
Chapter 1

"I am... l ... l" before he could say anything, a flashback of what had happened to him made him stopped. He remembered that telling his very own name to anyone is dangerous. " Hey kid you're spacing out! Care to share what's in your mind? Or maybe, can you tell me your name? I'm Reigo. Percival Reigo. How about you young man?" said by the middle aged man but what he answered shocked not only Reigo but him as well " I... I don't remember" he said in a low tone. A moment of peace swallowed the surrounding and none of them dared to speak not until " Well? Is that so? How about you become my grandson? Will that be okay for you?" unconsciously, he nodded. "Great! From now on, your name is now umm... ah hmm... ah yes!" Reigo exclaimed " You'll be Arcanum but I'll call you Arcane! " from that he laughed and told to himself, ' I'm such a genius ' . " Will that name be fine for you? " He asked, " I'm fine with it but to be your grandson? I'm not so sure about it since we just met Mr. Percival." Arcane said but Reigo answered, " I lived my life being not able to be raised and loved by anyone and had been continuously living in such a gloomy house. I don't have neither a wife or a son on my own but I'd like you to be my grandson. Please stay with this old man young Arcane please?!?!" from that pleading he surrendered and agreed to Reigo. "From now on I will be your grandson and pledge to be your grandson only sir. I mean Grand... grandpa Reigo" Arcane said but then again Reigo complained, " Don't call me that! Just call me Grandpa Rei. That definitely sounds better hahahaha. " he laughed. "ye..yes grandpa Rei I will".