
Without emotions in the apocalypse

How did I even get here? Oh it started when the earth split and the sun glowed bright.

HostileKoala · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The appearance of something mysterious

(A/N [...] used for words said out loud, {...} for thoughts)

Sometimes I wonder, why? God, why? Why has it caused me to suffer so much? I don't even remember her face, her voice, her eyes. I don't even remember how I felt towards her.

God, why? Why did you have to take them away from me? My whole family dying wasn't enough for you? Taking all I cared about in my life wasn't enough! Or are we beings not even worth looking at? Why! Why me?

I felt my heart sink when I thought about my deceased family, about how they took her away from me and how I spiraled out of my normal life here. I still live in my old house. Nothing special, a middle european house with a ground and first floor, it's mostly empty though.

[Aah, how long has it been since my last conversation? 1 year? 2 years?]

At first I tried pretending, while going to my gym I tried talking to the receptionist and some other guys, but soon my heart dropped. I didn't want to talk to anybody, I just went there as a habit, my food was always delivered to me, and I had enough money to live comfortably, because my father was hardworking, and accumulated a lot of money in his savings. But what has it come to?

He can't use it, he can't buy me or my siblings presents and take my mom for a date, all because of that damned day, why didn't I come with them? At least I would have died with them, not suffering my miserable fate here.

I think after crying so much and sleeping so little my emotions became muffled, after a few months I didn't know happiness any more, after a year I didn't know what anger felt like, and now after 3 years I don't even remember sadness.

I took a look at the room I was in. It was my sister's room, but now it's all full of melee weapons. Katanas, zweihanders, gladiator's swords, and European swords, almost all types, I had at least two of every kind of such weapons, one with a blade and other dull. Why, you would ask? Because the most alive I ever felt was after my first six hour training session that mostly included swinging my zweihander like a madman. I felt pain in all of my body parts, I couldn't move without my sore muscles crying, and that was the first time I even felt anything in such a long time. I felt… alive.

Since then my sessions with swords became longer and longer, because my body was adapting. I now needed 20 hours to feel the same soreness, and the same pain. As my endurance increased my pain toleration increased, but still pushing my limits was painful as fuck.

Today, after coming back home after my typical run at 5 o'clock I decided that I was going to use a rapier today. However as rapier isn't that heavy I often used additional weighted clothing and weights to make my movements harder. Today I put an additional 40 kilos on me and proceeded to sweat my ass off till late at night.

I stopped sometimes to drink water and go to the toilet, but I spent a good 15 hours on it. When I got a little bored, and ate dinner I went to bed without suspecting what would happen tomorrow, and how my previous life benefited me in such a situation.

Aron didn't know that the world he woke up to the next day wouldn't be the world he knew, and the world he frankly despised. He didn't commit suicide, because he knew that his family would want him to live, but he didn't find anything good in his life. He didn't look forward to anybody or to anything besides destroying his body during training.

With 20 years on his back, Aron was at the peak of his life, with such strict and heavy training he looked perfect. With him measuring 187 centimeters in height and 90 kilos in weight he looked like an elite athlete. Before his training he looked at most like a 5/10 but with losing some weight and gaining definition he was a solid 7,5/10. His dark hair contrasted with his bright, almost pale skin, and his blue eyes.

He wasn't very aware of his good looks as the times he looked at his body were rare and he never paid any attention to it, what mattered to him was pushing his limits and feeling alive. This feeling fueled his desire and reinforced his mental toughness, because no matter what, he could push himself to the limits and accomplish his goals. Not like his goals were something special, he mostly used his mental strength to push himself further and further in training.

His training polished not only his physical and mental strength it also dramatically shortened his reaction speed, to even as low as 150 ms and with his reflexes to even 50 ms, Aron was pretty confident that if anybody tried to break into his house as long as they didn't have a gun he would take them out, but today he went to sleep with uneasy feeling...

In the middle of the night.

{What the fuck!}

The world was shaking, my first thought - an earthquake, but I quickly realized that the shaking wasn't coming from the ground, it seemed to come from the sky. I quickly made my way to the window in my bedroom and took a look at the sky.

[What in the name of…]

I blurted in a low voice to myself, the sky was glowing. I shot a glance at my electric clock - 1:00. It's still the middle of the night. Nuclear war? When day breaks? Did Putin finally lose his mind? What is going on!! All sorts of dark visions ran through my mind.

<World energy has been synchronized>

[Heh, what the fuck was that?]

A voice. What in the was that? What's world energy and what does it mean that it has been synchronized? Questions flooded my mind but with nobody to answer them I quickly discarded them and focused on the sky.

Blueish, almost sparky, with visible ripples that run through it, that's how it looked. It was shaking, no… the fabric of reality was shaking, as if somebody was forcefully waking something inside it. Then, a big lighting appeared. It started from somewhere near the Moon, quickly descended towards earth, and then stopped just below the clouds before expanding over all of the Earth. The whole Earth was covered with this purplish lighting.

Then, just like on somebody's command the lighting started coming down towards the Earth. Thankfully it passed through everything without damaging anything or anyone, it seemed like it went down to even the inner core of Earth and finally shot out toward space and disappeared.

[What. The. Fuck.]

I was amazed and scared at the same time. But my absentmindedness ended when a sharp pain ran through my bones.

I screamed, at least I tried to, but no sound came out of my opened mouth. It felt like someone was putting enormous pressure on your bones, crushing them and then forcefully healing them. The pain went on for 2 full minutes, that felt like eternity before a green-ish hue came out of nowhere and went into my heart.

<World energy scrolls active, usage of scrolls possible>

[Scrolls, what scrolls?]

As I said those words a transparent window with a green tint popped out before my eyes.

| Name: Aron

| Race: human

| Class: -

| Title: "Emotionless"

| Level: 0

| Statistics:

| Strength: 23(10)

| Dexterity: 32(10)

| Agility: 19(10)

| Health: 28(10)

| Stamina: 33(10)

| Mana: 20(10)

| Attunement (with magic and mana): 18(10)

| Will: 35(10)

(A/N: numbers in brackets are averages of average humans, attunement corresponds to how well you will handle or control mana and spells,)

[What is this?]

As I was wondering whether I was becoming insane or it all was a dream I heard a yell. Well, saying a screech was better. As If someone's tongue was mangled and ripped into tears and the person tried to scream with their tongue blocking their airway. It isn't something you want to hear.

[What the]

I panicked as I saw what seemed like a drunk, agitated person running in the street. I quickly dashed to my ground floor and made sure my front door was locked. I quickly lowered my metal blinds that were installed, because my parents were kinda paranoid.

After I made sure that my ground floor was secured I closed all the blinds on the first floor and turned off any possible lights. I decided to wait until the sun went up before checking out anything, but that night I slept inside my armory as I couldn't shake that uneasy feeling off.