
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · Video Games
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161 Chs

Contingency Contract : Hollow Earth

I command each Archetype here with an amazingly perfect battle information, against enemy attacks and obstacles from the cruel conditions of Hollow earth.

Although this is the team's first experience fighting actual monsters that can't die, they are informed by the team's control center about the enemy's status and abilities and weaknesses to make it easier to fight them. I provide tactics and ways to fight them in an implementation like Arknight gameplay, only this is like a dynasty warrior version of it.

organizing, positioning where the team positions and arranging so that they don't get overexhausted especially since we still haven't fought the actual Boss or sub-boss.

Every CC team gives me info and I relay it and execute it and then rearrange it with a good, perfect team combination and brilliant coordination.

They resupplied first and I congratulated them because they only reached the middle of the Expedition, the objective I gave them was to retrieve the technology, and the optional Objective was taking down Kjerag Old God to actual challenge.

"Thank you Doctor"

"No problem, rest for a while before proceeding" I looked at the movement of the enemy units that were a little irregular, maybe there was a change or a strange pattern.

"Check the Originium intensity in this area, and this"

"There is a large contamination at the western point Doctor, and it is moving. Then the northern point is the Originium Vein Source"

"Hmm, check the enemy"

"Doctor, is the former Priestess alive again?"

"Good, the whole team is moving to the southwest then take your positions here, inside an abyss there is an ice needle, your objective is to push down the Zombie Priestess into the abyss, report the ability and status of the Undead Priestess"


"Information received Doctor"

"Execute" the team resumed moving more precisely rotating direction, the team arrived at the location and prepared in their positions, Undead priestess and Draugr enemy appeared and they fought it, although this fight was short Undead Priestess is tough and quite slippery especially her great ice manipulation ability.

But I already expected this, she can manipulate ice but can she stabilize herself when the ground she stands on is frozen, Vanguard kicked the Priestess and she slipped into the ravine while the Vanguard team held their bodies with ropes that had been prepared by the sniper team.

The Priestess fell then her body was pierced by the ice needles below, the priestess roared then I saw Boss actually move

"Retreat from there, Now" The team retreated away from there until I ordered them to immediately go to the Boss room, when they arrived they saw the machine. they installed a pod next to the machine and I gave them 7 minutes to protect the pod until the pod finished healing it.

"Last stand, try to survive protecting the Pod. new objective, Survive until the Pod machine is done" the enemy movement started to come and the team started to do the last stand, while the Boss had arrived at the place where the Priestess was dead, This Goddess Roar and getting angry.


"dont panic, the more you panic, the worse the situation becomes. keep guarding the pod" they fought until the boss came, a gigantic undead snake with white color, just like Jormugandr God of war but with more undead appearance from Warcraft.

"Mortal, how dare you go to my domain" everyone felt fear facing God for the first time.

"Snap out of it, she just try to scare you" everyone snap out of it, and the pod releasing sound a bell.

"Begone or you will feel my wrath" Everyone take the pod and leave, while I analyze this Snake.

"What are your plans for Old God Kjerag or true Kjeragandr?"

"Killing her, torturing her and enslaving her. what else do you expect from a dead goddess? Kjerag has a new goddess born from Faith, this goddess is the goddess of the old era, her undead state was born from the abundant underground life energy of the first terraforming and Planetary energy"

"Is there no other way, because basically, She is a peaceful Goddess, she allowed our team to return"

"That's where you are wrong. mission complete team, now return to here"

"Doctor, our pathway, is blocked by something"

"Peaceful huh..... i wonder you forget what i say, man eating monster. the goddess tribute is provided why you so easy to deceive, do not trust god who hide on someone yard where you dont know their true intention, power and history of her. safety of team more crucial, if you strong enough to fight her, go on, if not, run, retreat, love your life except you immortal maniac like me"

"ABORT, ABORT, ABORT" Kal'tsit panic seeing the team now stuck in hopeless situation.

"Team, there is bad news, and good news, which one you want to hear ?"

"bad news"

"bad news is, you become tribute for that giant undead snake, she like fresh human meat after all, are you ready to get devoured by giant beast ?"


"The good news is, let me do political move to the Goddess" everyone vanish and i was there with my Norse Attire, Given by Sol to me, Primordial Goddess of Sun in Norse Mythology in God Of War.


"Oh, you remember that Feranmut hunting, its been long time dont you think. Kjera"

"What you seek here God Slayer ! i have no ill will toward you, i want protect my people despite i already deceased"

"i know, this fog.... this fog is your life source to survive. this fog also by product of your body excretion, smell foul and disgusting by my godly nose, you dont get proper burial but your power is endless winter in peak mountain Kjera, your body excretion sustain the nature in here. but how about deal ?"

"Deal....." Kjerag grow larger and sizzling to me.

"You kill me, Kjerag will suffer catastrophe. if i perish, New Goddess dont have capability to protect Kjerag, what is hidden below Kjerag, my fog make them stay in here, my presence make them stay in here, this is for Kjerag, i do everything for Kjerag, you can't take away that from me" i close my eye and sigh, then look at Kjera with smile.

"Very well but i demand compensation for you to dare trap my team"

"They invade, no you invade my territory, i demand sacrifice and tribute before go in here"

"Here" i give her Golden apple, she sniff on it then eat it.

"Not enough, every person each" i put a basket of Golden apple again, she eat it.

"Satisfied ?"

"Not enough... You also need pay tribute" i release enormous blood thirsty, releasing world ending calamity in here.

"know...your...place..." Kjeragandr seeing my billion devil eye in every place inducing fear, terror, insanity, calamity, many dark aspect of the universe, world and insanity beyond comprehension.

"I... apologize" i scoffed and the calamity back in normal, I went back to the train on foot.

"Wait" I stopped and glanced at Kjeragandr.

"What ?"

"Who's your name ?"

" Guess "

" Doctor "

" that is my occupation, not my name"

" Who is it ?"

"i don't know perhaps you can touch grass to find out "

"Stop being petty and tell me who are you "

eldritch language " i walk away from here, Kjeragandr confuse because i speak the language of god to her.

When I returned, I reported that their operation or battle record was quite good, especially their abilities and capabilities, but they were a little lacking in coordination and prioritization in Archetype duty, they should improve their quick response and reaction to attain great synergy.

When I returned to the Main hub, Kal'tsit gave my high five, and I accepted it.

"Good work Marshal, no blood shed this time"

"she almost touch doom button there, if not, what scream she gonna release, alright, lets continue, we have the place to explore"

"Destination Commander ?"

"until we meet T-Junction"

"Understood" the train moved quickly through the sharp turns of the tunnel and even moved as agile as a snake in this narrow tunnel, until we reached the desired junction.

We saw the map where the left track would go to the Sargon route, the middle track to Columbia and Bolivar, and the right to Sami.



"what do you mean tricky ?"

"Left, we gonna found many buried past civilization technology and treasury in Sargon, middle we will straight to Bolivar, right we will go to Sami and North Region, where North Demon Den belong. which route you take"

"better place to create Cyber Gear ?"

"Left, there is great place to study, The Golden City where the Queen Muses, former Queen who own The Golden City buried. i know the territory and i know her, hope that gal remember me"

"another woman...."

"Old era Padishah. royalty blood flow in her basically had ruler blood, rich in business taking care treasury and do something to make profit, smart and calculating person, and her Adventure spirit is great. Any man willing to court her but no ordinary man can get her heart"


"How about this, i will sit there and you lead where we should go hmmm ? come on"

"That is not the point"

"Then why you angry, because she's a woman, is that it ? because you fear i put my interest to woman that topple my attention and love to you ? hmm that is the point you try to prove here ?" no respond can be said here and i nod for my successful complain.

"See the difference ? i throw you complain with logic and you can't answer it nor respond it, hate me all you want because of love, i told you before, Love is complex thing, more you drown on it, more unreasonable thing can happened, put aside that love, we have duty, responsibility and another thing to be deal off. if you dont like it then dont love me, act indifference, act as coworker partnership, act like boss and subordinate, simple interaction and no big deal yet you make it complicated, we in working hour not in rest hour or off duty, i try act professional in this time because responsibility you gave it to me, do not mistaken this correctional behavior as my strict attitude, this is my genuine complain of disappointment from your unprofessionalism, i work with professional in here not with intern that need total guidance or a fixing their mistake every now and then, not a child either, child in orphanage more genuine understanding than people like you. i have enough giving you advice, think before you speak, ask why rather using your emotion as basis. go Bismarck or you make my patience run out"

"yes.. commander" The train returned quickly to the indicated location, Golden City.

During the trip, in the Main hub there was a heavy awkwardness because no one wanted to chat, maybe I was too hard on them, it's just that I was a little annoyed earlier, I had clearly given a clue but because of one problem made them forget and lose their minds, the difficulty of hearing is a troublesome thing too.

when we came to a dead end blocked by a giant rock.

"Commander, there is no path in front"

"Because that city on a great tomb, imagine this city is big Cauldron"

"Alchemy city"

"Correct, Sargon in previous era before proficient in Alchemy study, Khagan and I study alchemy together, and Sigh of King belong to Previous Aslan is Alchemy weapon. is consider supernatural weapon as Ancient era, but if you use logical science in this era, is Alchemy weapon. same as Ho'olheyak Tribe memory Implant, is also branch of Alchemy study called amalgamation, fusion between two individual but the memory of previous individual implanted into next generation. our purpose here to take that alchemy machine buried in here so we can use it as Evolution pod, but the machine currently used as Queen Muses Tomb, She undead, death person that somehow return back to alive. Bismarck, use Slip-space, we gonna breach the Cauldron" 

"Understood, Commander, Slip-space activated" A slip space activated, releasing a eargasm sound, so alien like, we breach through the fog and we appear in a giant Hollow earth there is a civilization with giant pillars holding the surface, a city and houses carved in a unique rock formation, then there is technology from the previous civilization well managed, and the city is coated with gold and full of excessive abundant treasures.

"Golden City.... Buried under Sargon"

"Below West Region of Sargon where vast barren land full of beast and catastrophe, above us many rampaging Catastrophe. Attention everyone, we arrive in golden City called Iram, place buried in the West region of Sargon. we will park the Train in here you can explore the lost and forgotten city in ancient time, this city before was prosperous city belong to previous Phadisah Dynasty in ancient time, get ravaged and buried by catastrophe. remember the temperature outside is hot like you boiled alive in big cauldron, the reason the temperature aren't normal because we under Originium Vein source and abundant originium stone above us, the pillar there supported by those vein and created by condensation of Originium, dont do anything stupid or we get buried alive in here, you can't loot the precious stone and gold in here, is cursed, legit, is cursed. whoever stole it and grab it, they.... you becoming a empty husk with your body turn into solid metal, those stone absorb any "Life essence" you are living person in here full of "life Essence", im not gonna reverse the curse despite i know the way to reverse it, blame you for your stupidity. thank you for your attention, if you dont like hot weather outside, stay on train if you curious to look around, do not put layered clothes, keep many drink as much as possible, and no matter what you do, do not touch the precious stone or gold, or any shinny metal your eye can see."

The communication was turned off and I then made a report on Kjeragandr Old God, from the description, history, powers, and tasks with my writings in the report and journal.

"What are you waiting for here? Please come down if you want" I made a report and journal about the Lost city of Iram here about the overall history, inhabitants and topography.

"Doctor, this is a danger zone, there's so much originium radiation here that we might die or be over-poisoned, this place is quite dangerous."

"Can't help it, that's the danger of Unknown exploration, I'm showing you under your feet that you are living there is something hidden that is more dangerous than the demons in the north or seaborn or the things that politicians have. Nature Wrath"

"Why are demons more tame than this Doctor?"

"Demon need time to corrupt you but this ? little touch, your body transmute into type of element or material in instant, more worse you in Domain of Alchemy, if you put a hot drink outside, you need 3 to 4 minute to boil, but in this case 2 to 3 second to boil. quick but the water is too hot for you even the drink will boil your tongue"

"Plans, Doctor?"



"You guys are a little less attentive"

"Kjeraganr old god"

"Yes, I give her Eldritch chant too" In my hand appears Snake Scale releasing cold.

"Steal her scale, this scale will be the AC during the expedition, this time I will come along. I don't want you to go home as statues, or die silly before we disable the machine with these scales. anyone wants to come, if you are strong in the heat, if not just watch from the Main Hub and the train" I opened the Boom Tube and Mael threw me a box, I closed the Boom Tube and then opened the box, a lot of materials needed for crafting.

Ascendant played the song Driving with the Top Down, I then excitedly created a weapon for me to solve the problem, a solution in my own way, with the help of Alchemy and science, Magic And Science, a Supernatural weapon was created, with ascendant showing me the design I wanted, Caduseus like in Granblue Fantasy model staff with these scales as a catalyst to release supernatural power.

When this weapon is almost finished and I blow on it, this weapon immediately emits light from the light that appears giant snakes, one is a python and one is a dragon, Leviathan from the Rage of Bahamut Series, The legend version. the other is Hraesvelgr from the Final Fantasy series.

Water and Ice, to defeat gas and fire.

I talk to them with two different language at the same time, they understood my language and respond to me, and they transform back into Caduceus, the staff fly beside me.

"Another Supreme Beast has been collected..... Ascendant, after this Expedition, give this staff to Mifuyu"

[Understood, i will relay your message to your majesty Mifuyu. I will map out your expedition Sir, connecting to Nikke A.I system, complete. i hope your expedition grant you fruitful collection]

"Thank you, Another job to fix this machine, oh my, many Treasure box in the map" i check the map, where Mine Symbol is listed as Originium Mining site. A Treasure box different from each other, one is full of Gold while other full treaties. and a enemy unit roaming around and the boss and sub boss where information give it to me.

"gas enemy ? so they like ghost.... tricky that..... but that is the fun. if Environment is our disadvantage, then we use environment to our advantage....... Relay my message to her, can this humble person ask her to dance with me"

[understood, i will relay the message]

I walked out of the Main Hub and exited the train, apparently no one dared to come along because they wanted me to show how I conducted a solo expedition. I closed my eyes and a magic circle appeared where Mifuyu appeared in her beautiful yukata.

"Finally, you call me. My love." I greeted her and Mifuyu also greeted me.

"Shall we dance?" I saluted in the style of a gentleman, Mifuyu took my hand, and I held this staff firmly and we started ice skating here, we literally froze Iram, we skated beautifully through the city, we passed corners and enemies we attacked with the coordination of dance and the beautiful humming of our voices with the help of the Staff of Caduseus to launch attacks.

Our dancing harmonies and focus were impeccable, our dancing was like angels and fairy goddesses dancing together on a unique dance floor, we performed ice skating dance techniques from beautiful acrobatics to exciting yoga exercises.

"GO PAPA GO!!!" Alice encouraged me, Nier and Yumi cheered me on, while Orion watched closely as I danced beautifully with Mifuyu.

Each of our footworks was elegant, without the slightest flaw when doing landings or spins, everything was smooth and even Mifuyu's Yukata did not weigh her down as if she was already one with her Yukata.

I then created a unique dance where we danced in the air, like two fairies dancing beautifully in the air humming and laughing until we landed and threw our bodies at each other to achieve a high level of harmony, this Staff channeled our dance like an amplifier for our ice manipulation.

At Iram square we did a beautiful couple pose, Mifuyu wanted to kiss me but I cockblocked her by putting my hand between her mouth.

"No kissing. Here's the gift, use it well okay" She pouted then rambled, until a big wolf hand appeared and grabbed her.

"VALTOR!!!" Mifuyu vanishes and I sigh, Caduceus vanishes taken by Ascendant.

"woman" I went to check the machine inside one of the pillars, intel from Leviathan water and Hraesvelgr ice, the source of the city's heat comes from one of the large pillars channeled throughout the neighborhood. I checked one of the pillars and found a tunnel that led me to the alchemy warehouse.

I entered and walked along the alchemy channel that led me to a giant Alchemy research room, it was huge but I saw someone's tomb, I opened it and saw someone's bones and piles of treasures there.

I threw away the skull and took the treasure inside, the skull woke up and attacked me. I froze it completely then went back to looting the jewelry here for me to collect. I opened the map and crossed out the treasure box here.

I looked at this skull and studied it, then Mael gave me a tube and I threw this living skull into the tube, Mael took it and left. 

I repaired this device, even though this device was advanced in civilization but it was aged and no one took care of it. I managed to repair it and the temperature in this city returned.

I tried to outsmart and improvise this alchemy machine by reading the manual and adjusting it myself with my talents. unexpectedly, this machine changed the entire environment here, from the initial barren Hollow Earth without any life to the Dome city, the ceiling became a glass shield that allowed us to see the Originium Stone pile and the Originium Vein flow, the pillars here turned into a sturdy unique concrete and ridiculous again the pillars were the temperature control of this Dome and the foundation of earthquake resistance and severe shocks from outside and inside.

The city of Iram was originally barren now there are springs that appear making it like the hanging garden of Babylon. full of beautiful house foundations with beautiful formations and sturdy facilities inside and out, clear springs and an abundance of various gems, precious stones and sparkling gold scattered here and there.

I sat down and then patted my head, I wiped it and then sighed, I salvaged this machine and brought it back to the train.

Saat aku kembali aku menggerutu karena rencana awal, aku hanya ingin memperbaiki mesin ini bukan mengubah total Iram menjadi Lost city in folklore, beautiful, full of treasury and hidden city with better city technology and placement.

"Success?" Kal'tsit took the report, and I gave a report on what I had found.

"Partially, there are still problems under this city. But at least this is enough for a temporary city, there is a good research site around this complex, we can use it to experiment, just think of it as a temporary dome city to live in if you get bored on the train."

"Yes doctor"

"Salvage as the first plan but somehow you upgrade it"

"Yes that is why i need you all to do the job rather me, you already see Navy, Kalimdor, Dominion Equation. that is why i prefer you follow this path or the blueprint, we create it together, we fix it together and we enhance it together. i want sit down observe rather participating directly in this situation"

"So, the Cyber gear created in here"

"Yes, you can drop the material in city, i will rest, this old bone need another training. why the long face ?"

"Promise ?"

"Oh yeah. Any plan ?" we walk together to our love nest.

" the evolution pod more precisely, fission reaction and plasma. what is your plan Valtor ?"

" there is more better explanation until then lets we release the stress and tension"

" sorry for my action before "

"Is okay, jealous is common reaction. no need to be mad but overjealous is unhealthy especially for mental stress and soul, your soul will be fragile Kal'tsit, i know well you are strong girl, no, A strong woman. because of love, you little bit overprotective and psychotic to me. calm down, you can be like that if your love interest in danger. i need give you something" i put my face close to her and whisper something.

"Im going to give you correction by venting it out with Sex... sex all day... im gonna use personal time lock and put you in the place.... Kal'tsit Ismael....." i speak her name really soft and deeper voice, Kal'tsit flinch and she actually felt horny by it.

"Looks like i press the trigger. lets go" i pull her hand and straight to her room, i lock the room and put a note, Occupied.

i take Arabian Mythical City as reference, because Sargon based on Middle east.

In the west, north, south, and middle was vast dessert except east that somehow a jungle based on Rain forest in South America. so logically speaking the west region and south region is full catastrophe.

South region is Foehn Hotland, nobody goes there and West part is never mentioned in wiki and game.

I think is better Sargon part for next event talk about Ottoman Empire. The arknight world has many good reference and implimentation but maybe they lack of money and idea for that

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts