdain before replying.

"Caster of Red. Even I myself don't know much about him. My knowledge is mostly derived from Gods, their tales and libraries." Began Gilgamesh before taking one breath before drinking that same wine again. "He has many names, titles. Most popular are: Time Devil, Devil of Time, Astaroth and Julius Novachrono."

At mention of Astaroth, Tokiomi's eyes widened.

At Tokimoi's expression, Gilgamesh just snorted before continuing "No he is not 29th Demon in Ars Goetia, nor he is part of Evil Trinity with Beelzebub and Lucifer. Nor is he Duke of Hell. The one you are thinking of is other Devil, the true name of that devil is lost in time, so he decided to represent himself as Astaroth. But the Astaroth i'm talking about is different." (Slight changes in history here)

"How so, Your Majesty?"

"Astaroth is name given to that particular human as sign of acknowledgement for his strength. In short, that name could be also be translated as his Godly Name and Julius as Human name. And his other names, Devil of Time and Time Devil are given to him by his enemies. They feared his powers, so they decided to tarnish his name by fusing it with Devils. And that was how supposed Duke of Hell decided to pretend as Astaroth. He still calls himself by Julius."


"Yes, he is the actual First Hero. The man who helped six fairies to create Excalibur to defeat White Titan."

"White Titan?"

"Tokiomi. There are things that are best left forgotten in history and shouldn't ever be brought back by anything." He drank his wine again before narrowing his eyes at Tokiomi.

"What are his powers?"

"His powers remain mysteries to this day. But his magecraft was so powerful that it was compared to true magic. He has, Time-Magic..."

Chapter Word Count 1226