
Witcher at Hogwarts

In a magical collision of worlds, Ethan, a battle-hardened Witcher, transmigrates into the world of Harry Potter. The once solitary monster slayer now navigates the halls of Hogwarts, where spells replace his silver sword. As an enigmatic figure, Ethan brings the Witcher's code to a world of wands and wizardry. Caught between two disparate realms, he must unravel the mysteries of Hogwarts while facing the impending danger that threatens both worlds. This is a tale where the steel of a Witcher meets the magic of Hogwarts, forging an unparalleled adventure at the intersection of two extraordinary realms. *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. Just found the CNnovel and translated it here to increase my vocabulary, and English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Dark_Sym. Original Author - light ink fragrance

Dark_Symphony · Book&Literature
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165 Chs

Blackmailing Lucius Malfoy

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Lucius Malfoy stared at Ethan for a while with his icy gray-blue eyes, and finally, his pale, pointed face gave Ethan an unfeeling smile.

"Mr. Ethan, congratulations on getting the Merlin Medal—you have a position in the Ministry of Magic," Lucius Malfoy said in a dry voice. Then he extended his hand to Ethan.

"Thank you, Mr. Malfoy." Ethan put on a warm smile and shook hands with Lucius Malfoy.

At this time, Harry finally appeared at the door of the principal's office.

Seeing Lucius Malfoy, Harry instinctively shrank his head.

"Harry, come here quickly." Ethan greeted Harry warmly and pulled him to his side.

When Dobby saw Harry, he was visibly excited and began to tremble as if he wanted to say something to him.

Lucius Malfoy noticed Dobby's abnormality and gave him a vicious look. Dobby seemed to have drained all his strength, but he continued to bow down and stand dejectedly behind him.

"Mr. Ethan, I was assigned by the Hogwarts board to investigate this attack." Lucius Malfoy raised his chin proudly and said to Ethan.

"Then I'll try my best to cooperate with you." Ethan pretended to be nervous.

Seeing Ethan's appearance, Lucius Malfoy raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

"Mr. Ethan, I want to know who the murderer is now. And what did Headmaster Dumbledore do? Why did he leave the school without authorization?" Lucius Malfoy asked in a cold voice.

"We've caught the murderer," Ethan said softly.

"Oh? Great! Who is the murderer?" Lucius Malfoy asked Ethan with sharp rays of light from his gray-blue eyes.

"It's Voldemort," Ethan said softly. After speaking, Ethan paid close attention to Lucius Malfoy's reaction.

Lucius Malfoy's mental strength was excellent. After hearing this name, his expression did not change.

But with his keen demon-hunting senses, Ethan observed that after hearing the name "Voldemort," Lucius Malfoy's pupils instantly shrank as small as the tip of a needle.

"But how is this possible? You Know who is already dead." Lucius Malfoy said in an unnatural voice.

"This time, he planned the conspiracy in another way." Ethan opened a small drawer in the principal's office and took out a black-covered notebook with a large hole in the middle.

Seeing this notebook, Lucius Malfoy's body suddenly tensed, but he still managed to maintain his elegance and calmness as a nobleman.

"Can you give me a detailed explanation, Mr. Ethan?" asked Lucius Malfoy.

When Ethan was talking to Malfoy, Harry kept looking at Dobby, and Dobby's appearance made Harry very worried.

Seeing Harry looking at him, Dobby stared at Harry meaningfully with his two lightbulb-sized eyes.

He kept pointing at the diary and Lucius Malfoy, then beat his head hard with his fist.

"This thing is a Horcrux made by Voldemort when he was 16. It contains a piece of Voldemort's soul. Someone put it in a student's book. This thing bewitches people with its evil magic. This is the whole truth of the Chamber of Secrets."

"So it is," Lucius Malfoy said slowly to Ethan.

"Don't worry about Mr. Malfoy; I've done my best to investigate the culprit behind this incident. Now that I've found important clues, it won't be long before I can trace the owner of Voldemort's diary."

Ethan stared at Lucius Malfoy with a half smile.

Ethan revealed a badge on his chest, which had been sent by the Ministry of Magic in an owl this morning.

The M logo, representing the Ministry of Magic of the United Kingdom, is engraved in the middle of the badge. Two long swords on the left and right sides of the logo cross the M in the middle.

This badge is the logo of the Magic Crisis Response Team.

Lucius Malfoy didn't say a word. His face suddenly seemed to be covered with a mask. Ethan saw Lucius Malfoy's pale hands clenched into fists and then rereleased them.

"Then I hope you can solve the case early." Lucius Malfoy said hoarsely.

Professor McGonagall and Harry stared wide-eyed as they listened to the exchange between the two. The two seemed to understand the above, but they seemed to understand nothing.

Lucius Malfoy found that Ethan was still staring at him with meaningful eyes, especially Ethan's amber-like cat eyes, shooting back and forth around his neck as if looking for a suitable knife position.

"Mr. Ethan, can we speak in private?" Lucius Malfoy said in a hoarse voice.

"Of course." Ethan readily agreed, and then the two left the principal's office and stopped in the corridor.

"Mr. Ethan, your Magic Crisis Response Team has just been established. I wonder if your team needs some financial sponsorship?" Lucius Malfoy stared at Ethan's face, observing Ethan's reaction.

"If there is, then it's perfect!" Ethan said happily, "After all, maintaining justice requires quite a high cost."

"On behalf of the Malfoy family, I can provide you with money. I think 20,000 Galleons is a suitable price." Lucius Malfoy gritted his teeth and said.

Ethan was surprised that Lucius Malfoy was willing to bleed so much. Lucius took the honor of the Malfoy family very seriously.

Ethan was always surprised to find out if he could bring down the Malfoys with a broken notebook.

After all, the Malfoy family's influence in the Ministry of Magic is entirely intertwined, and it is possible to directly destroy the Malfoy family by relying on Voldemort's diary.

Besides, overthrowing the Malfoy family will only make other pure-blood families vigilant, without any other benefits, so Ethan intends to compromise with Lucius Malfoy.

"Really? Thank you very much, Mr. Malfoy! You helped me a lot!" Ethan excitedly shook Lucius Malfoy's hand.

Lucius Malfoy forced a smile under the incomparable pain.

"By the way, Ethan, what clues have been found about Voldemort's diary? Do you need my help?" Lucius Malfoy asked casually.

"Oh my God! It's unfortunate!" Ethan said bitterly, "All clues are cut off, and my investigation has found nothing! I'm afraid this case has no results!"

Ethan deliberately exaggerated a little bit to Lucius Malfoy's heart, lest he have some other ideas.

"That's a pity one by one," Lucius Malfoy's expression finally improved.

"But it doesn't matter; the most important thing for a young talent like you is the chance to get ahead." Lucius Malfoy patted Ethan's shoulder in a fake comfort.

The two returned to the headmaster's room with a fake smirk. Harry and Professor McGonagall looked at the scene in surprise.

They didn't understand why their relationship was so good during the short period they went out.

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