
With my overpowered leveling system across the Omniverse

A college student name Renji hakuta died to a truck when heading to a part time job and end up in the void and was chosen by the overpowered leveling system.

God_of_Avatars · Anime & Comics
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While I was in my home leveling up my abilities and testing out my new abilities I sensed a huge wave of negative emotions near the uchiha compound.

As I teleported there I watch as Obito and Itachi were massacering the uchiha clan while watching I created [Duplicates] to collect the Sharingan's and store them inside [Gate of Babylon].

As I teleported towards the uchiha treasury I stored everything while also using the [Creation Pen] to create a copy of the [Gunbai].

And because of this I gain...

[New Tilte obtained Collector]

[Collector: this title gives the ability to have all treasures from the place you get a item from that means all AU alternative universes, what ifs etc]

After I was done I left my [Duplicates] and tell them to only take 90% of the Sharingan's and leaving the rest for Obito why so that I won't disrupt most of the timeline.

After telling my [Duplicates] I went to danzo's hideout while he was busy trying to get some of the [Sharingans].

As I arrived I started killing root ninja's instantly a [Skill book] and other items started dropping I instantly stored them inside [Gate of Babylon] then I went back to killing them after telling [Great Sage] to automatically collect all drops from now on, while killing them I ARISE them and told them to deal with the rest and to put them in a pile.

I went inside the hideout and killed a few more of them while also collecting all useful things then I went inside the vault and started taking everything the machine, scrolls everything while also checking everything information on danzo and his doings.

While checking I saw what danzo was doing all this time, I know from the anime that danzo is a evil but from getting the information like experimenting on clan's children etc, every evil thing danzo did he even worked with orochimaru and that's one of the reason why orochimaru was not caught for so long although he wasn't really sneaky in his experiments.

As I was done finished taking everything I went out to see a huge pile of corpse in front of me.


The shadow's of multiple root ninjas became my shadow soldiers and I stored them.

While going to watch the iconic moment.

As I arrived itachi was in the shadow's waiting for sasuke.

After some time sasuke arrived he was in a good mood because he was humming and skipping his way home as he arrived at the first victim of the massacre he looked mortified and started running home while calling for anyone has he finally reached home he saw Itachi over his dead parents.

Sasuke: brother what happened.




Itachi put sasuke in a tsukuyomi and after that everything went as cannon Itachi threatened danzo, danzo leaving etc.

After seeing all this I went in my [Dimension Home] while copying his [Tsukuyomi] to upgrade my [Sharingan].

Third pov:

As Ren activated his [Sharingan] you could see the three tomoe then many golden gates opened and [Sharingans] started coming out and started rotating around him until they came to a standstill and merged with his eyes.

Back to Ren.

As I was feeling the power coursing through my eyes information on my 2 new abilities came to my mind.

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

What, how.

Ohh because when my [Duplicates] was taking the Sharingan's some of the Uchiha's were still alive so they gave them a quick death ending their misery and because me and my shadow soldiers was killing the root ninja's.


[Scanning complete]

[Cheats acquired]

[Name: Tree of Characters

Description: A tree seed that can be planted in Dimension Home to house different characters.

- Virtualization

- Realization

- Infinite Characters]

[Name: All purpose metal

Description: An all purpose metal.

- Unlimited Upgrading

- Unlimited Optimizing

- Unlimited Transformation

- Unlimited Resizing

- Unlimited Repairing

- Unlimited Generation]

[Name: Locket of Avatars

Description: A locket that house all avatars.

- Reincarnation

- Incarnation

- Transmigration

- Infinite Lives]

[Note: every item gained will be automatically stored inside the Gate of Babylon or in your Soul space]

My soul space that was the part of my soul where I keep all my ultimate level treasures.

And also I have leveled up and now my 3 tomoe [Sharingan] has turned into a [Mangekyo Sharingan] and I have gotten 3 new ultimate treasures.

Then information about two new [MangekyoSharingan] abilities camed to my head.



Yeah they both do what they mean, I could now cut anything and paste anything together.

But they do have limitations like I could only do thoughs things within a radius of where I can sense.

It's not a really a weakness because of me becoming the Shadow Monarch and because of my expanded presence.

Third pov:

Then Ren disappeared.

In [Dimension Home]

As I looked around [Dimension Home] I could see the 10 different worlds spanning the size of universes and is still growing.

With each world having different biomes and creatures.

Like ice bears, fire tigers, golden eagle's, snow rabbits, lightning phoenix and many many more.

Then I went to the main and first world to plant the tree of character's.

Third pov:

Although each world is beautiful I need a use for all of them.

Ren said.

As he said that a golden gate opened side of him, he put his arm in and came out with a unique watch on his hands.

Back to Ren.

This is a watch I created with my abilities and some other help.

Name: All watch

Description: An all purpose watch that can do technologically anything.

- Indestructible

- All knowing

- Genesis of information

Great sage.

Yes master.

Call me Ren from now on.

Yes master Ren.


Can you evolve like Rimuru's great sage from that time I got reincarnated as a slime.

Yes, I can evolve.

The process was about to happen but I wanted to counsol you first.

That's very nice of you.

Thank you master, I mean Ren.

You sound like you had emotion's there.

That's all part of your imagination.

Ah huh, so how do I start the evolution.

You don't have to do anything the only you will do is supply me with the energy sufficient to evolve.

Ok let it begin.


[Evolution commencing]

[Ability Great Sage have issued a request to evolve]

[Request granted]

[Ability Great Sage has been evolved into Wisdom King Raphael]

[Request to evolve and upgrade other abilities]

[Request granted]

[You have obtained Primordial Elemental Physique]

[You have obtained the ability Absolute Virtuous/Angels]

[You have obtained the ability Absolute Sin/Demons]

[You have obtained the title Primordial God]

[You have obtained the title Original Virtue]

[You have obtained the title Original Sin]

[You have obtained a sub ability to The Eternal Rest: World of Hell/Underworld and World of Heaven/Salvation]

[Original Sin: this title grants access to the Demonic core the source of all demonic powers it's abilities include:

Unholy magic

Demonic magic

Soul manipulation

Life manipulation

Death manipulation

Dream manipulation

Emotion manipulation

Unholy manipulation

Space manipulation

Time manipulation



Demonic element manipulation

Demon morphing




Great sage or Raphael what happened.

When evolving I have also evolve and gained new titles and abilities while my other abilities have evolved and have grown stronger.

When evolving myself self you/our abilities have upgraded and evolved while also you gaining new titles was because of your new abilities.

Ok, can you give an explanation then.

[Primordial God: this title grants the affect to manipulate, create and destroy the primordial aspect of everything while also being immune to them]

[Primordial Elemental Physique: the ability to manipulate, create, destroy all primordial elements and you are immune to all of them these elements are:

Primordial solar manipulation

Primordial water manipulation

Primordial poison manipulation

Primordial earth manipulation

Primordial air manipulation

Primordial wind manipulation

Primordial darkness manipulation

Primordial shadow manipulation

Primordial light manipulation

Primordial lightning manipulation

Primordial nature manipulation

Primordial wood manipulation

Primordial ice manipulation



[World of Heaven/Nirvana:

- Infinite Paradise

- World Authority

- Existence manipulation

- Holds Infinite Angelic Energy

[World of Hell/Underworld:

- Infinite Suffering

- After life Authority

- Non - existence manipulation

- Holds Infinite Demonic Energy

[Original Virtue: this title grants access to the Angelic core the source of all angelic powers it's abilities include:

Holy magic

Divine magic

Miracle magic

Holy manipulation

Law manipulation

Fate manipulation

Destiny manipulation

Energy manipulation

Light manipulation

Omni - Holy/Miracle/Divine manipulation



Divine element manipulation


Angel morphing




[Absolute Virtuou/Angel:

[Virtue empowerment: the ability to boost the effects of any virtuous related thing]

[Harbinger of virtue: the ability to appoint a person the power of a harbinger granting them one of the 7 ultimate virtue abilities]

[Virtue manipulation: the ability to manipulate the good will of any one]

[Virtue siphoning:the ability to grow in power when indulging in any virtue and when any being is indulge in any of these virtues around you you grow in power and also when a specific virtue has occurred around you in a universe sized radius it grants you a special affect depending on the virtue that occurred]

[Virtuous Angel transformation: A transformation that when activated grants you the powers of the angel associated with a particular virtue, such as Micheal, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Zariel, Metatron , Sariel]

[The 7 seven heavenly ultimate virtues abilities are:


[Master: the user can master anything they now and see]

[Control: the user has complete control of there body, soul and mind]

[Know: the ability to know information about anything you want]

[Manuel: the user is able to answer any question]

[Creativity: the ability to have transcend imagination, having infinite amounts of entirely new ideas]


[Share: the ability to share anything, vice versa]

(If a being dies when you have share something with them all of what they have with go to you)

[Give: the more you give, in doing this you get 10× of what you gave]

[Gift: the ability to get a random helpful item/object for the situation]

[Blessing: the ability to get a ability for the situation]


[Wish: the ability to wish for absolutly anything ]

[Believe:the more the user believe in something the more likely it will happen]

[Miracle: the ability manipulate, create , destroy miracles]

[Key: the ability to lock and unlock anything ]


[Heal: the ability to heal anything]

[Pure: the ability to purifie anything]

[Clean: the ability to clean anything]

[Wash: the ability to wash away anything]

[Cultivate: the ability to make anything stronger]


[Will of the world: the ability to have the favor of the world]

[World admin: the ability to manipulate and control the power of the world]

Note: this include the power systems and it's inhabitants etc.

[Counter: the ability to counter/parry anything]

[Inverse: the ability to make something do the opposite]

[Vector: the ability to the vector of anything]


[Watch me do it: the ability to manipulate the weight, size, shape, mass and density of anything]

[Slow: the ability to slow down anything ]

[Give it time: the ability to heal from any injury with time while also growing stronger]

[Still: the ability to make anything still (not moving)]

[Think: the ability to comprehend, understand and memorize any and all information you see, hear, taste etc]


[Good guys always wins: the ability to always be stronger than your opponent]

[Justice beam: the ability to fire a beam/laser that will erase anything that is evil some way or form]

[Believe: you can do what people believe you can do]

[Truth: the ability to always know the the truth and identify lies]

[The Hero: the ability to never lose]

[Original Sin: this title grants access to the Demonic core the source of all demonic powers it's abilities include:

Unholy magic

Demonic magic

Soul manipulation

Life manipulation

Death manipulation

Dream manipulation

Emotion manipulation

Unholy manipulation

Space manipulation

Time manipulation

Omni - Soul/Life/Death manipulation



Demonic element manipulation

Demon morphing




[Absolute Sin/Demon:

[Sin empowerment:the ability to boost the effects of any sin related thing]

[Harbringer of sin:the ability to appoint a person the power of a harbringer granting them one of the 7 ultimate sin abilities]

[Sin manipulation:the ability to manipulate the urge of any one]

[Sin siphoning:the ability to grow in power when indulging in any sin and when any being is indulge in any of these sins around you you grow in power and also when a specific sin has occurred around you in a universe sized radius it grants you a special affect depending on the sin that occurred]

[Sin Demon transformation:a transformation that when activated grants you the powers of the demon associated with a particular sin, such as Asmodeus, Mammon, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Leviathen, Satanel]

[The 7 seven deadly ultimate sin abilities are:


[Devouring:the user can devour their enemies and other entities fully no matter the size,mass, durability etc.The user can absorb the full power, memory, skills and abilities , and the full potential of the entity devoured and use the power the devoured entity would have in the past, present and future]

[Infinite stomach:a space that time doesn't exist and it can store anything the user wants]

[Library:devoured entities are analyzed and stored their life history, skills and memories are laid bare for the user]

[Gluttony manifestation:the ability to manifest the affect of devouring around them]


[I can do anything and better:the ability to imitate/copy anything and can use it at it's full power and potential]

[Pride embodiment:the ability to become the embodiment of pride this gives the user a boost in power and size while also weakening enemies around them]

[Star throw:the ability to create stars of different size and magnitudes that has heat unimaginable that the user can manipulate and throw to there enemies while healing and energizing allies]

[Aura of pride:the ability to create an aura around the user that boost,heal, energized etc allies and weakens enemies]


[Awaken sleep:the user is aware of everything while they are asleep]

[Strengthen sleep training:the ability to improve anything and everything while sleeping]

[Sleep manipulation:the ability to manipulate sleep however you want and also fall asleep in one second while also needing an hour of sleep to be fully awake and energized or less if the user wants]

[Sleep evolution:the ability to evolve while and when sleeping in a favourable way]


[S.e.x demon transformation:the ability to transform into a sex demon,the user's body become more attractive than normal and when the skill is activated . The user will transform into a sex demon , and they'll take a few of their traits.This increases the power of the user and can change between the forms of a incubus and succubus with gaining their traits]

[Lust enslavement:the ability to manipulate any being you have had sex with]

[Sex energy absorption/Drain-the ability to absorb energys that is created when the opposite genders have sex that boost the user power and also the ability to steal up to 1% to 30% of a being power/strength when they had sex]

[Lust inducement:the ability to induce the effects of lust into any being while also manipulation it]


[Emperor of greed:the ability to steal ownership of anything and everything they want]

[Loot the body:the ability to steal anything]

[Not enough -the ability to have more power the richer you are]

[6 paths of greed:the ability to manipulate , create, destroy, 6 aspects of greed they are treasures, money, land, power, forces and resources]


[Envy the mighty:the ability to lower the stats of anything and everything]

[Strength of the weak-the ability to grow in power when facing someone stronger]

[That's not fair:when the user observe someone better than them in certain aspects they will strive to be better than the original while also reducing the training speed of the person]

[I'm the absolute best:opponents can't use abilitys, skills etc , if the user knows it, (it will be negated]


[Rage embodiment:the ability to become the embodiment of wrath while also boosting your power and also you grow stronger the angrier you are]

[Fury channeling:the ability to channel your anger/fury into a attack this boost the power of the attack the more is put in it]

[Anger avatar:the ability to create a avatar from the user anger to do anything the user wants]

[Wrath absorption:the ability to absorb the anger of beings around them to strengthen themselves]

[Level Up]

Level up?


[Scanning complete]

[Cheat acquired]

[Self Supremacy: the ability to have complete control of oneself]

[Self Supremacy and Perfect control has been fused]

[Autopotence has been created]

[Autopotence: the ability to have omnipotence of oneself]

Wow they are great and overpowered and [Self Supremacy] and [Perfect control] has been fused to create [Autopotence] and the two other absolute abilities are also overpowered, so Raphael how much has my abilities have been upgraded.

Your abilities have been upgraded to the original of it's power and is stronger.

For example [The End] ability can also copy abilities you think of and the [The Almighty] ability can know see all possibilities. No drawbacks and another example could be the [Infinity] ability now you can put the aspect of [Infinity] on anything even space, distance etc.

So it's the limitless technique.

Pretty much , if you want it to be.

Great so Raphael now I want you to put a part of yourself in this watch so that you could watch over everything in [Dimension Home] and technologily evolve each world and give each world a use.


Third pov:

As she said that a ball of light camed out of the middle of rens chest and went in the watch.

Back to Ren.

How do you feel.

I feel technologically stronger.


From now on your name is Noona.

[Manas Noona have been born]

From now on we are going to be together for all eternity.

Yes we are.