
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · Video Games
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161 Chs

No, im neutral

After giving a farewell to Silverash father and Mother, Cliffheart and Silverash bid farewell to both of them despite their lack of Enya but Enya will have the chance tommorow.

We went to the consul meeting where there was a great debate about the sacredness of the place but I casually walked around Kjerag with Rhodes island members, we try to vacation here actually.

"The food, Yummy" i eat every food in stall available in there, despite my weird attitude, as visitor i must spend my own wealth.

"hey, you should do respect our culture" i click my own mouth and chew another snack on my hand.

"Fine" i do simple quick ceremony and Kjerag eye appear beside me.

"Is this proof of Goddess Kjerag blessing of welcoming, you want banish the guest that Goddess Kjerag personally protect from the likes of you !? shameful, you should repent and ask your Saintess to purified the thing inside you called brain" i give them middle finger and continue eating whatever the stall provide. all people felt stupid because they accidentally disrespect Goddess Kjerag Very Important Person.

"Doctor.... you.... trickster"

"I'm hungry, kal'tsit never cook me a food despite i cook her delicious every goddamn day, i'm not even taking a breakfast or lunch since Iberia hunt, i forget to eat nor drinking, well festival provide that and i will gladly take it" i took a big bite of the food and drink a hot soup directly from the hot pot.

The commotion here in the consul made Silverash, Browntail, Paleroches come over to me who was casually eating comfortably and consuming all the food at the festival.

"I'm a little hungry so I ate all the food provided in the stalls at the festival, don't you mind?" I ate Kjerag's specialty cake like an M&M.

"Oh goddess, don't you have any shame?"

"Leave it, he is my guest, please enjoy the Kjerag Doctor's banquet" I laughed as Kjeragandr Eye personally spoke to me.

"Thank you goddess, can I eat that mountain?"

"I think you're a little overzealous to eat a mountain"

"I'm kidding, oh yes goddess, I return your Sacred Text that I borrowed"

"Sacred text?" I take out the sacred text on the box and open the box, the sacred text from ancient time and complete all in one set of history.

"Where do I put this?" no one answered even Kjera didn't understand why I had the Sacred text and casually took it out.

"YOU THIEF" Everyone drew their weapons except Rhodes island member knew that is a copy of it.

"Huh? Are you deaf? I borrowed not stole it" The Vine bear court appeared with great elder, making this even better.

"Thief of sacred text, do you have any last words before we punish you for this act?"

"How deep does your grave need to be dug?" Great Elder was insulted by that and pointed his magic wand at me.

"Execute that man"

"ENOUGH" Goddess Kjerag wrath coming she create total blizzard to Kjerag. i raise my hand the blizzard disappear an instant in my palm dancing like fairy.

"Woah, woah, calm your tits goddess, i have no intention to create another harsh winter out of nowhere. i just want to return the sacred text as Saintess ceremony will be held in couple day, please. i come in peace despite my approach little bit rude in Kjerag culture i apologize for my uncultured behavior, i know you little bit disappointed about your people ignorant and dont want another tragedy like Before happened again right ? right ?"

"Very well"

"good, so, so ,so where is good place to enjoy scenery, can you give me guide or recommendation ?"

"Karlan Peak is the best you should check there"

"Thank you, ah, do accept currency or trade ?"

"We accept any type of Trade" i open up my treasury which is neatly organize from precious stone, currency and many exchangeable thing.

"Do you accept raw or already crafted ?"

"umm... raw please" i take out my raw gold, amethyst, aquamarine precious gem. and distribute the treasury but i send hidden message to rhodes island.

"Watch out of those three clan, they will put surveillance to you, i will go to meet goddess personally, Alice keep an eye of the Paleroches, Nier and Yumi keep an eye to Browntail, Peek above you, not obvious, just little peek" rhodes islander peek above them seeing a robed man on the roof.

"That Verdugo is my informant, it will watch over the Vine Bear court or the Great elder, if you see a scratch in something unusual such place. beware of something, poisoning, ambush, or accident killing"

"Doctor, what is your plan honestly ?"

"I have no plan, literally. i just following along and goofing around. after talking with Ensia Parent, i grow pity upon this country, prosper yet bland. free yet caged. abundant potential yet hidden on plain sight"

"Another business doctor"

"yes, but shhhh. just act along"

"Roger Doctor"

"So lets go Goddess" i close my dimensional Treasury and the sacred box float to my hand and disappear from my grasp, i walk pass the Elder and the court.

"word of advice, you seen nothing yet" a storm of blizzard appear in front of me and i vanish in the blizzard, the blizzard gone while everyone just there.

"pfft, as expected"

"Silverash you know him ?"

"Oh, he Doctor. Rhodes Island famous Doctor, the very person able create miracle including Oripathy cure, many thing" Silverash go away with all rhodes islander, Meanwhile me in Sanctuary meet Enya and Kjera herself.


"You ! Doctor"

"Hello Enya, hello lady"

"Doctor, i hear from Ensia you will definitely come"

"ahahahah dont get excited Enya, we have plenty of time, come come" i teach her any knowledge regarding the Saintess of Kjerag based on religious text i keep, i teach her how to reform just like Pope Vatican to be honest, Enya enjoy my teaching and she sleep out of exhaust.

"Hmm, you choose right person. but tell me doctor... why you push me from the space ship"

"i dont like Goddess especially foreign goddess step in without invitation"

"But you invite me there"

"Because my praying"

"Yes, your praying have unique divine power that able manifest me to your position"

"Fascinating, tell me more" She tell me how my faith make her manifest in full form but without full power she had in here.

Is same as Life born from faith, she same as Victoria. noted.

We chatted into the morning but before sunrise, we reached the top of Karlan where we could see the whole of Kjerag below us.

"How is it Doctor, isn't it beautiful?"

"Not yet" The sun was rising and I could feel another sensation, a divine energy. Interesting.

"Thank you for your time Kjera"

"You're welcome doctor, by the way doctor. You are also feranmut right?" I smiled and looked at Kjera.

"No." I flew off and sped to my group, when I returned Verdugo reported three assassination attempts which Verdugo had recorded.

"I'll put this to good use" I walked in and saw everyone having breakfast.

"Doctor, welcome back. Goddess ?"

"She a easy going in person, not a threat though but she sad about Kjerag Condition"

"doctor, maybe perhaps you can become one of elder"

"Thank you in advance but i decline the offer, i have already so many title in me that i dont want add it more, if you could perhaps creating balance between the three ruling family"

"Hmm.... what game you want to play here Doctor"

"Nothing, I'm just giving you advice. I don't want to be dragged into Kjerag's political problems which are a bit religious in nature. I'm not interested in your country's reform affairs because organizing a country is easier"

"Interesting, how can your actions make that happen?"

"Oh it's simple, first" I took a picture of Elder and threw a knife at his head.

"The old religious system is too outdated to be maintained especially paranoid and arrogant people like him, just because you sit as the leader of a country built by a goddess does not mean you have the right to guide let alone have full control over whatever happens in the country built by the goddess, it is none of your business and not your obligation, he has abused that authority, second" a photo of Valais's father appeared then all the victims of Elder appeared and I gave flowers to all the photos.

"Using the authority as a chosen person to eliminate someone who has another opinion is stupid, he made a fatal mistake as a person chosen to be the arbiter and elder of a religious faction especially using the basis that it was written in the holy book, the holy book was made based on the guidance of the goddess to her people, sometimes it is misinterpreted by some opinions, opinions make edicts, edicts make rules. It is this rule that becomes a parasite and this rule that changes the entire content of the revelation of the Direct Goddess, which from simple to confusing and seems coercive, religion was created peacefully not anarchist or to take personal gain and loss, religion cannot be used as a political basis. that is violation for the truest intention of religion, changes are needed in society, especially the progress desired by the Goddess herself does not deviate from the recommendations or the will and guidance of the goddess herself even though sometimes the command is only a verse or one sentence. I've been talking to Kjerangandr face to face for a whole night, Kjeragandr wants her people to move, open up to others outside Kjerag, accept new religious believers from outside" I then took a snack from my pocket dimension.

"With my insolent behavior at the previous festival, it shows how bad the religious management here is, I as a newcomer should be taught the way and guidance of the culture here and religion here by making strange actions but you criticize me, that's why I called Kjeragandr directly and then when I returned the Sacred text, you accused me of stealing it without finding out, why the sacred text was on me even in front of your own goddess, even though it was literally just a proxy but she was really sad, Even worse, Elder, you want to execute me in front of the Goddess who has given protection and is considered an honored guest here, what a high level of hypocrisy, it is clear in his myopic eyes, in front of the goddess Guest yet dare to act arrogant and his court also stayed silent when that happened, he is not a god here, he is just someone who has the authority to keep the religion but the truest messiah here is Saintess and the truest leader in this country is Goddess, not him" I throw another knife to his head.

"then while I was having a meeting with the goddess, I got intel from some trusted people that some of my members got an assassination attempt, which was carried out by Elder, even though I am protected by the goddess does not mean that my group is also not protected by the goddess, they are in the jurisdiction of the goddess as well as my jurisdiction, I don't like someone hurting my team especially when I have my back to them, that doesn't mean I ignore it, I am assessing the quality of a person and I have reached a conclusion" I threw another knife and three knives were already stuck into Elder.

"He shall be eliminate by goddess punishment, she maybe can't punish directly but who gonna punish him. Look at the knife" everyone look at knife, The Silverashes, The Browntails, The Paleroches logo in there.

"three ruling family should unite to end Executive court arrogant attitude and return back the right of the country to who supposedly belong, the Saintess. well, i'm beat. that Goddess forget to bring me food or drink, she keep talking and talking just like Kal'tsit everyday nagging, urgghh, i hate lousy woman especially woman have so much life problem and keep complaining everyday" i take out new Magazine of gaming, i collect it in case i need to learn it. while eating my snack.

"no wonder you are flawless tactician, searching the flaw of people just by fooling around, use every opportunity to gain any advantage to pinch the enemy in many side"

"heh, thank you for compliment, thank you for sheltering though, we still have two day before ceremony begun, i have plenty time to... oh"

"What happened Doctor ?"

"I forget to change Amiya Laptop, time to invent" Everyone Rhodes island excited to me invent something, definitely worth to watch.

I create the blueprint out of thin air, design the perfect gaming pod, a versatile one. can be use as bed and gaming chair, provided with high resolution monitor, more higher pc part and evolved one, creating many feature that provided for full immersive gaming and working with easy access for user, full immersive interactive with hologram sensor, creating new type comfortable gaming.

more awesome this gaming chair is portable able to bring anywhere and able to adjust for personal preference to even modify it to user likeness and comfort from cushion to temperature module, also add safety Radiation safety, high water resistance and tolerance make the component able survive even get dip out or get poured by accident.

easy to clean and easy to change from cushion, the setting or the appearance.

I build it after design it, it take only 30 minutes and the Amiya gaming chair ready to be play with, Amiya Bnuuy mascot in hologram on the side waving at us as it alive and Amiya Mascot arknight plushies in the table sitting there cutely, i take a picture then the Gaming chair turn into A Carrot, yes, Amiya Plushies held the carrot tightly, i pat it and complete.

"Gaming chair complete, i wonder Amiya will cry like a baby when she see this"


"Hmmm.... no..." i wrap that as cutely as possible like Kjerag Souvenirs.

"Papa i want one"

"Alice, you have very access of Kalimdor, why you need that ?"

"tehee, Alice forget"

"Sigh... Silly Alice" there is chaos in here especially the Gaming chair, in group chat everyone throw info, intel that Amiya Laptop is change into amazing Computer Mobile Chair, Amiya can't sleep for two day before of it, she so curious what give she will get, she already have wild imagination about it.

Meanwhile at the blessing ceremony, I saw an interesting tragedy, three ruling family protest about the Council hypocrisy because my revelation and truth, they throw riot to ask justice.

Kazimierz incident repeated again, I just watched until Elder slandered me for tarnishing the Kjerag Religion. I just yawned and ignored his scolding, until I was locked up by the Vine Bear Court because of my action.

i'm literally doing suspicious since three day, playing some Kjerag game in Silverash house, visiting Browntail territory to playing snow and ice boarding, then enjoying Paleroches fishing spot. we have no intention to exploit him yet he slander me.

"Seditionist, thief and blasphemer. You deserve to be punished for that" I was shocked and I raised my hand.

"we old generation elder, but if you want to prove point then" i take out my clothes, leaving my t-shirt who is tightly hugging my godlike physique, tying my hair and showing my nape.

" chop off my head, take this as tribute to Goddess Kjerag of my action to blasphemy your said ideal religion, after all, killing a blasphemer is merit for you to Goddess Kjerag, maybe she will blessing you with her divine blessing" Elder take Paleroches sword, approach me and slash my neck, my head drop down rolling on the floor, my body oozing out blood from it.

"DOCTOR !" Everyone run to me who already death but Yumi, Alice and Nier hold their laughter because the one elder kill was my clone, the real me in the crowd hiding on the plain sight.


"It's not a big deal, he's a blasphemer, a blasphemer must be punished regardless of his background."

"FOOL, YOU KILL A GOD" hearing that remark made Elder throw the sword and contemplated his action. a raging blizzard appeared and Goddess Kjeragandr appeared in angry state.

"FOOLISHNESS, YOU DARE KILL MY GUEST" everyone bow down to Goddess Kjerag smoke view.

"Goddess, i.... he ask me"

"Then why you follow his demand, you believe his solution to prove a point ? you believe the blasphemer word rather the sacred text i provide you before ? Your Arrogant is your ignorance, i declare you a betrayer... you shall be punish be my proxy" Enya appear seeing my lifeless body she almost snap, but she must proceed the ceremony despite the tragedy while me just enjoying the drama.

Alice, Nier and Yumi sneaking to my side, we have laugh for it, this trio is chaotic like me, only Orion is sane one compare to us.

the ceremony is done, and Enya declare Vine Bear Court is disbanded and Elder put on trial, the trial was successful from many source and alibi, the elder get heart attack because of it and he can hear my word in his head.

"How deep do I need to bury you?" I'm sure this is too deep, life is full of lies and deceit, death is humiliated and insulted but the most regret is that the arrogance he glorified is now useless, he got carried away to his jail meanwhile Rhodes Islander, they can't resurrect me until Ensia search my three daughters who are already gone.

"Where is those three ?"

"Huh !? wait.... DOCTOR !"

"Whaaattttt....." i casually gliding in the air with sleeping buddha pose. the lifeless body turn into bubble and float around in the sky, my clone head roll to me and pop like a celebration.

"Congratulation for Ceremony. one small issue. where is the banquet, im hungry folk" and i got scold by everyone for my shenanigans, while i was laughing the whole time. greatest prank and we continue the ceremony with banquet of course but the shit luck was.

i was in the floor, sit like a guilty man, in front of me was none other than Kal'tsit, she mad, beyond mad with everyone behind her want to execute me. Alter Kal'tsit here we go

"What did you do ? hmmm..... ?"

"liberate Kjerag perhaps ?" kal'tsit jump to me but get pull by everyone to hold her back



"..... fine... this once but i'm curious valtor.... where is Amiya present that everyone talk about"

"Oh here" Amiya run to me and accept the gift, she open it, the plushies so cute, Amiya scream of excitement then check the thing.

"Doctor, where is the thing"

"Amiya, try to sit down" amiya sit down, a nano machine active where magically appear super comfortable gaming pc pod complete with 3D holographic interface and feature appear.

Amiya try everything, access, many game, work station and many feature that she can edit herself and add new thing, is her imagination and the plushies sit there cutely, amiya pat it and then jump to me with full joy.

"Thank you doctor, thank you, thank..... uwaaaa" as expected she get emotional for it, some of engineering team envy of Amiya new type computer especially closure who have bitter treatment since then.

"So based on that computer, you able create a pod, evolution pod"

"Yes, but we need a hidden technology in subterranean to complete the puzzle. once it complete, we able create 3 new invention. First, the Arc Unit, a recycle originium Unit that totally save. second was Evolution pod. third was Cyber Gear"

"Hmm, which one to prioritize first, determining the process, number of resources and tools. Because in the initial design you gave in the consul it was quite rough and then from the previous implementation it was quite dangerous" I sat Amiya on my lap and stroked her head.

"There are two initial design options. Arc Unit, Cyber Gear and Evolution pod. or Evolution pod, Arc Unit and Cyber gear. but with the constraints especially the safety of the experiment, I designed a pretty good solution after I destroyed the sarcophagus before, if there is an excessive energy explosion like yourself before it doesn't happen again. therefore, the Arc Unit is prioritized to replace the Originium Unit owned by the operator, after the creation of the new type of Unit and Energy, we can proceed to create a prototype Evolution Pod, it's just that Evolution is quite time consuming."

"Estimation, sorry for cutting"

"3 to 7 days, depending on the ability of the team. remember this Evolution Pod is not just any technology made by Aegir or Dr. Dorothy's work, one single mistake or miscalculation"

"you devolve"

"Yes, risky but I like the risky thing. especially the first who tried the pod was me, then for Cyber Gear I submitted 4 proposals. first, Status Deck, What is Status Deck? You can check all your possessions, such as Items, body condition, skills, originium. but I gave 4 branches for this, Inventory, or the same luggage that puts an object into the dimensional pocket whatever it is. second Originium Skill, Originium Art branch that has been scanned by the originium particle, this deck able provide you new type a skill based on what Originium art you master, even you can gain another Originium art that have synergy or not in case situation called. third was Evolution progress, this Evolution progress is permanent, i repeat permanent, bloodline or you could say "Race" you belong will gain you new type a trait as example Amiya here, her race was Cautus, a hare or rabbit, in my world those two are fast runner you can even appear from point a to point b undetected or jump from ground level to floor 30 at ease just with single leap. im not making them up, is legit your evolution, and that is permanent and you can even control or make it natural, so you dont need master it for long time, but evolution not only the bloodline you had another type evolution from your originium Particle, this Evolution not same as Originium Skill that you learn from lesson, but a new Another Originium art without catalyst as example, Warfarin bat blood, and many people astral manifestation, that is Originium Energy evolution based on your bloodline in form of your race, you can check the skill in Originium Skill deck for better understanding what use those skill are. the last was personal Skill, these not same as Originium Skill or Evolution, these personal skill is about mastery over something, you can check you proficient in what aspect and you can learn any type skill, talent and any new knowledge you want to learn. this able create you a skill as example, you proficient in Hand to Hand Combat, what type hand to hand combat you want to master, disarm, quick draw, dual wielding or even multi wielding any type weapon or even sleight hand. all option is provided by the status deck, more mastery in that specific field more skill you gain, you dont need study long enough to gain P.hd, wasting time and money where you can learn directly in Status deck, status deck provide you with what, why, where and how. as proof" i show them already high end version of Status Deck, i tap evolution where my evolution appear, my evolution from human to Godhood, human to Angel, Human to devil, Human to Dragon, Human To Elf, Human to Outer God. complete with their trait that is my system power already provided, the ability with description, what is this ability, why is this ability needed provided with pros and cons, where do i need to gain this evolution provided with complete list how to evolve and reach this trait, and how i able master it with scientific method, practical method and logical method. simple efficient and fascinating.

i tap my skill where many skill provided based on my talent, each skill in specific or global skill already provided with the tutorial, how to quick master it, and many option to be able master the say skill.

i tap my Originium skill but it different, my Power, appear many branch of power that provided with detail how to use it, work it and master it in perfect sentence and more understandable approach.

i tap my inventory where my dimensional pocket arrangement and list open up from my weapon and relic in the collection and save data, then treasury, then many more. provided with detail say item and origin and commentary to use this, and the item description say item regarding status, power explanation and many thing.

i deactive this and smile at them.

"See, cool, simple, advance, no need bring entire computer, armory, or belonging where a single mundane object able grant you access every of them, that is cyber gear in Status deck, there is also Nanotechnology, Dimensional technology and many more able to create by Cyber gear such Nasod i had, it is catalyst without command or need specific casting to be able, it automatically executed the command when situation called just like Navy. how's that ? interesting right ? i already show you before and experience the evolution and the cyber gear, only prototype but you can edit it on your own, modify it with help of many engineering team or mechanic team, learn type possibility from medic team or many people and many more. after all, world is vast, and many hidden thing we will unveil before unknown get us, we shall prepare for it, and when the time has come, well we already overly prepared" 

"Valtor.... when you are ready... Enya already gave us the permission to explore the Kjerag"

"Hmmm. right now maybe but can you give me a moment"

"What ?"

"I really need a sleep, i'm not sleeping almost 3 week, yes my body is self sustain but the stress in my brain keep wreaking havoc, so can i ?"

"well, you deserve it"

"thank you, oh dont tell about Feraerus to Kjerag people, never, that Feraerus dont like Kjerag people"

"They hunt them"

"Yes, more precisely. as matter of fact, we can't risk the Hollow Earth information in here, that is why Karlan trade have abundant natural resource to trade because it connected to Hollow Earth full of Resource despite the true path hidden from their plain sight"

"by the way Valtor, you summon a gigantic hand before in Iberia Hunt.... a god ?"


"Excuse me"

"Deus Ex Machina, God of Machine, partially correct. the size of that robot is half size of the planet if fully manifest, I call him Soundwave" a Upper Body appear behind me, and nod to me. Soundwave size same as Cronos head in the steed of time, is big filling entire room with only head.

"Soundwave heed the call of the Marshal" Soundwave sound same as Metroplex, great.

"Soundwave. Relay my message to greater Ark to edit some of Slip space ability"

"Consider it done Marshal" Soundwave disappear and i look at them.

"See, amazing right, There is Mecha Godzilla in greater ark but you already see it. Lævateinn is upgrade version of Mechagodzilla that i repurpose him to Guard Kalimdor, his size same as Soundwave but more in aerial purpose. dont you worry, lack reinforcement, i have so many reinforcement ready to heed my call"

"Valtor... VALTOR..... VALTORRRRR...." Kal'tsit goes insane, i flick her forehead from afar, kal'tsit snap out of it.

"Hush, you break my eardrum" i take out my hanging chair made out from divine flower, hanging from crescent moon, a wave of fairy dust twirling around it. i teleport there, and open new magazine of current hot model in terra.

"Bother me when i awake, currently my body in self sustain mode but my brain completely in sleep mode. the different of me sleeping or not, call me, if i respond, i awake, if not, i already sleep, remember dont do anything stupid when i asleep, my body is god body not under my control, if my body threat you as threat, well, nice to knowing you. good night" my brain sleeping but my body read the magazine without any sound, even flipping the page.

"Valtor" my body not responding but act according what i order it.

"sigh, Alice did your father have anything that he hide"

"Alice not a snitch, Papa teach Alice to never give crucial Information. its between papa and Alice"

"Nier" Nier close her ear.

"Yumi" Yumi close her mouth. kal'tsit grumble and give my body middle Finger.

"Bastard... human asshole"

"Aunty Kal'tsit profanity"

"Argrgghhhhhhh" Kal'tsit go away with grumble, While amiya in here playing with her new gaming pod, with some of the gals playing together in their console.

7 hours later, at night, I closed this book where I saw everyone was gone, Verdugo appeared and reported me about anything happened when I slept.

There were 30 visitors but they had been told that I was sleeping even though they saw me casually reading a magazine, quite strange especially in habit but with Rhodes island's understanding of my strange behavior, they got used to it.

I returned to the train, I saw the visitors playing with beans and I even saw the New Operator from Iberia and surprise, the last knight and Ulpianus were also here, somehow they joined us to search the truth and kal'tsit invitation.

Kal'tsit has given the truth about Seaborn, then with some things that I have saved, Language of Ancient civilization from ancient ruins that we explore before now.

I also did not expect Amaia and Aulus to join us, however, Aulus is under full surveillance and only temporary employment regarding Seaborn Hybrid fusion.

Then I saw Iberian Inquisition here as a temporary partnership and then I didn't expect Brown Tail and some pareloches members such as Valaris and gulo to join us, hmmm interesting and surprise, surprise, Degenbrecher and many Silverash people joined as a joint corporation.

now the big question is why now there are aditional members moreover who will pay them for their service, sigh, pain.

and another pain, Those Nearl family also join including some of armorless union member, former armorless union member join us worse of all, all of them practically mercenary.


"Hey, hello. nice to work with you. KOSHELNA WHO GONNA PAY THEM !?" Koshelna point to me and i sigh.

"Fair enough, two of director is poor people, i can't argue with that"


" Today, but still im the richest person in this planet combine effort and wealth"

" showing off bastard "

" pfft, sorry for our interaction, after all in here is bunch of weirdoes and congratulation, you choose wrong company to join in and you stuck here with us, and i congratulate you in advance regarding you count as weirdoes too. good luck with that" i give general information regarding our Express, Space ship in form of Land Ship or Train. many cart behind is the facility and many place can be visit, moreover the beans, or cute creature running around in the train is the Express mascot, they unique beast that i personally created as proof of my god hood.

"enjoy your first day, you an check the mission, duty or some branch supervision from Director Amiya or Director Kal'tsit. moreover you can freely enjoy any type facility in here and your medical insurance fully pay by us, see ya, i have meeting in front of locomotive" i glide to there in casual manner.

"So, doctor is a god"

"Yes, real deal. but he choose to be human"

"hmm... interesting"

As I arrived at the main hub, I looked at the world map that led us to Hollow Earth.


"Yes Commander" bismarck drive the train to the hollow earth entrance.

"How the progress of Geryon ?"

"I still need to adapt motion sickness"

"great progress, im proud of your effort"

"thank you commander"

" stop " express stop and i check around near our train, The Feraerus is there and we must go slowly.

"Bismarck turn on camouflage"

"Yes" The train get decoded, the outside view can be displayed by us from inside. i play out announcement in cart.

"Good day, we will go to Hollow Earth. to operator and personel already join the expedition be prepared, for anybody who in the Express never get out from train in any under circumstances, You will be missing in Hollow Earth, this is unknown land, remember Unknown is dangerous if you apply common sense here. i don't tolerate disobedience, once you go egoist, well nice to knowing you, say goodbye to your existence" the announcement sound ended.

"bismarck dont move the train until i say so"

"understood commander" I went out where the team this time was divided into 4 teams, with the team divided into 20 complete personnel, operator cannon, non-canon and other NPC also join in here.

"Hmm, great. i will briefing you, your job in Hollow earth is taking that Weather machine once you loot that, return back. before we go there, i need meet that Our Guide, i will not join the Expedition directly but command you in train, remember this expedition will be dangerous one, any other question"

"Threat level Doctor"

"2 to 3, You will fight Man Eating monster, ghostly being in form of fog and worse, deceased person"


"Yes, i call them Draugr, undead creature same a Zhayedan but the different was, They are reanimated corpses had physical abilities as possessed in life. so they able use Originium art and basically zombie people, you maybe ask they dangerous ? indeed, is same as you fighting past history people, you maybe find more stronger zombie in the past in ancient era or worse"

"Previous Feranmut"

"Yes... your Final boss battle.. Kjerag oldest God, Kjeragandr you meet before born as faith fueled by the Kjerag people just like Victoria She a newborn maybe 500 to 800 year from the past, but where is Original Kjeragandr, below you, the one who sustain the eternal ice in the mountain of Kjerag, the undead Goddess of Ice, she guard that machine and you must take it from her, if the fight is inevitable, fight or run, your choice, unwinnable ? bullshit, you have god of war in here, you will win, i will grant you victory. we have another punching bag, this time undead god, i envy you, you have fun while i stuck in this train because Kal'tsit order me so"

"Why you dont join us Doctor"

"nu uh uh, If i participate keep this in mind, God is territorial being, especially older God, they dont like their domain get invaded from another God. it will create a great disastrous battle between Godlike being, you want entire Kjerag crumble to the ground with Kjerag people on it ?" 

"sorry for asking stupid question doctor"

"apologize accepted, now lets meet our Guide first before you go, we will part way in the Hollow Earth Branch"

"Doctor, curious Question, is there thing hidden in this land ?"

"hmm, question for another day, but i give you spoiler we know the Durin Migration path in Subterranean plate but we will explore unexplored branch of that Hollow Earth provide, unveil the secret hidden below us not obvious one, maybe we will find, treasury, technology or even enemy. after all is part expedition, part of adventure, part of finding out. lets be real here, dealing problem in the surface is pretty much easy consider we have many available resource and tool to make it work, but below us ? dont make me tell you what is under the sea, nor even above us, we already see the Real sky but do you know there is another civilization out there, each nebulae, each galaxy or even another new world ready to be explored that world map in front of train is only partial of part of universe, universe map already in there you can pin point the civilization in galaxy, world or star, documentation or peace collaboration. if previous civilization able to Interstellar expedition, we can do that too but we need more preparation for that, your world not ready for this unknown expedition out there especially many world problem need to be dealt off, sigh. well, dont lose hope okay, you have me, i have put hope in you you should able to do it, its bothersome and tiresome, this time you not fighting with rogue, bandit or many maniac to greedy power hungry people out there but a real monster, demon or many being that dont belong in human society and something only exist in fairy tale or folklore. ready ?"


"I can't hear you, my ear burn. repeat that"



"Have a good journey" everyone who not participate wave at us and we arrive in the place, That Feraerus look at me.

"Welcome traveler" its voice is so eerie, and some of our team shiver hearing that.

"Hey, thank you for guarding this place"

"Beware traveler, once you go in, you find your way out on your own"

"We know" That Feraerus give us some ceremony and then vanish out of thin air.

"Doctor, what is that"

"Demon amulet ceremony, to protect you from danger" I then coded the Express to move.

"Come, come" I open the ice like magic where it opens like a curtain, the Celestial Express approaches and we go in to the ice.

Inside the dark cave in the mountains, only the light of the Celestial Express as our light here. until we reached the branch of the mountains.

"Bismarck our destination is right tunnel, while the exploration team, go to the left tunnel, before you go, resupply first here, we will wait for you here until we proceed"

"yes doctor"

"Okay ready up, make up your mind and many things before exploring unknown, if you chicken out or not ready, is okay, you can switch with someone in train. nobody force you after all"

"we ready doctor"

"good, here is the Pod, once you find the machine, press the button, this pod will salvage that machine but you must guard it and worse you will fight that undead goddess. well have a good luck" I got into the train after leaving the Durance Box that I made from the symbiote.


"yes, a who goes first"


"Me? No, you"

"wha? no, no, no You" I smack my head looking at them who are arguing outside, they are not ready and act though to impress me.

"they are hopeless"

"First time dealing with the unknown, Protocol Nikke activated"

[Goddess of Victory, Nikke! at your service my lord]

"Nikke, Battleplan"


Nikke gave me the same battle planning as dynasty warrior 5 system strategist.

A clear map of the geography, a complete description of the enemy from their abilities, their numbers and their heirarchy in an army, then a description of my team from their equipment, their abilities and their status in full then the situation in the hollow earth, objectives given and finally the Boss pattern.

"Spread out"


Nikke spread it to all the computers here while I got the big map with detailed 4D interaction of my team and the field conditions.

"What are you doing here? Watching your friends die or what? If you want to help, sit in front of the computers provided, report on what you have chosen, provide information, intel and status of field conditions and individuals to the expedition team. I will organize the strategy and battle here, do it. If not, practice there or whatever you can do."

"Understood Doctor" Several people sat in front of the computer and became assistants, I commanded the team of special dimensional communication, time to do war crime.

Maybe this not canon but everything possible, this reference of Niflheim in Norse mythology, also reference in Alps Mountain legend and folklore regarding demon hole, etc.

this Subterranean adventure is not canon, it just my canon brain, that indeed there is two world in Terra or arknight, surface and subterranean.

I must learn mythology more

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts