
With Bare-Bones

Dying isn't the best, so why not make the most of it? Even if all you have is the Bare-Bones to keep moving forward.

grandsetter · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
95 Chs


[Word Count: 3021]


As the bustling streets of Tokyo gradually quieted down, people reached their destinations, and Leo found himself among the pedestrians, making his way toward the antique shop. He knew that Ichigo's choice of attire might land him in trouble with the local Yakuza, so Leo quickened his pace, hoping to intervene before things got out of hand.

Turning onto the street where the antique shop was located, Leo noticed that it was near Berren, an area the locals had learned to avoid due to its unsavory reputation.

There, in the middle of the street outside the antique shop, Leo spotted two imposing figures patting down a smaller, thinner man.

As he had predicted, Ichigo was getting harassed by two taller Yakuza working as bodyguards for the antique shop. One of the men had a scar running along his face, while the other bore a tattoo of a crescent moon on his right eye.

Even from a distance, Leo could sense Ichigo's nervousness, and there was no doubt the two menacing men in front of him felt it too.

"I... I was told to come here," Ichigo stammered nervously, well aware that stuttering would not be in his favor when facing armed and dangerous individuals.

The two Yakuza didn't believe Ichigo's story. They knew there was a designated place for meetings, and it certainly wasn't here. Only their boss had the privilege of holding exclusive meetings at the antique shop.

As one of the men took a step forward, the other subtly reached for something inside his jacket. Ichigo instinctively backed away, raising his hands defensively. However, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Leo approaching the scene. It took all of Ichigo's self-control not to audibly sigh with relief.

"Him!" Ichigo practically yelled out, pointing in Leo's direction.

The man who was approaching Ichigo didn't even bother to look, but the one reaching for his weapon glanced at Leo and immediately put his hands behind his back, bowing respectfully.

"Sir," he addressed Leo formally.

The man who had been closing in on Ichigo stopped in his tracks when his partner spoke, turning to see what was happening. As soon as he laid eyes on Leo, he, too, bowed and assumed a respectful demeanor.

With a smug expression, Leo greeted them casually, seemingly unfazed by the situation. His nonchalant demeanor contrasted sharply with the tension that had filled the air moments ago.

"Yo." Leo greeted with a smirk, his presence seemingly diffusing the tension like magic.

As Ichigo saw Leo's familiar face, he felt the pressure wash away, and a sense of relief washed over him. He never thought he'd be so relieved to see him, but that familiar mischievous look in Leo's eye also made him worry. Leo couldn't ever resist the urge to mess with someone, even if that someone happened to be his soon-to-be father-in-law.

Returning to the topic at hand, the man with the scar over his eye asked a straightforward question.

"Do you know this man, sir?" he asked respectfully.

As the uneasiness dissipated from Ichigo, a single glance at Leo's smirk sent a surge of anxiety rushing back. Despite the seriousness of the situation, Leo couldn't resist the opportunity to playfully mess with someone, even if that someone happened to be his father-in-law.

"I've never met this man in my life," Leo replied, barely containing his amusement.

Ichigo didn't even bother trying to object as the tattooed man firmly gripped his arm, preventing any hope of escape. He was completely taken aback by the turn of events, his face turning pale with shock.

"Is Shouzou here?" Leo asked nonchalantly, feigning ignorance. "I'd call him, but I rather surprise him with my presence."

The scarred man nodded, opening the door to the antique shop for Leo. "He's in his office today."

"Great," Leo said as he stepped into the antique shop, turning to Ichigo. "Come along then."

The tattooed man looked puzzled, glancing between Leo and Ichigo, before finally letting go of his near vice-like grip on Ichigo's arm.

Swallowing his nervousness, Ichigo took a cue from Ai's playbook. He adjusted his falling suit and fixed his sunglasses with feigned confidence before walking past the tattooed man and following Leo into the shop. He suppressed the urge to lash out at Leo; now was not the time or place for it, especially not when the people around him seemed to hold Leo at some sort of pedestal.

Ichigo couldn't deny his apprehension as he observed the men inhabiting the refurbished antique shop. Their rough and calloused appearances were a far cry from the ambiance they used to exude. Meanwhile, Leo strolled through the shop with ease, occasionally returning greetings when people paused to bow in respect.

All of this prompted Ichigo to reflect on the time when Leo casually revealed his Yakuza affiliation. Until now, Ichigo had assumed Leo was simply joking, but witnessing everyone's deferential behavior around him, Ichigo began to suspect that Leo's occupation might not have been a mere jest after all.

Following Leo up a flight of stairs, now out of sight from the local Yakuza, Ichigo took the opportunity to observe the artwork decorating the walls. Paintings of varying styles, from simple depictions of fruit bowls to abstract splashes of red, adorned the walls leading up to the second floor.

Reaching the second floor, the atmosphere seemed more subdued compared to the lively first floor and its bustling stairway. The hallway was mostly vacant, with a lone desk stationed at the end. Doors lined both sides of the corridor, some spaced farther apart than others.

Although none of the doors were labeled, Leo appeared to know precisely which one he was heading to. Without waiting for permission, he knocked three times on a specific door and then opened it without hesitation, beckoning Ichigo to follow him inside.

The first sight that greeted them was a man seated behind a large brown desk, intently signing away at papers. His face bore a perpetual scowl, which somewhat softened when he laid eyes on Leo. The top of his hair was black, but gray sideburns framed the sides. He wore a familiar dress shirt with a loosened tie, while his suit jacket lay draped over the chair behind him.

"Yo, Shouzou," Leo greeted with a smile.

"So, you finally decide to grace me with your presence, brat," Shouzou said with a mix of bitterness and amusement.

"I always make time to grace the common man with my presence," Leo jeered as he made his way to the sofa in the room, with Ichigo following closely behind.

Shouzou chuckled, putting down his pen and leaning back in his chair. "What do you want?" he asked.

"Can't I just pay my cousin a visit?" Leo playfully feigned innocence.

"You don't usually bring company," Shouzou noted, observing Ichigo as he took a seat beside Leo.

"I guess that's true, but when have I ever brought company?" Leo said, leaning back on the sofa. "Anyways, as you've guessed, I've come on business."

Shouzou snorted. "What? Is this about that laundromat of yours?"

"No," Leo replied promptly. "That place has been a money pit since I got it. Doubt I'll ever make any money from it."

"Finally admitting it, huh?" Shouzou smirked. "Are you planning to sell it?"

"Hell no," Leo retorted firmly. "I've invested too much in renovations to just sell it," he admitted with bitterness. "Besides, it's in a good location in case I ever need to hide something."

"So, what is it, then?" Shouzou inquired.

Leo's smirk grew as he got up slightly, casually putting an arm around Ichigo. "This guy here owns a small talent agency."

"Hmm," Shouzou hummed, looking at Ichigo with a raised eyebrow.

Settling back down on the sofa, Leo's smirk remained. "And I want you to sponsor it," he said, pointing at Shouzou.

"What's stopping you from investing your money into it?" Shouzou asked. "You've done it with the laundromat. Why not this 'talent agency'?"

"Can't," Leo replied flatly. "What good is a bigger building if no one's interested in looking inside? Plus, I don't have the right contacts to make it work."

"Are you planning to get involved yourself?" Shouzou asked, looking directly at Leo.

"All I need is a few names; I'm sure I can work something out," Leo said with a smirk, much to Shouzou's amusement.

"So you're back," Shouzou remarked, his tone more serious.

"Not entirely," Leo replied playfully. "Just until my favorite idol reaches the top."

"Idol?" Shouzou was taken aback by this revelation. Since when did Leo take an interest beyond the Yakuza and devil hunting?

Leo nodded slowly, his voice tinged with sincerity. "I have to admit, Shouzou," he said with a certain seriousness. "I'm obsessed, infatuated even."

"Hoh?" Shouzou leaned forward in his chair, intrigued.

"I know just about everything about her," Leo continued, getting an odd look from Ichigo as Shouzou listened intently. "From her measurements and favorite drinks to her hobbies and even her sleeping schedule. I've seen every angle of hers..."

Ichigo understood exactly what Leo was referring to, but he couldn't help but cringe at his choice of words. It made him sound like an obsessed stalker. What was even stranger was Shouzou's lack of reaction to any of this. Was this normal? Couldn't Leo have simply said that he and Ai were in a relationship? Why all the creepy innuendos?

The silence that followed Leo's explanation felt deafening, and Ichigo found himself weighed down by it. The intensity of the moment was almost suffocating, but suddenly, both Leo and Shouzou snorted before bursting into laughter. Their laughter filled the room, breaking the tension that had been building. Ichigo couldn't help but let out a nervous chuckle as well, relieved that the mood had lightened.

Shouzou shook his head, still chuckling, as he turned to Ichigo. "So you're the manager of the idol that has my cousin wrapped around her finger?" he asked, wiping a fake tear from his eye.

Ichigo went stiff but nodded in response.

"Take a card," Shouzou said, pointing at the coffee table. "If I don't call you later today, call me tomorrow, either way, you'll need my number. With the brat involved, you'll see some opportunities come your way in the following weeks. For now, I want to get some things on paper before this week is done, and then we can get to work."

Ichigo nodded, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't skeptical. Was it actually this easy? What about the legalities?

Noticing Ichigo's hesitation, Shouzou spoke again. "If you want to go into detail about the little things, it'll have to wait. I have some catching up to do with my troublesome cousin."

Looking at Leo for any comments, Ichigo was met with a smug thumbs-up.

While Leo's casual reassurance didn't help with his nerves, Ichigo couldn't help but feel a mix of trepidation and anticipation. He was stepping into a world he never thought he would be a part of, guided by the enigmatic Leo and supported by the influential Shouzou. It was a risky endeavor, but he couldn't deny the excitement that coursed through his veins.

"So?" Leo shifted in his seat. "You settled down yet? Have any kids? It's been a year, Shouzou, surely something happened," he asked, smirking.

Shouzou practically scoffed as the words left Leo's mouth. "I already told you, too busy for any of that. It's up to you to keep the family name going."

Leo openly laughed as Ichigo watched the interaction. "So he doesn't know," Ichigo thought to himself.

"How did you end up getting wrapped up in my cousin's schemes, Mr. Manager? Did he strong-arm you?" Shouzou asked Ichigo, changing the subject.

Ichigo went stiff, not knowing what to say. Thankfully, Leo stopped laughing as he pointed at Shouzou. "Hey, that's rude. It's been a year, I've gotten more subtle," he complained.

"Please," Shouzou rolled his eyes. "Since I've known you, you've always been brash and reckless."

Ichigo couldn't help but nod in agreement. There was nothing subtle about Leo, no matter how you looked at it. From showing off his strength as a Devil Hunter to openly admitting to being a Yakuza.

"See, even Mr. Manager agrees," Shouzou pointed out.

"Nuh-uh," Leo argued.

"Immature too," Ichigo added.

"Nuh-uh," Leo countered.

Ichigo and Shouzou shook their heads in mock disappointment.

"Brat's hopeless," Shouzou breathed out, a statement Ichigo found himself agreeing with.

"So, back on topic," Shouzou started. "Tell me Mr..."

"Ichigo, Ichigo Saitou," he introduced himself, getting a nod from Shouzou.

"Tell me, Mr. Saitou, How did my cousin become involved?" Shouzou asked.

Ichigo chuckled nervously, unsure of how much he should reveal about Leo's involvement with Ai and the twins. "Well, I'm pretty sure it started with them meeting in school," he said, deciding to keep things vague for now.

"Oh? So it started in school did it," Shouzou asked turning to Leo.

"Technically... yes," Leo answered with bated breath.

"Technically?" Ichigo and Shouzou found themselves asking simultaneously.

"I technically knew her before I moved to Tokyo, but..." Leo trailed off at the end.

"But?" Shouzou asked but Leo shook his head.

"That time in my life burned down along with my old man's house," Leo said solemnly. "I've moved on. No point in bringing up the past."

"I see," said Shouzou.

Ichigo wasn't as satisfied with the answer since he didn't know what either of those points meant. But given how the subject was presented, it's likely it's sensitive, so no point bring it up. Though, maybe Ai would be able to shed some light on the situation.

Suddenly, Leo's phone started ringing. "Well, that's me," he said getting up from the sofa. "I'll come back since I have something I have to fill you in on Shouzou. Till then, be seeing ya Mr. President,"

Shouzou and Ichigo watched Leo as he closed the door behind him.

With a sigh, Shouzou turned to Ichigo, who kept his gaze fixed on the door. "Seems we'll have to pick this up tomorrow," Shouzou said, to which Ichigo nodded in agreement.

"Before you go, tell me, how much do you know about Leo?" Shouzou inquired.

"I know about as much as he tells Ai," Ichigo answered with a small chuckle. "Which isn't much."

"Ai, huh," Shouzou made a mental note of that name before looking at Ichigo who was examining the room further.

Ichigo found himself drawn to the photos hung up on the wall in the form of a circle. In the middle, a photo of a younger Leo and a beaming Yuki was proudly hung. The situation got Ichigo thinking about the kind of person Leo was.

"So both his parents are dead," Ichigo solemnly thought.

Ichigo knew Yuki vaguely from what Ai told him during her first encounter with her on her first day at school. She had described how bright and cheerful Yuki was, with her picture-perfect smile. The photo on the wall provided him with a glimpse of the kind of smile Ai had described.

Thinking more about it, Ichigo found it hard to believe the Leo in the picture was the same as the one who was sitting next to him moments prior. The Leo in the picture looked, gloomier, no matter how he looked at him, Ichigo couldn't see that Leo smile.

Ichigo didn't even notice it but he had spent a little over five minutes looking at the picture. Shouzou didn't say anything as Ichigo seemingly stared into space.

Before Shouzou could snap him out of his thoughts, the door opened and Leo walked back in groaning.

"Ugh," Leo groaned as he walked back to the sofa plopping himself down.

"Huh," Shouzou breathed out.

"What?" Leo asked raising an eyebrow.

"I didn't expect you to be back so quickly," Shouzou admitted, genuinely surprised.

"Devil was nearby," Leo lazily explained, stretching his legs as he settled into the seat.

"You're still devil hunting?" Shouzou asked with a hint of amusement, to which Leo simply nodded. "Haven't seen you in the newspaper since last week."

"I've gone private," Leo explained with a nonchalant shrug. "Checks are bigger that way."

Shouzou couldn't help but shake his head in amusement at his cousin's antics. "Anyways, enough about me," Leo continued, changing the subject. "We have an agreement? Can we call it a day now?"

"Talks are done as far as I'm concerned," Shouzou replied matter-of-factly. "The legalities can wait until we involve the lawyers, and then we can get this thing on paper."

With the business matters settled, Ichigo felt a mix of relief and excitement. He had expected this meeting to be much more daunting, but Leo's presence seemed to have a way of making everything feel more manageable.

"I should get going," Ichigo interjected, holding up Shouzou's business card. "I'll head back to the agency and review them with our team. I'll call you tomorrow to discuss the next steps."

Shouzou nodded approvingly. "Good, take your time with the review, but don't keep me waiting too long," he said.

As Ichigo bid them his farewell, Shouzou looked at Leo with a serious look.

"There's something you aren't telling me, isn't there?" he asked matter of factly.

Leo gave Shouzou an impressed whistle as he made eye contact with him. "How'd you know?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I've become wiser to your bullshit," Shouzou said mockingly getting a chuckle from Leo as he got up from the sofa.

"Guess I'll have to come up with new bullshit," Leo retorted reaching for his wallet.

Leo reached for his wallet and opened it, causing a string of pictures to spill out. He handed the wallet to Shouzou, who looked at each photo with growing surprise.

"What the hell is this?" Shouzou asked, his eyes widening.

"Adorable, right?" Leo remarked with a smirk.

As Shouzou examined each photo, his expression shifted from disbelief to realization. The pictures showed a pair of blond twins, and in some of them, Leo was holding the children.

"That's where I was for a year," Leo said in a low voice.

Shouzou covered his mouth as he examined each picture. "Their... their blond," he said bewildered.

"Yeah..." Leo said taking in a breath. "...just like my old man."

"No way in hell..." Shouzou muttered, unable to believe what he was seeing.

Shouzou looked at Leo before looking back at the pictures. "Shit." he breathed out.

A moment of silence hung in the air as Shouzou processed the revelation. Then, unexpectedly, he chuckled.

"Hmm?" Leo hummed, puzzled by Shouzou's reaction.

Shouzou held up the last picture in the string. "You're crying," he remarked with a smirk, pointing to the image where Leo stared at his children with tears in his eyes.













"Shut up, Shouzou."