
Chapter 6

Again, the door opened and another woman entered. Everyone was owed and most men are attempting to have her attention. But then again, she ignored them and immediately sat to her designated seat.

'ok 30 minutes start now. ' she thought to herself


"Jane! how are you dear?" Reigo said to the woman.

"I'm fine Uncle Grandpa Rei and umm uncle granpa? Who is he?" Jane answered.

" Oh! He's my grandson. Jane, meet Arcanum slash Arcane slash Arc and Arc meet Jane."

" I never knew you had a grandson uncle grandpa. " confusion is written all over her face.

"Oh! What's with the confuse face huh? Never thought I have grandson?"

"That's not what I meant unlce granpa. I mean you don't have a son nor a daughter and then you came here and telling me you have a grandson?" she said being careful to her words.

"Oh that? No need, you know what? I'm thinking of Arc studying to same school as yours. So what do you think?"

Blushing, she looked at Arc and blushed more. "That's a good idea Uncle grandpa I mean he is almost same age as me and umm.. he looks smart too hehe."

Hearing this, Reigo's face lit up and about to say something but Arc immediately spoke, "Grandpa do I really need to study?"

"Of course! You have to study. And no buts!" he said when he saw that his grandson of his is about to protest.

Sighing, "Ok grandpa but can I roam around the place?" Arc said.

Seeing that his grandson asked him the first time for something he nodded his head and said, "Don't go too far ok?"

After knowing his Gramps answer, he left.