

What would happen if another Tsugikuni somehow happened to be born? A clan lost in time. Will he follow the path of his ancestor and slay those who lurk in the shadows or reject his humanity to become something else?

0BlackRabbit0 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Demon debut

"Goodnight." Kobushibo vanished out the door.

After his relative left, Shin went back to the mirror and continued to look at his reflection. Makomo went to close the door then walked to his side.

"It'll take some time to get used to, Master. I'm still taking in my new look as well." Makomo said playing with the colored ends of her hair.

"It's different for sure.." Shin was trying to get used to his new vision. He could control his new eyes quite easily, but seeing out of them felt quite weird.

He focused a bit more but his vision suddenly went back to black and white. His eyes became clouded once again taking him aback. He focused on his eyes like before and his vision went back to normal.

Shin let out a sigh before looking down at Makomo. She was right beneath his chin in height. "We should get to work, as the old man said. If we want to get stronger we have to devour humans and get the lord's attention."

"Mn, there is a small town down the mountain. We could go if you wish." Makomo suggested.

"That's fine. The main problem is the sun, it shouldn't be rising anytime soon from what I could tell but we're still on a timer so we should get moving." Shin said before heading towards the door.

"Understood." Makomo followed behind.

Thanks to becoming a demon they were able to move faster than before. It didn't take long for them to reach outside the town Makomo had spoken of. 

Shin's plan was simple: leave nothing alive. If they wanted to get the lord's attention wouldn't it be better to wipe the village instead of picking them off one by one and waiting for slayers to show up?

Shin still remembered the situation with the cloning demon, it had been there for a while yet no slayers came to handle the situation. It was better to kill them and not take that chance, and his relative did say eating humans made demons stronger.

"Makomo. Don't leave anyone alive, understood?" Shin looked towards the girl on his left. 

Makomo's hand was right above the handle of her sword, her demeanor was calm like always but Shin could see the bloodlust in her eyes. "Mn."

"Have fun." He said to her before proceeding to run towards the right of the village while Makomo dashed towards the left. 

He unsheathed his sword and immediately started doing what he came there for.  Screams and cries began to fill the night as Shin cut down those in his path.

Though it was his first time killing he didn't feel anything except a bit of satisfaction, maybe it was because he was a demon or his mindset.

As he was about to end another person's life he suddenly brought back his sword and lifted it to defend his neck.


The sound of metal hitting metal resounded through the area. Shin pushed back whoever they were quite easily. His eyes slightly widened since he didn't even put all he had into it.

He shook his head and looked at his attacker. Nothing was interesting to look at, just a boy with brown hair and eyes.

The boy quickly regained his foothold then started to breathe. He dashed towards Shin with a battle cry as wind generated around his sword.

Shin simply sidestepped and brought his sword down upon his neck cleanly chopping it off with a thud.

Three more people in the demon slayer uniform came out from around the corner. One of them seemed like they could use a breathing style while the other two could only enhance themselves.


Shin heard an explosion coming from the side of him and water hitting the ground hard. He turned his head towards the commotion only to see Makomo up in the air with a red liquid that looked like blood streaming out of her sword and a smile on her face.

He let out a sigh seeing this 'I did tell her to have fun.'

He turned back to the three slayers then rushed towards them at high speed. He vanished from his spot and appearing behind them, their heads flew from their bodies almost simultaneously.

"I wonder why she was up there anyway."' Shin thought to himself before dragging the 4 slayer corpses to a random house.

'This is fun!'

When Makomo entered the village she didn't wait for another second to unsheath her sword and do what she was sent to do.

Her body felt stronger, faster, and every time she swung her sword it made gust of wind. It was exhilarating.

At some point some slayers had come out and tried to push her back but she took them down effortlessly.

Each one she killed made her thank Shin for making her stronger, even if she had to reject her humanity.

Later on a woman came out of a destroyed building with a look of sorrow on her face. Of course this woman was a slayer, yet unlike the weak ones she was fighting before she seemed stronger.

The woman dashed towards Makomo while taking a deep breath. "Flame Breathing: First Form - Unknowing Fire!"

The woman sped up and appeared behind Makomo. She swung her sword towards Makomo's neck but was blocked by her sword. She pushed down with all her strength but she was still forced back.

The woman ran towards Makomo once again taking another deep breath. Makomo simply showed a calm smile towards the woman.

"Flame Breathing: Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun!" The woman's sword caught on fire. Once she was in range of Makomo she released an arching slash upwards.

Makamo didn't move at all but brought up her sword to block it. The attack sent her flying up above the houses. "Alright, I think that's all there is to test."

The woman fighting Makomo thought she was bluffing but was dumbstruck when Makomo started breathing in. 

'Water Breathing: Eighth Form: Waterfall basin!' Makomo vertically slashed in a flowing motion when she was above the flame user. A powerful stream of water began to manifest behind her sword and hit the ground. Breaking her momentum.

Makomo was stunned when she saw the usual blue of the water gone and was now replaced with a blood like color. She quickly gained her bearing and dashed towards the woman once she landed.

Before the woman could even react her head had already left her body. The last thing she saw was Makomo swinging the blood off her sword and sheathing it.

"Makomo help me gather the bodies into a house if you're done with that lady." Shin appeared behind her, startling the girl a bit.

Mm chapta.

Give meh yo powah stones and don't forget to leave a review bub. (Hope ya enjoyed the chap.)

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