
With Knowledge Comes Power

Previously called World of the Dead ---- Smashing zombie skulls or picking up babes? I just can't decide which I wanna do more ---- Do note- before you guys leave any other stupid reviews because of 1 thing So let me say it now so you guys don't waste your time... This is a harem...better yet let's say the mc partakes in polygamy since he's not collecting dolls What are dolls for those who don't know.... useless women who's only purpose is giving sexual relief This story contains multiverse travelling but it's in the form of a competition so that means he's not the only reincarnator, don't like that? fuck o.... I mean don't read ---- Do note if people continuing to give low reviews after I write this, when the competition is revealed in chapter 11, I'll delete them. For those who like the book, thank your for your support and I'll always be trying to find ways to improve and better my writing

Master_Livythan · Anime & Comics
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129 Chs

Finishing Up Part 2

Don't expect much for the beginning of this chapter, I was dotish as fuck, though the ending should be better


" well you were asleep for 17 days, 9 hours...cough i mean nearly 18 days " explained Toshimi before her face flushed in embarrassment when she noticed the strange looks she was receiving, especially the teasing smile Michael had on his face

" these past couple days, we've managed to unified the entirety of Japan under our rule " replied Saeko trying to change the subject which received a grateful look from Toshimi

" how many survivors are there? " asked Michael which caused the room to grow silent as a heavy atmosphere appeared

" less than 7 million " replied Saya with a sigh, Michael could smell the anger and depression their body was producing and it made him frown

" we must constantly move forward.....until all of our enemies are dead " said Michael solemnly as he looked at each and every one of them

[ A.N- I had to hahahaha ]

" when we stabilized Japan and make it somewhat self sufficient, we move on to the other countries, starting with the continents " continued Michael before anyone could continue , before a lewd smirk appeared on his face and he pounced on Kyoko before she could react, destroying the previous atmosphere


It took 23 months to completely stabilize the world. From that , it took 3 months on Japan and that was because it was the girls home, there Legion gained 1.5 million members, the others fell under the other divisions such as construction, which had the most members at 1 million people. Followed by the manufactures, which were thought to build weapons and armors, and anything else at that matter

Michael could have spent much more time developing but after he left this world, unless he had to leave the girls before coming back for them he wasn't planning to come back to this world

From there we expanded like a Tidal wave, the army landed first, dealt with the threats then when they were finished the other divisions came in and took over and then stabilized. It took 6 months for Asia, then 7 for Africa, now that was a pain in the ass, imagine a pack of zombified hyenas laughing. The other continents where finished in that time

He wasn't sure if it was Asian authors being Asian authors and Americans living up to novel stereotypes but like who the fuck has time for gang wars in the apocalypse. Michael wasn't sure how to describe how he felt being called a mixed breed yellow monkey when he was black in his previous life, he didn't know if he should have pissed at the racism or be happy that he had a moment straight out of a novel

Though hid did gain some positives out of the nearly 2 years extra he spent here. Those being he created a language that was spoken as the main language world wide....though Saya pointed out that I may have just recreated the original language spoke on earth before it was changed by the Christian God but there was no proof so it was his achievement

Secondly, he was now worshiped as a Deity, the God of Salvation they called him, the girls had a field day with that, complimenting him on finally achieving his sect making his face twitch

Speaking of the girls, with Yuriko it was complicated, she clearly loved him and honestly did nothing to hide it but her views as a traditional woman stopped her from sealing the deal. Yeah he could force her but he didn't want her to be filled with guilt right after they had sex. He could wait, he's only 22 and she's definitely gonna come with him..

Rei's mother on the other hand was loyal to her husband to the point he was sure she'd kill herself if I tried to flirt with her, much to Rei's relief

With Akiri, for some reason they're on speaking terms which confused Michael to no end before he was told that Rei and Saya confused her that Takashi was working for him undercover and was helping them uncover the cause of the virus, it seems they convinced that he died a noble death. It was so good he almost believed that bullshit but hey at least she doesn't look at him like she wants to end his bloodline

What happened with Rika?Well I finally know what happens when you mix blonde and purple....cough moving on

With his control over the earths resources he managed to upgrade Makia several times, the same Makia he was now sitting in as his time in his world had come to an end after he spent the last few days doing nothing but comforting his women

" till we meet again " muttered Michael as he handed in his mission, he looked down as his body disappeared into particles


Michael found himself in an all white room with nothing but an empty chair in the room, stark contrast to before he went to the world, nothing but void, he could remember every feeling clearly, he was snapped out of his thoughts by the system voice



[Main mission] :

1.(Dominate and rule what's left of humanity after destroying the zombie plague

[Completed. Completion rate 100%]

(Reward= High school of the Dead World-core, Soul seed)


2.(Find out the source of Zombie Plague

[ Completed ]

{ A weakened Tier 6 being had fallen to the World Of The High School OF the Dead where it found and possessed the World protagonist generating a World Boss }

Reward= Elite Bloodline Upgrade, 100,000 Chaos System Points)

{ The elite of any race is born 10 times stronger than their low class brethren, this includes intelligence or potential }


[Side Mission] :


1. Save humanity!!!

Every 100 hundred people equals 1 stat point( 223,978,102/100)

Reward : 2,239,782 Stat Points




Calculating Users Strength to be Peak Tier 5....converting Chaos SP to Enhanced Chaos SP....new total

4,467,956 Enhanced SP


2. True Gentle man

seduce and date all of the female protagonist

reward = wife mark ( grants a semi perfect body )


Michael stiffened when the System called out his rewards, even after the system recalculated after finding his strength, he still had an absurd amount of them, he had to bite his lip to stop himself from cackling out like a madman

Taking several deep breaths to calm himself, he accepted the blood line enhancement reward before he did anything else, especially after seeing the description

He watched as a five inch vial appeared holding a black liquid. Looking at it closely he found that no matter how heard he focused on it, he couldn't find his reflection which made him shiver unconsciously before popped the cork and downed the contents

He stood there and braced himself for the pain only he was expecting to not appear, only for the next second for him to fall on his knees as his consciousness started slipping, the last thing he saw was a figuring suddenly appearing into existence before he blacked out


After an unknown amount of time, Michael groggily opened his eyes as he sat up, trying to shake off the dizziness that assailed him managed to catch himself and opened brought up his status

( Michael Takami : Tier 5 )

Race : Elite Human

{ Proficiency System, Perk Perfect Body }

Strength : 350 [ 175,000KG ] { 175 Metric Tons }

Vitality : 350

Agility : 350 [ 8.7km/s ] ( Mach 25 )

Intelligence : 350

Energy : 70

Passive Skills : [ Tier 3 ]

( Language Mastery Proficiency : Great Achievement 331/399 )

( Science Mastery Proficiency : Great Achievement 331/399 )

( Production Mastery Proficiency : Great Achievement 331/399 )

( Movement Mastery Proficiency : Small Achievement 311/399)

( Martial Arts Mastery Proficiency : Small Achievement 311/399)

( Weapon Mastery Proficiency : Great Achievement 301/399 )

( Cooking Mastery Proficiency : Great Achievement 301/399 )

( Medical Mastery Proficiency : Great Achievement 361/399 )

( Enhanced Senses Proficiency : Great Achievement 331/399 )

( Seducer Proficiency : Great Achievement 311/399 )

( Analysis Mastery Proficiency : Great Achievement 331/399 )

( Educator Mastery Proficiency : Great Achievement 370/399 )

{ • Entry:- 300-310, Small Achievement:- 311-330, Great Achievement:- 331-360, Pinnacle Achievement:- 361-380, Perfection:- 381-390, Master:- 391-399 }


Before Michael could comment on the sheer ridiculous of his new stats he was distracted

" this is the first time I've been ignored so someone can check their status " Michael heard a female speaking and raised his head and found that a blurry figure was now sitting on the chair, their whole mannerism pointing at laziness

" who are you supposed to be " asked Michael calmly as he made himself comfortable on the floor as he waited for the figure to speak

He couldn't see her face but he was sure she raised her eyebrow at her actions

" you're pretty cock for a mere Tier 2 " the woman said not even bothering to hide disregard but Michael was more confused at what she said

" where did you get that Tier 2 thing from? " asked Michael as several thoughts ran through his head as he watched her nonchalantly bring up a status screen and from what he managed to see it was his own

" are you foolish, it's clearly right her--- " she paused. Michael watched in amusement as she suddenly sat up and brought up several status screens before she looked at him

" who are you " Michael raised his eyebrow in surprise at the sudden coldness that found it's way into her voice which confused him but he didn't let it show on his face

" Michael....Takami " Michael watched as she lowered her head seemingly trying to find if they heard of the name which made him laugh which made her head snapped towards him

" do you think this is a joke " she asked a voice much colder than before as a pressure descended on his body crashing him right unto the floor, Michael felt as if his entire being would be squeezed out of existence before it was suddenly dissipated

Michael gasped repeatedly as he never felt himself so close to death since his rebirth, he could hardly even produce a thought but the words she muttered made several thoughts race through his mind before a smirk found it's way unto his face making him even forget his pain

" ....who's protecting him....not only can they block his real information, even I can't affect the system....but they can also easily displace my pressure " he heard her mutter

Sitting up, Michael looked at her with a smirk and he was sure it was annoying her

" let's make a deal " said Michael after he managed to calm himself

" a deal? what gives you the grounds to make a deal with me mortal? " she asked while breaking into laughter

" while you can easily kill me, I'm sure you've noticed by now that you'd follow soon after " said Michael calmly, though he was sweating internally as he wasn't sure if the person who was clearly protecting him would help him but it was a gamble to gain a clearly powerful ally

The entire space fell into silence as Michael found himself getting more nervous as time passed but he continued with his scheme

" ....I'm Listening "


There's one more part coming, but I might add that to the first AOT chapter