

A man woke up after running away from treacherous monsters that had been wanting to have his head. For he is no ordinary person, having his head will be a treasure and that led him to cross a life and death situation.

"where am I? " he said. Wondering around the place, he realized that he is supposed to be running from those monsters. In panicked, he stumbled and fell from the bed. A loud bang was heard and immediately a middle aged man appeared before him. " What are you doing young man? Your body is still too weak to move. Take a rest first and we'll talk later." with that the man left him from the room. He have no choice but to rest.


Opening his eyes. " Oh!, you're finally awake. Fixed yourself and let's have breakfast ." before he could open his mouth, the door slammed in front of him already. He got up and fixed himself and immediately followed the middle aged one. While having breakfast, he asked "Sir why am I here?". He lowered his spoon and wiped his mouth and finally said "Introduce yourself and I will be telling you why." with such words coming from his, he answered, " I am ... I am.."