
With my overpowered leveling system across the Omniverse

A college student name Renji hakuta died to a truck when heading to a part time job and end up in the void and was chosen by the overpowered leveling system.

God_of_Avatars · Anime & Comics
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As I went inside I could see how the place looked disheveled and dusty I instantly used [Primordial fire manipulation] and burn away everything the dirt, rust etc, then I went and looked around the place the dining hall check the kitchen check and the storage room the place was full of storage seals and most were empty I restock them and went back to checking the place.

Everywhere is fixed and ready I'm quite hungry although I don't really need to eat but why not taste my cooking, so now let's cook something.

Third pov:

As Ren went inside the kitchen he started taking out ingredients from his space he put everything on the table and created a knife out of thin air as he started the fire he boiled the water chopped up the flour dough into little pieces by the look of things he was making noodles he put the noodles in the pot while cooking the beef and boiling eggs.

Back to Ren:

While I was cooking I wondered what to make then I chose to cook noodles and then I will go to inchiraku and check there noodles out as I was cooking I used [Almighty] to see different possibilities of my cooking while also using [The End] to copy/learn the cooking techniques while bringing the best possibilitie into reality when I was finished.

I looked at perfection in front of my face I could literally seeing It glowing while I was eating I sense some people at the front of my shop door I already know the reason they are here while I was cooking I left a window open so that I could get some customers although I don't need money you can never have too much that's why I created [Duplicates] to cook and send some in disguises to buy some ingredients and animals why so that I could create a farm in my [Dimension Home] as I opened the door and got everything thing ready I made my [Duplicates] disguise them selves as I was about to open the door when...

[Mission: Have 100 people leave a good review.

Reward: The Power of the Monarch of Death - Shadow]

As I read the read the reward I was exited because I know I could do this and beyond as I opened the door I let people inside and to their seats while also giving them a menu with all the different types of foods.

As I left my [Duplicates] to do the rest I went in the back and went inside my [Dimension Home] as I looked around I could see a plain, hills and mountains with a ocean I while looking at the pile of different things in front of me they were different fruit's, vegetables, seeds, animals etc.

As I see everything I created a castle that where I would live while also creating farmland while planting the different things and also created a fence around an area and putting the different animals in pairs as I created [Duplicates] to do the rest I went and test out my abilities when I was in here I can manipulate fire, earth, water, wind, wood, lightning, light, darkness, time, space without out limits but when I was outside I could only manipulate them in a range of 1000,000km and that's because that's how far I could see everything without using my abilities I think it depends on my perception as I was finished testing out that I went to [incursio] to test something as I bring it out it was in the ground in it's sword form as I touched it rapped around me while also bonding with my soul I let it do so. IT took 30 minutes to adapt to this new power system/ reality while it was adapting I used [The End] to copy it's ability to adapt and evolve I was thinking that because it was a living weapon can't I copy it's abilities while also in this time it was trying to take over me but with [Endless Nine] I became immune to it's affects in the time in seeing I was immune it just gave up after it was done I tested the armour while equipping it I could see it boosting the effects of [Endless Nine]

(Yes when equipped I will boost your power by 10)

You can talk.

(Yes adapting to this new reality I was also evolving at a alarming rate in this time a gained new abilities and skills)

So your stronger now good.

So how is it being bonded to my soul.

(In being bonded with your soul I could grow stronger with you while able to use your abilities vice versa)

If that's so, I would like you to adapt to anything we encounter ok.



As I was finish with [Incursio] I went to check out the rest of my abilities while also leveling them up after I was done I went back to the other world and camed back to see the store full by the looks of things I was going to exceed the mission amount of people.

As I finished seeing how things was going I went to the sweet shop to see how it was going and the same thing was happening here there was a long line at both of my establishments.

As the day was soon over I went and locked the shops to the disappointment of everybody but they are going to have to wait.

As my [Duplicates] was finishing up things I went home and check out my rewards.

[Mission complete]

[The Power of the Monarch of Death - Shadow has been acquired]

[Monarch of Death - Shadow abilities:

Shadow extraction: the ability to extract a entity's shadow creating a copy of them that is stronger than the original by saying the command ARISE making them your shadow soldier boosting there power after there death.

Note: This leaves the corpse.

Shadow preservation: the ability to store your shadow soldiers into your and other entity's shadow's.

Note: This ability is linked to the Land Of Eternal Rest.

Shadow exchange: the ability to see, smell, feel, taste and hear what a shadow soldier is experiencing while also having the power to exchange positions.

Shadow chain: the ability to use, give, copy abilities of shadow soldiers.

Shadow dungeon: the ability to transport anything within a never ending dungeon that holds your shadow soldiers and loot.

Note: This was created using fragments of the system of solo leveling.

Shadow energy manipulation: the ability to create and manipulate shadow energy.

Note: A energy that holds the essence of darkness and death this also gives the ability of armour and weapon creation etc.

Darkness/Shadow manipulation: the ability to manipulate the absence of light.

Death manipulation: the ability to manipulate the end of everything.

Life manipulation: the ability to manipulate life.

Soul manipulation: the ability to manipulate the core of life.

Time manipulation: the ability to manipulate the flow of time.

Mind manipulation: the ability to manipulate the mind of any being.

Evolution: the ability to infinitly/eternaly grow stronger.

Realm of eternal rest: A realm beyond death, dreams, nothingness and existence where you are omnipotent, and is infinite in size with sub abilities such as:

[Power manipulation: Edit]

Realm of eternal rest: A realm beyond death, dreams, nothingness and existence where you are omnipotent, omnipresence and omniscient and is infinite in size with sub abilities such as:

World of Death:

- Holds the Souls/Essence of Shadow Soldiers

- The place where Dead Souls reside

- Dominion: Over all dimensions

- Makes Shadow Soldiers immune to true Death and existence erasure

Existential Forms:

- Beyond Taeguk

- Beyond Wuji

- Beyond True Death

Note: Each form boosts your power to some degree with each form having and giving different effects.

World of Darkness:

- Transcends Death

- Non Existent beings can be Revived

- Authority: True Death - True End

- Sense: Beyond Dreams and the Void

- Beyond Non - Existence


- Beyond H.E

- Holds Infinite Shadow Energy

Ruler authority: the ability to move anything.

Self healing: the ability to heal from anything while also being immune to all diseases, poisons and debuffs.

Gate Creation: the ability to create portals to other places and dimensions.

Unyielding spirit: when health is below 50% all damage received is reduced by 50%.

[Power manipulation: Edit]

Unyielding spirit: when health is below 99.9999999...% all damage received is reduced by ♾️%.

Casaka's armoured skin: the ability that reduce all damage by 20%.

[Power manipulation: Edit]

Casaka's armoured skin: the ability that reduce all damage by ♾️%.

Stealth: the ability to hide your presence and aspects of your self such as smell, aura, magic, energy etc.

Dragon fear: the power to infuse your power into a roar weakening and stunning everyone that hear's it.

Bloodlust: the ability to intimidate opponents, in doing this they are weakened by 50%.

[Power manipulation: Edit]

Bloodlust: the ability to intimidate opponents, in doing this they are weakened by ♾️%.

Quick silver: the ability to boost your speed by 40%.

[Power manipulation: Edit]

Quick silver: the ability to boost your speed by ♾️%.

Dagger/weapon manipulation: the ability to manipulate weapons/daggers sub abilities include:

Dagger Rush: the ability to banbaerd your enemies with daggers from all directions.

Advance dagger arts: the ability to deal out a additional 33% damage when using daggers.

[Power manipulation: Edit]

Advance dagger arts: the ability to deal out a additional ♾️% damage when using daggers.

System manipulation: the ability to use, create and manipulate everything about the system (solo leveling)

System: Shop - the ability to create anything from the system shop (of solo leveling)

Equip - the ability to equip any equipment without actually wearing it.

Auto translation/Omni-lingualisim - the ability to speak, write and know and understand all languages.

Unlimited inventory: a unlimited space where you can store anything.

[You have acceded the system limit by 1400 people because of that you will get additional rewards]

[You have obtained Omni - culinary arts, God tongue, God hand, Genesis book and Creation pen]

[Omni - culinary arts: the knowledge and skills on food and cooking with everything related to it]

[God tongue: the power to know all information through your tongue]

[God hand: the ability to heal all things]

[Name:Genesis book includes:

Description: A book that embodies information/knowledge/truth.

Infinite Information

Infinite Realisation Pages

Infinite Reincarnation

Infinite Truth

Infinite Wisdom

Infinite Records]

[Name:Creation pen includes:

Description: A pen that embodies creation.

Infinite Creation

Infinite Erasure

Infinite Copy

Infinite Visualisation]

[Unlimited inventory has been fused with Gate of Babylon]

[Unlimited inventory/Gate Creation has been fused with Gate of Babylon]

[Gates of Babylon have gained new sub abilities they include [Treasure hunter] [Treasury manipulation] [Gate manipulation] [Loot] [Currency] [Floors] [Store] [Omniscience].

[Gates of Babylon:

Treasure hunter: the ability to be able to sense and find treasures.

Treasury manipulation: the ability to manipulate anything in the treasury.

Gate manipulation: the ability to manipulate anything about the gates such as the size, shape etc, while also being able to use the gates to travel to other places, locations and dimensions.

Loot: when killing a enime all there treasures past, present and future will automatically go inside the treasury.

Floors: are the spaces where all different types of treasures are stored .

Note: Each floor is infinite in size and you can travel between them.

Store: the ability to store anything in the treasury by using your body as an medium.

Presence: the ability to be everywhere, anywhere, nowhere and somewhere in the treasury.

Knowing: the ability know about anything and everything about from anything that is within the treasury.

[Bloodlust have evolved into Monarchs haki]

[ Monarch's haki: the ability to intimidate any being weaker than you or at your level.(this can cause mistakes, unconsciousness, and even death)]

[Self healing has been fused with Fountain of Youth]

[You have obtained Immunity]

[Immunity: the ability to not be bound by time, space, fate and reality.

While also being immune to physical, mental spiritual attacks, normal - abnormal conditions, all the elements, holy and demonic attacks, existence erasure etc.

Note: this ability is a sub ability of Endless Nine]

[You have obtained Absolute/Infinite Regeneration/healing]

[Absolute/Infinite Regeneration: the ability to regenerate yourself from anything as long it is associated with you in some ways.(like a person thought of you)]

As I accepted of the rewards I can even feel the black heart or my black heart manifesting I could sense that I was no longer bounded by time can do anything with it, I did some editing with some of the abilities.

And there was a additional ability [Shadow chain] it wasn't in the manhwa or light novel so it's most likely custom made and I'm not complaining and most of my abilities have fused.