
Without emotions in the apocalypse

How did I even get here? Oh it started when the earth split and the sun glowed bright.

HostileKoala · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


I woke up before sunrise. Because I still haven't collected myself from last night I took a cold and long shower trying to collect my thoughts.

[Wait, the water is still…]

I didn't bother finishing the sentence as I quickly checked electricity.


I was surprised, but without wasting much time I filled my bathtub to the brim with water and after rummaging through all of my house I found empty bottles and filled them up.

After making sure I was set with water I descended into my basement to check my food stash. I had a few jars of pickled vegetables, about 10 kilos of rice and 5 kilos of potatoes.

[Shit, it's not much]

My fridge was packed to the brim, because just the day before yesterday was the day I went shopping for the next week.

[Hmmm, I guess it's time to check outside]

I went upstairs and took a peak from my window. Chaos, maybe because I was suppressing it subconsciously, I didn't hear much during the night, but the damage to the area wasn't surprising. Most of the cars I could see were unusable, either crashed or smashed by something or someone. Because I lived on the outskirts of a not so big town I didn't see as many corpses as I thought I would. Looking back at it it wasn't a good sign.

The gate in front of my house was destroyed by a car that hit it. The atmosphere was weird, eerie, silent and ominous.


{FUCK, what was that?}

I almost jumped as I heard a blood curdling scream.

Then I saw "it". Something that was originally human, but his face was full of blood with his lower jaw missing. His tongue was curling and straightening almost constantly. It seemed like he didn't even have any more blood inside him, it was entirely outside, on his face, clothes and hands. Looking at him I was shook, then I saw someone.

[Leave me the fuck alone, fuckers!]

My heart sank as I saw a human, a young adult, running through the street. He was running away from 5 or 6 zombies. They weren't fast, but his screams attracted a lot of them. Almost 60 zombies encircled him.

I looked at a 22 year old guy who was screaming for help, crying and finally dying in agony being torn apart by zombies that ate him alive.

{Holy shit…}

My mind ran away from it, at least tried to. I backed away from my window, lowering the blinds. My hands seemed weak, my legs refused to support my weight. I started hyperventilating and couldn't focus on anything. My mind was playing that scene again and again in my mind. Then… without thinking I turned to my basement.

[I haven't thought I would need this shit ever again]

I murmured as I went to that particular room inside my basement. The door needed two keys, one was on my wrist all the time and the second one was inside of a safe that needed a code and to scan my finger. Inside of the safe I saw a sheet of paper with "are you sure?" written on it. I sighed as I took the key under it.

Memories flashed in my head, screaming, crying and lastly the sound of someone's neck cracking with a disgusting and gruesome sound. Memories which I quickly suppressed.

After opening the door that led to this room the strong smell of iron combined with leather assaulted my nostrils.


A wardrobe that seemed too big for just one person, corkboard with green strings attached to pictures, articles and quotes was hung on a wall opposite from the wardrobe. Beside it, just one step left from the entrance stood a bench with blueprints, plans and documents on it. Everything covered with dust.

Once again, memories flooded me, the sound of a girl screaming, begging for help and finally the sound of someone struggling for air, then only silence. My knees almost gave up, but I slapped myself on the face and forced myself to stand up firmly.

I stood there, in the frame of the door, staring at the wardrobe, every step towards its direction was a struggle. Finally after 10 minutes of internal fights I came close enough to open it.

As I opened it a black, leather suit greeted me. Besides it a pitch black ninjata peered at me from its sheath. The suit looked extremely sturdy, it was reinforced with kevlar, and in vital places bulletproof. The additional mask, in the shape of japanese oni added to it's dangerous aura. The fact that the mask had visible low caliber bullet marks was terrifying.

When I grabbed the suit a window popped out just in front of my eyes.

| The shadow of the night suit

| Grade: 0

| Armor value: 40/100 (40 for normal places and 100 for bulletproof)

| Durability: 56/120 |repairable|

| Description: A suit made with sturdiness, elasticity and stealth in mind. While the battles it was in can be counted on one hand the times it saved its owner's life can be counted on fingers of both hands. A masterpiece of defensive capabilities in the modern world.

I was surprised that the scrolls could even inform you about your equipment.

After putting it on I left the ninjata in its place and headed for the armory on the first floor. After weighing my pros and cons I choose a katana and a shortsword to be my emergency weapon. After making sure I was covered everywhere I put my gloves on and headed for my front door, with the thought of clearing my whole street and rummaging through empty houses.

[Shit, guess I am doing it for real]

I made up my mind as I opened the front door which attracted only 3 or 4 zombies. I took a few steps away from the door which I closed behind me. After making sure that the only zombies that were approaching me were those 4 I focused.

Trying to see the rhythm with which they walked, the rhythm of my breathing and my heartbeat. After focusing only on my enemy and my sword I immediately slashed at the zombie when one entered my range.

Slash, and then the sound of leftover blood pouring out. The zombie whose head was flying in the air slumped onto the ground and stopped moving. This time I closed the distance to the second zombie and I slashed once again at his neck, a clean cut, this time with no blood. I backed up a little, I wasn't shook, because it wasn't the first time I cut someone down.

I finished the third zombie, the forth one, the fifth and without even realizing it I cleared my street. While I was breathing heavily I looked around and counted the corpses lying on the ground.

[28,29,30,31… that was a lot]

After coming out of my "battle sense", at least that's what I call the extreme focus while fighting I noticed a green window that seemed to be flying just before my eyes.

| level up

| level up

| level up

| level up

[What the? scrolls.]

I said as I entered my house and closed the front doors.

| Name: Aron

| Race: human

| Class: -

| Title: "Emotionless"

| Level: 4

| Statistics:

| Strength: 27

| Dexterity: 40

| Agility: 25

| Health: 34

| Stamina: 25/38

| Mana: 25/25

| Attunement: 18

| Will: 35

| Undistributed points: 4

| Active skills: "Extreme focus" level 4 generation 2

| Passive skills: "Fast recovery" level 2 generation 1

(A/N for skills levels go from 0 to 6 and generations are: 0 - the lowest one, 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 - the highest one, also will and attunement are stats that won't change when leveling up, only when changing classes and advancing in generations)

{What are those skills, huh?}

I tried focusing on the fast recovery one.

| Fast Recovery level 2 generation 1

| Type: passive

| Acquired by the host

| By going beyond your limits almost daily your body adapted and now recovers quicker and tire less easily

| Effects:

| Stamina recovery: +6%

| Stamina usage: -6%

[Nice… I think, now for extreme focus]

| Extreme focus level 4 generation 2

| Type: active

| Acquired by the host

| By training focus you can momentarily enter into the state of readiness where all enemy attacks will be slowed down to you and your reaction time will decrease by 50%

| Cost: 1 stamina per minute in use

| Effects:

| Reaction time decrease: 50%

| Attacks from enemies which are at most 20 level higher than you will be slowed down for you by 50%

[Useful, useful]

I said while cleaning my katana and looking for any defects on its edge. After making sure my equipment didn't suffer any damage I decided to go and try to loot the grocery store that was just on the corner of my street.

֍ ֍ ֍

After fighting and defeating 50 zombies and 2 mutant dogs I finally made my way to the store. After entering the store I made sure that no one was inside and proceeded to fill my backpack to the brim with food that had a short shelf life. While my backpack was filled with perishables I packed my largest bag I could find with canned foods, rice, honey, flour, dry bean seeds, pickled vegetables and noodles. With at least 20 kilos of food on my back I made my way to my home.

[What is this?]

I asked myself when after walking the same path where the corpses of zombies layed I took a closer look and found something that looked like a diamond.

When I picked it up the scrolls immediately gave me the answer I was looking for.

| Treasure orb

| Rarity: rare

[A treasure?]