
With Bare-Bones

Dying isn't the best, so why not make the most of it? Even if all you have is the Bare-Bones to keep moving forward.

grandsetter · Anime & Comics
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95 Chs

Ever Seen a Dying Body?

[Word Count: 5055]


"Ughh, this is going to be a real drag," Leo muttered, his muscles taut as he finished his last series of stretches.

As he mentally unraveled the timeline he'd given Shouzou for orchestrating his impending demise, Leo couldn't help but shake his head at the irony. It was absurd to consider that being torn apart by devils was the chosen path of his exit.

Yet, the elaborate performance he was about to embark upon was a testament to his commitment. Every devil he'd encounter would be nothing but a mirage conjured by the Glass Mirror. The news chopper hovering above, its camera lens specially equipped, would ensure that no detail of the performance was lost to the viewers.

With the calculated precision of a master illusionist, Leo had mapped out every step, every feigned struggle, and every dramatic wince. The shock value had to be immeasurable. After all, why hold back?

With the hybrid immortality coursing through his veins, Leo could afford to push his physical limits to the extreme, to endure a mauling that, while ultimately painless, would sell the lie to even the most discerning eye.

Summoning a wry smile that held a tinge of grim humor, he muttered to the open sky, "Might as well get this over with, don't want to die on fathers day,"

His gaze fixed on the ever-shifting clouds overhead, Leo took a determined step forward. Each footfall echoed with the weight of a decision, a destiny he'd meticulously crafted.

His destination? A nondescript warehouse, its interior populated by an array of large, meticulously positioned glass panes. It was within this cavernous space that the grand charade would unfold.

"Show time..."


Cruising over the sprawling expanse of Tokyo, a helicopter's whirring blades sliced through the air, capturing the city's pulse in the throbbing urgency of its blaring sirens. With an unblinking eye, the onboard camera meticulously scanned the streets below, capturing the frantic dance of people seeking refuge amidst the impending threat. It was a city in turmoil, a canvas of anxiety painted with the hurried footsteps of its inhabitants.

The camera's lens deftly pivoted, a mechanical eye surveying the architectural maze of buildings that stretched toward the sky. The chaotic symphony of sirens and distant shouts was juxtaposed against the urban stillness, a city holding its breath as it awaited the looming specter.

In the confines of the helicopter, time ticked on relentlessly. Seven minutes had passed since the aircraft took to the skies, a mere fraction of the hourglass's sand that had slipped away since the alarms first wailed. The narrator's voice, tinged with a sense of incredulity, filled the cabin, narrating the unfolding scenario to the captive audience.

"A full ten minutes have elapsed since the devil warning systems were activated, yet the skies remain clear of any visible threat. Our aerial survey has spanned the heart of the city, leaving the disconcerting possibility that the source of the alarm lies just beyond the urban fringe."

As the camera continued its sweeping choreography through the city's arteries, capturing shots that could have been torn from the frames of a blockbuster movie, the sun cast its golden embrace over the urban landscape. The afternoon rays painted Tokyo with a warm yet surreal hue, a city caught between mundane routines and the enigmatic forces that now held it in suspense.

The helicopter's vantage point shifted, its lens descending from the skyscrapers to the city's outskirts. A patchwork of neighborhoods and streets sprawled beneath, each with its own stories unfolding against the backdrop of uncertainty. The camera's gaze lingered on empty playgrounds, deserted intersections, and shuttered shops, capturing the essence of a city on edge.

The narrator's voice maintained its steady cadence, projecting a mix of professionalism and curiosity. "As we continue to scour the city's districts, it's worth noting that the alarm's origin remains stubbornly elusive. The city's residents are undoubtedly holding their breath, awaiting confirmation of the nature of this apparent threat."

Under the sun's gentle brush, Tokyo's features were painted with a mix of brilliance and uncertainty. The helicopter's camera executed a graceful pivot, capturing a panoramic view of the city's iconic skyline. In a seamless transition, it zoomed in, revealing a lone figure perched atop one of the city's towering structures. Their black hair danced with the wind, and seemed to catch the sunlight in its embrace.

"Ah, Mama! There's Papa!" Ruby's voice bubbled with excitement, her tiny finger pointing animatedly at the television screen.

"Mhm," Ai responded with a soft hum, her delicate fingers combing through Ruby's hair as they both sat together.

Aqua's gaze remained locked on the screen, a mix of emotions stirring within him. Relief surged through his veins, witnessing Leo's continued existence after the events of yesterday's tragedy. Yet, a somber note lingered, shrouding his thoughts in the uncertainty of how much longer such resilience could hold. For even the strongest soul bore limits, and a hole in the heart was a heavy burden.

As the camera continued its watchful exploration, a sudden voice pierced the air, drawing the cameraman's attention to a distant sight.

"What's that on the horizon?" the voice inquired, its curiosity guiding the camera's lens.

The scene transitioned, revealing a juncture where the urban sprawl kissed the edges of an untamed forest. From the heart of this untamed foliage, a three-headed devil emerged, a nightmarish embodiment of otherworldly malevolence. Its single, sinewy neck supports these heads, each a macabre sight to behold. The skull head in the center dominates the trio, its eye sockets gleaming with an ominous, unearthly light that sends a chill down your spine.

Where lower jaws should be, the outer skulls present jagged remnants, adding to the creature's unsettling appearance. The middle head possesses a tail-like appendage that extends from the back of its skull, resembling a wicked, bone-spurred whip that writhes and flicks with a life of its own.

Four arms, corded with muscle, protrude from a powerful torso. Each hand ends in gnarled and vicious claws, ready to rend and tear with unnerving precision. As the creature moved, its talon-like feet pounded the ground with a disturbing rhythm, each step oozing a sense of impending doom.

The devil's skin, an unnatural white, seems stretched almost impossibly taut over its muscular frame, emphasizing the monstrous power lurking beneath. Its lower abdomen breaks this monotony, a patch of obsidian that contrasts starkly against the pallid expanse, as if darkness itself has taken root within.

Swiftly, the camera pivoted back toward Leo, capturing the next unfolding moment. Like an eerie specter materializing from the depths of the forest, the malevolent three-headed devil loomed ominously behind Leo, its form almost surreal against the backdrop of the city's skyline. Unaware of the impending danger, Leo's attention was absorbed as he discreetly slipped something into his pocket.

"Papa! Look out!" Ruby's voice rang out, her urgent cry carried by a desperate hope that her father would heed the warning.

A momentary silence settled over the scene as both Ai and Aqua's eyes widened, registering the unexpected and sinister presence that had crept up behind Leo. The shock of the devil's sudden appearance sent a shiver down their spines.

In a blinding surge of motion, the devil's arm shot downward with alarming velocity, a ferocious BOOM! resonating through the air as the forceful impact of its strike shattered the windows of the nearby building. Leo's body was sent hurtling through the air, an unwitting projectile under the devil's brutal assault.

The heart-wrenching cry of "Papa!" escaped Ruby's lips, her voice heavy with panic and fear, an anguished plea that bore witness to the profound worry that gripped her young heart.




In the moments just before the chaos unfolded, Leo found himself perched atop a lofty skyscraper, his gaze fixed pensively on the sprawling cityscape below. The weight of uncertainty clung to his expression as he engaged in a phone conversation with Shouzou.

"I've got cold feet, Shouzou," Leo's voice carried a touch of resignation as he spoke into the receiver, a heavy sigh escaping his lips.

"But... the plans we made..." Shouzou's tone held a note of disappointment, a reflection of the effort that had gone into the preparations.

"I know," Leo responded, the weight of his internal struggle palpable even through the phone line. "It's just that... as I thought more about it, I realized the potential consequences. I want to ensure my family's safety, but even if I follow through with this plan, I doubt I could remain 'dead' for too long. It would only add to their grief, and that's the last thing I want to do."

A brief silence followed Leo's words, allowing his sentiment to settle in the air. Shouzou knew well the pain of losing someone; the memory of Yuki's passing still lingered, making him empathize with Leo's desire to spare his loved ones further pain.

With a sigh, Shouzou finally responded, his tone softer. "I understand where you're coming from. Don't worry about the plans – most of them were drafted by Takeshi anyway. I just used a few favors to set them in motion. Consider the favor repaid with an IOU," he concluded with a hint of humor in his voice.

"Thank you, Shouzou," Leo replied, a soft smile playing at the corners of his lips.

Shouzou let out a hearty exhale. "Ah, the lengths we go for family, eh? Alright, I'll make the necessary arrangements before more people begin to panic."

With the call concluded, Leo stowed away his phone, but his moment of tranquility was abruptly shattered as his instincts surged to the forefront. Reacting with uncanny swiftness, he drew his knife from his jacket just in time to parry a sudden attack from behind.

The Glass Devil's blade clashed against the three-headed devil's arm, and a split second before Leo's senses registered the searing pain that lanced through his own arm. His eyes widened in astonishment as the unexpected cut left its mark, and before he could fully comprehend the situation, the brute force of the devil's blow sent him hurtling through the air.

The world around him blurred into a chaotic whirlwind as Leo crashed through the facades of buildings, a relentless trajectory that saw him tumbling and somersaulting through the urban landscape. Each impact jolted his body, yet his eyes remained sharply focused on the surroundings that blurred past.

With an instinctual twist of his body, Leo managed to regain his footing, the momentum of the devil's punch still propelling him backward. The ground quaked beneath the force of his landing, and he instinctively dug his heels into the concrete, sending shards of debris scattering in his wake.

As the dust began to settle, Leo's sharp eyes surveyed his torn arm, the lacerations now an uncomfortable reminder of the fight that had just escalated. What should have been the devil's wounds were instead inflicted upon him, a shocking revelation that added a layer of complexity to the situation.


"The hell?" Yoru's skeptical voice echoed within Leo's mind as she scrutinized his torn arm. "When did that happen? He didn't even use that arm to attack."

"Maybe K—" the Fire Devil began to suggest asking its friend, but Leo quickly interjected.

"Karma Devil," Leo muttered, piecing together the puzzle. "I targeted its right arm with my left. I meant to sever it with a single strike. Lucky thing I held back, it seems."

A faint, appreciative chuckle emanated from the Fire Devil's ethereal presence. "Impressive."

Meanwhile, in the tangible world, Leo's skin shimmered with a peculiar effect. The fragments of glass that had been embedded in his torn arm coalesced and began mending the wound as best they could. A precautionary measure emerged as well – incisions etched along the center of his face, adding to the surreal transformation.

"What a drag," Leo muttered aloud, casting a sidelong glance at the Karma Devil, who maintained its perch atop the building, observing Leo's every move with an unwavering gaze.

Stepping back, Leo's mind raced, formulating a counterplan as the intensity of the situation deepened.

"I can't rely on my right arm if I'm going to keep this act going. Barging through won't cut it – I need to trust my instincts," Leo strategized internally, his stance shifting into one of calculated readiness. The Karma Devil mirrored his movements, a sinister echo of his own motions.

The once substantial blade of the Glass Devil began to morph, thinning down until it resembled a mere needle in Leo's grasp. With a determined focus, he brought the needle to the top of his head, embedding it there before exerting just enough pressure to snap the blade, leaving the needle firmly lodged in his flesh.

  A split second later, a deafening explosion shattered the rooftop beneath the Karma Devil's feet, propelling the entity forward at a startling velocity. In the blink of an eye, it closed the distance, almost materializing before Leo. Yet, Leo's preparation was equally swift. Even as the Karma Devil surged toward him, the Glass Devil's blade regenerated back to its original form.

Time seemed to warp as the Karma Devil arrived in front of Leo, a heart-stopping moment that lasted but an instant. In the same breath, it was over – the Karma Devil now stood behind Leo, its form dissected into a grim array of cubes, visceral evidence of its obliteration. Blood splattered the ground, marking the ruthless efficiency of Leo's calculated strike.

Without even sparing a backward glance, Leo swiftly maneuvered to counter another devastating blow from the relentless Karma Devil.

Foreseeing its action, Leo executed a deft turn, only for the Karma Devil's clenched fist to crash mercilessly into his chest as he faced it, propelling him downward with a brutal intensity that pulverized the ground beneath them.

Hurled into the air once more, Leo glimpsed the Karma Devil's unscathed form as he tumbled through the chaotic trajectory.

"That's some regeneration," Yoru commented, adopting a sardonic air. "Though I must say, I can do it better."

"In a slightly tricky situation, Leo. Are you sure restraint is your best tactic?" the Fire Devil inquired, its words tinged with a sense of curiosity.

"Risk is minimal," Yoru chimed in dismissively. Her expression then morphed into a wicked grin. "But if we're aiming for efficiency, a couple of well-placed nuclear detonations could make quite the spectacle."

Leo cast a fleeting look in Yoru's direction.

"Hey, Fire Devil, is that skull fucker a Primal?" Leo questioned, his gaze now fixed on the Fire Devil.

"Within the realm of possibility," it responded enigmatically. "However, they usually introduce themselves with more panache."

Equipped with newfound insights, Leo pounded the ground a couple of times before repositioning himself with surefooted determination.

A surprising twist ensued when the Karma Devil seized one of its own skulls, wrenching it from its form. The bare skull underwent an eerie transformation, flesh manifesting upon it to sculpt the features of a teenage boy. In a stark divergence from their prior encounter, this time the youth's hair lacked the blond hue that had previously marked him in Leo's memory.

The newly materialized head blinked once before unleashing a tormented scream, its skin withering and darkening to the consistency of ash. The hand clutching the severed head detached itself from the Karma Devil's body, subsequently fusing with the disembodied head to fashion it a corporeal form.

"Fascinating," the Fire Devil remarked, a note of admiration in its voice.

"Moderately interesting," Yoru retorted.

Within mere moments, the decapitated head had assumed a complete body. Its visage, once distorted by agony, twisted now into a visage of fury as it fixated its rage-filled gaze on Leo. Its hand lifted, fingers interlocking, and then...


Leo's eyes widened as an immense wall of flames manifested out of thin air, hurtling at him with unbridled ferocity.

Rapidly engulfing its surroundings, the flames surged forth with a savage intensity, mercilessly consuming everything in their path. Structures succumbed to the inferno's touch, their forms seemingly liquefying upon contact with the relentless blaze.

Sweeping through the thoroughfares akin to an advancing tidal force, the fire maintained its unrelenting onslaught, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake.

The once vibrant cityscape, pulsating with vitality and motion, had now transformed into a discordant masterpiece of furious flames, billowing smoke, and crumbling edifices. The heavens above had been stained a profound shade of orange, a reflection of the voracious firestorm's insatiable appetite for all it could consume.

Amid this raging inferno, Leo remained resolute, an anchor of unwavering determination amidst the tempest of devastation. He thrust his arm forward and charged through the roaring flames, emerging on the other side, and standing face-to-face with the reconstituted Kaito. In a swift motion, Leo cleaved through the air, severing Kaito's head from his body.

But destiny took an unexpected twist. The Karma Devil's disembodied hand shot out from its severed neck, gripping Kaito's airborne head before reattaching it with a grim finality.

"Piece of sh-" Leo's words were abruptly cut off as a punishing blow struck his side, courtesy of the Karma Devil's retaliatory punch. The impact sent him hurtling through the air once more.

"This is getting ridiculous," Leo muttered as he soared through the air. The scorching wind whistled past him, carrying with it the acrid scent of burning debris and shattered hopes. His thoughts raced as he fought to regain his bearings amidst the chaos.

With a determined grunt, Leo twisted his body in midair, using the momentum of his flight to flip and land on the crumbling remains of a nearby building. The structure groaned and shifted beneath his weight, a testament to the devastation that had befallen the city.

Below, the firestorm continued its ravaging dance, consuming everything in its path with merciless hunger.

"Unbelievable," Leo muttered under his breath as he found himself airborne once more, caught in the tumultuous currents of the chaotic scene. The searing gales rushed past him, carrying the bitter tang of scorched debris and shattered dreams.

  Summoning his inner strength, Leo twisted his body in midair, his form a graceful defiance against the chaos around him. He landed precariously on the remnants of a crumbling building, the structure creaking beneath his weight, echoing the city's cries for salvation.

The firestorm raged unabated below, a malevolent dance of flames that devoured all it touched, leaving only ash and desolation in its wake.

"First, I need to deal with char-face before tackling the Karma Devil," Leo strategized, his muscles tensing as he prepared to launch into action.

With a surge of power, Leo burst from his makeshift perch, the building's feeble supports momentarily granting him weight as he shot forward, a human cannonball hell-bent on his target.

In a blur, Leo pummeled Kaito, his motion so swift that the Karma Devil hardly had a chance to react. Its gaze traced his explosive trajectory as he plowed through a mountain's mass, the sheer force of impact leaving an indelible mark on the landscape. A blaze of brilliance followed, a cascade of incendiary eruptions that painted the path of Leo's assault.

In the aftermath, a series of mushroom clouds bloomed like morbid flowers, each marking the explosive aftermath of Leo's charge. The echoes of the powerful gusts reverberated, shattering unbroken windows and testing the limits of a nearby helicopter's resilience as it fought valiantly to maintain its position amidst the tempestuous winds.

When the tempest subsided, an indelible trail of devastation bore witness to Leo's path of destruction, a blazing path leading directly toward Kaito.

Undeterred, the Karma Devil stood unwavering, its singular neck regenerating the detached head, unyielding even in the face of the explosive chaos it had borne witness to.


The Karma Devil's attention wavered from the fiery spectacle, its interest dissipating like smoke on the wind, drawn instead to the cityscape that lay within its view. The heart of the metropolis remained relatively unscathed, the clash having unfolded predominantly along its fringes where forsaken edifices bore the brunt of the violent confrontation.

High above, the helicopter managed to regain its equilibrium, the camera refocusing on the enigmatic entity that now turned its gaze upon the urban expanse below. With a deliberate step, the Karma Devil embarked on a path toward the heart of the city, its intent seemingly driven by an inscrutable purpose.

However, its advance was met with swift retribution. Leo reappeared, his determination fueling his actions as he thrust his blade into the Karma Devil's trio of grotesque skulls. The force of the strike sent the malevolent being careening sideways, a resounding boom accompanying the motion.

In the wake of Leo's decisive maneuver, a deep groove etched itself into the ground, the indelible mark bearing witness to the titanic struggle that raged within its vicinity. Dust and debris swirled into the air, dancing in the aftermath of the collision.



As the battle raged on, Leo's sense of time became increasingly distorted. The once-vibrant sun was now dipping toward the horizon, casting long shadows that stretched across the war-torn landscape. How much time had passed since the initial clash began? The encroaching dusk only added to the sense of disorientation.

Leo's efforts had grown increasingly frustrated as he exhausted every tactic that came to mind. His attempts at severing the Karma Devil's form had proven futile, explosions yielded no definitive results, and the relentless regeneration of his foe defied all attempts to overcome it. Throughout the confrontation, the Karma Devil had maintained an eerie silence, its voice absent from the turmoil.

Amidst the chaos, a colossal cloud of dust and debris erupted into the air as Leo relentlessly assaulted the Karma Devil, each strike punctuated by the futility of his actions. The mounting frustration was palpable.

Despite the ground-shaking tremors that sent shockwaves through the city, some individuals chose to venture out of their shelters, perhaps driven by a mix of curiosity and desperation. These brave or foolhardy souls unwittingly placed themselves in immediate danger as the battle continued to wreak havoc.

And, unfortunately for Leo, the ongoing clash was being broadcast by cameras that hadn't ceased their recording. The weight of being perceived as a role model, even amid the chaos, added an extra layer of pressure to the already direly boring situation.


At this critical juncture, the world's gaze had turned towards the relentless spectacle unfolding in Japan. The stage was set for a monumental clash, with the nation's most formidable devil hunter locked in a ceaseless battle against an ominous and formidable devil.

As the conflict raged on, the Karma Devil seized an opportunity amidst the chaos caused by the ill-advised emergence of some bystanders. With a sinister elegance, it summoned forth Kaito once more, showcasing not only its own malevolent power but also the indomitable resolve and sheer badassery of Leo himself.

The epic struggle stretched on for hours, an unyielding contest of might and willpower that seemed to defy an imminent conclusion. Meanwhile, in the background, Kishibe and his burgeoning Anti-Makima squad worked feverishly to devise a solution to the unrelenting threat.

As the hours ticked by, the battle showed no signs of abating. Against the backdrop, Kishibe and his emerging Anti-Makima group worked diligently to concoct a viable strategy. The ultimate solution was clear: banish the relentless Karma Devil to the depths of hell. The genius of their plan lay in enlisting the Hell Devil's power to achieve this goal. Yet, challenges remained. Keeping the Karma Devil immobilized during the arrival of the Hell Devil's grasp was no small feat.

The idea of sending Leo along with the Karma Devil arose. Kishibe recalled Leo's previous successful journey to hell and back. However, a significant obstacle loomed: the gaping wound on Leo's exposed back, revealing the precarious location of his heart. Sending him to hell in his current state posed the risk of his return in pieces.

With each passing moment, Leo's form bore the accumulating marks of the fierce battle. Burn scars marred his once unblemished skin. They intermingled with sporadic lacerations earned in the heat of combat. As time wore on, the toll on his body grew more apparent. The inevitable truth loomed; Leo's stamina was not infinite. His physical endurance would eventually reach its limit.

The question of when, not if, his body would succumb to the onslaught weighed heavily in the midst of the relentless conflict.



Cradled within Ai's tender embrace, Ruby emitted soft, plaintive whimpers. "Papa..." Memories of their recent interactions replayed vividly in her mind, a desperate hope that it was all just a fleeting dream. The events seemed surreal, as if extracted from a nightmare she longed to awaken from.

Initially rousing from her slumber after Leo had tucked her into bed, Ruby tried to convince herself that it was merely a product of her imagination. She clung to the belief that her father wouldn't vanish, that he would stand beside them unyieldingly. However, the televised images of his increasingly bruised form eroded her hope. The dreamy veil thinned, replaced by an unsettling sense of foreboding, a premonition of reality.

Aqua occupied a space on the floor, his back resting against the couch. Clutching his knees, his gaze remained fixed upon the flickering TV screen. Whenever Leo's battered back came into view, Aqua involuntarily tightened his grip. Burdened by a sense of responsibility, he struggled with the weight of guilt. It was his very presence that led to Leo's injury – a wound incurred while protecting him. Yet, every time he descended into self-blame, it was as if Leo's voice materialized to counter his inner turmoil.

"Don't let me hold you back, tot. You've got your life ahead of you, don't let mine ending fade your shine."

Aqua's arms clung tighter around his knees as he continued to be ensnared by the broadcast's grim narrative.

Amongst the family members, Ai exuded a sense of composed resilience. Her eyes remained fixed on the unfolding events, even as her fingers tenderly threaded through Ruby's hair, offering solace. A sense of unwavering faith seemed to shroud her – after all, Leo was known as the epitome of strength, an embodiment of power that could scarcely be rivaled. How could such a formidable force fall to the clutches of a mere devil?

An aura of reassurance emanated from Ai, a soothing balm that aimed to quell Ruby's escalating anxiety. With occasional glances at her children, Ai's unwavering gaze seemed to silently affirm her belief.

"He'll be fine."




On the opposite side of the spectrum, the gaze of the United States government was unwaveringly fixated.

Seated within the confines of the Oval Office, the President of the United States directed a piercing stare at the televised broadcast. The tangled web of international politics had already been complicated by Makima's involvement with the Japanese government. Now, a new variable emerged in the form of a battle-hardened individual confronting a high-caliber devil, despite his evident injuries. The President pondered, his mind a swirling vortex of questions: Had the combatant been at full strength, would the outcome have shifted? What implications did the injuries strewn across his form carry?

A torrent of unresolvable inquiries inundated the President's thoughts, each query more frustratingly elusive than the last.

Anticipating the inevitable demise of the individual currently fighting for his life on screen, the President harbored no illusions. The concept of corpses coming back to life wasn't alien; the question was, what devil would they put into his corpse. Even shorn of his intricate contracts, this Leo was a force beyond reckoning. If Makima were to ever lay her hands on such an extraordinary prize...

A steely resolve glistened within the President's gaze as he continued to scrutinize the broadcast with unwavering determination. He knew that the time for hesitation was past; the presence of someone like Leo demanded swift, decisive action.

"There's no use in delaying any longer. Not when a force of this magnitude exists..."






"Fuuuuuck, this is boring," Leo's inner groan echoed with frustration.

The skirmish had commenced under the midday sun, How long has it been since the stars blanketed the sky? Yet, Leo found himself mired in an agonizing impasse with the relentless Karma Devil. Its insufferable regeneration seemed unyielding, an endless loop of revival that thwarted all his efforts.

Boredom gnawed at Leo's resolve; he yearned for resolution, an end to this exasperating charade. "Stupid Primal Devils...," he muttered through gritted teeth.

As the day had worn on, Leo had orchestrated a choreographed display of injuries, a macabre tapestry woven with calculated precision. His right arm, immobilized and incapacitated, bore the facade of a grievous wound. Across his face, a jagged scar carved a path, its trajectory a testament to feigned suffering. A cavity in his back, positioned where his heart would be, played its part in this orchestrated drama. And his body, adorned with meticulously crafted burn marks, narrated a tale of ceaseless struggle.

Amid this intricate facade, Leo delved into the depths of the powers granted by the devil Pochita had bequeathed him. Among them, the Sixth Sense Devil proved invaluable, conferring upon him an augmented perception. However, the other devils at his disposal appeared less than helpful within the current scenario. What good would giving the Karma Devil AIDs do? The Nuclear Bomb Devil held potential, yet its usage remained limited by the circumstances.

With a resigned sigh, Leo continued his repetitive assault on the ever-regenerating Karma Devil.

"Is this my rendition of Sisyphean fate?" Leo rhetorically mused to himself.

Lost in the mire of his tedium, Leo's attention briefly shifted toward the sky, and his heart soared with renewed vigor.

A portal materialized above, a foreboding entrance revealing itself with a haunting creak. From within the void, a spectral hand, adorned with six eerie fingers, descended ominously, extending its invitation to the abyss.

The Hell Devil

"Kishibe, you're a lifesaver!" Leo's mental exclamation reverberated.

With renewed determination, Leo directed his efforts toward the Karma Devil, relentlessly pummeling its skull, priming it for its familiar journey back to the depths of hell. The spectral hand drew nearer with each passing second.



Audiences around the world perched at the edge of their seats, anticipation mounting as the climactic showdown inched toward its culmination.

The six-fingered hand loomed ever closer, poised on the brink of concluding this arduous conflict.