
6. The meeting final part

Angelica paced around the dining hall awaiting the arrival of her mother and the guest. Overcome by nervousness she looked at one of the waiters who stood in the shadows as to not be seen right away. Who gave her a reassuring smile. She wasn't sure why she had to be down here for such an important meeting, but when the doorman had came to her door in a rushing manner it had caused her a bit of panic. And she had hoped that in her rushing that she looked appropriate for the event ahead.

Taking a deep breath to calm herself the door began to open catching her attention as she quickly moved next to the chair she would be sitting in at the table as she smiled wide for both her mother and the guest. Standing in the doorway at the opposite end of the dinning hall stood her mother and a Tall man with shoulder length brown hair tied up into a formal pony tail. He wore a light brown overcoat that didn't really match the formal attire he wore underneath. But somehow it worked with the suit he wore underneath. His face was covered with a five o'clock shadow, that also seemed to add to his overall first glance charm.

Being taken aback of the physical condition of the man she swallowed some as she glanced to her mother who held her own nervous smile about her. Clearing her throat before she opened her mouth to speak, She glanced to the waiter who gave her another reassuring gaze.

"Welcome to our dinning hall Master Morave" Angelica spoke with a wide smile as her nervousness flew throughout her like a horde of angry butterflies with sharp little tiny butterfly sized forks. "May I invite you to join us for dinner?"

"I would be honored to" Julius said his nervousness still keeping him on edge as he followed Jadamine deeper into the dinning hall.

"Forgive my daughters impoliteness, but I would like you to be formally introduced. Julius Morave I would like you to meet my daughter Angelica Xeres." Jadamine said as the girl who had just greeted him flushed with embarrassment.

"F-forgive my rudeness" Angelica spoke before quickly bowing before indicating to the table next to her. "P-please join us." She continued her flush a bit deeper than it was a moment ago as both Jadamine and Julius moved closer to the table as three waiters came from the shadows and slowly pulled the chairs out about half a foot.

As the three of them took their seats the servers brought out the prepared dishes and set the plates in front of each of them as the aroma of the food wafted from the plate and into Julius' nose. His mouth began to water as he looked to the two of them unsure of what was currently going on.

"Is the smell of the food driving your mind insane Julius?" Jadamine asked as she stared at him with a interested look in her eyes. "This happens to most of us when we are first introduced to the scent and taste of human food. The effects should let you return to your normal self. So for now let us enjoy our food before it gets cold, and then later wash it down with some fresh blood. We just got a flesh filling from a nice german couple." Jadamine continued on before taking a bite of her food and swallowing it.

Julius sat in the silence as he glanced down at his plate as he slowly picked up the gold fork within his hand gently poking at the chicken. He had never consumed anything human, well besides their blood. But their foods were something that he had never thought anything about consuming it since he didn't need any of it to live.

"If you fear that it may have been poisoned or spliced with something harmful to you or us, worry not Master Julius. It is just normal chicken and mixed vegetables." Angelica chimed in upon noticing how he was picking at the chicken and the vegetables.

"Ah, yes forgive my rudeness..It's just I have never found an interest in consuming human foods because of the fact it isn't a necessity for me to survive. But the smell alone, it has opened my eyes to the appreciation of such foods. And I thank both of you for doing so." He said as he began to take slow melodic bites as his mind began to go back hundreds of years. Back to when he used to be a human. Losing himself in the food and memories he forgot he was even in a formal meeting as when he looked up to see the surprised faces of both Jadamine and Angelica. He grew flustered before wiping his face with a napkin.

"You sure enjoyed the chicken didn't you?" Jadamine spoke the surprise in her voice still more than evident no matter how much she tried to supress it.

"The food..reminded me of when I used to walk in the day with the humans a long time ago Madame Jadamine. Forgive my rudeness." Julius muttered rubbing the back of his neck as his face was beet read with embarrassment.

"None taken Julius. Any who scarfs down Angelicas cooking like that is not rude in the slightest." Jadamine said with a warm smile on her face. "And that makes what we are to discuss about all the more simpler to talk about."

"Yes. The unification of our two clans" Julius spoke as he fully wiped his face free of the food that had littered it. As he cleared his throat some. "What is your proposal for the matter at hand?"

"Well, my proposal Mister Julius. Is that you take my daughters hand in marriage. As a show that our two houses are unified in good faith." Jadamine spoke slowly and carefully as the two of them stared at her with a shocked expression on both of their faces.

"You want us to what?!" Both of them cried out in unison to Jadamine outraged at the sudden proposal of marriage.