
Witch: Accumulate Experience Through The Knight Breathing Technique

Crossing over to the alien world, he became a fallen noble lord. But with the help of the proficiency panel, he started to gain EXP through his family's Knight Breath Technique and followed the footsteps of an ancient and mysterious sorcerer step by step. Thus began a mysterious journey.

Tian Li · Eastern
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1186 Chs

The Might of Hundred Flowers! King of Nightmares! (4)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

To her, defeating Arachne was not luck, but true strength!

It had to be known that in the entire Wizard World, including the 50 plane federations and plane-traveling wizards under his command,

On the surface, there were thousands of primordial soul wizards. Coupled with some old monsters that could not be hidden, there might be even more.

The Soul Artifact Ranking and the Wizards Ranking were rankings established by half of the civilian and semi-official top factions of the Thousand Star Tower. The rankings targeted the famous primordial soul wizards and only listed 1,000.

Of course, the list only listed those wizards with public battle records and were willing to be on the rankings.

Many low-key and cautious primordial souls did not want to be famous and would not participate in the rankings.