

What would happen if another Tsugikuni somehow happened to be born? A clan lost in time. Will he follow the path of his ancestor and slay those who lurk in the shadows or reject his humanity to become something else?

0BlackRabbit0 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs


"Makomo help me gather the bodies into one house if you're done with that lady." Shin appeared behind Makomo, causing her to slightly jump.

She hurriedly turned around when she heard Shin. "Yes, master!" 

"That's all?"


Shin and Makomo were sitting inside a house with a hundred corpses in front of them. "Seems quite little for a town, well you did call it small ."

Makomo decided to raise her hand. Shin sighed seeing this since he knew she was only raising her hand for fun. "What is it Makomo?"

"How are we going to eat all of this?" She asked.

"Good question. There are a hundred bodies from what I counted. You take half and I'll take the other." Shin said it like it was an obvious thing.

Makomo felt her chest warm up after hearing that, she raised her hand again earning another sigh from Shin. "What is it now Makomo?" 

"Isn't that still a bit too much for us?" She asked.

"We'll make it work." Shin simply answered.

"Of course master!" Makomo nodded her head with her usual calm smile on her face.

Shin flicked her on the nose before splitting up the group bodies. Not long after they began to eat.

Shin pulled a random corpse close to him then ripped its arm off. He stared at it for a bit and took a bite out of it, blood exploded in his mouth, he slightly groaned at the taste. It made whatever he had in the past seem like nothing in comparison.

"It's good isn't it?" Makamo asked in a slightly teasing tone.

Shin nodded his head then took another bite. Eating humans wasn't as bad as he thought it would be, it was quite the opposite. He was enjoying it, he was eating it as if it was the best thing in the world.

Makomo was in the same situation, though she ate a body as soon as she woke up, the taste never got old and got the better of her every time.

The two felt stronger each corpse they ate, though the slayers were giving slightly more than the civilians.

Unlike what Makomo expected the outcome to be, they both devoured every person leaving nothing but bones and skulls.

The two sat against the wall letting out sighs of satisfaction. Shin was about to say something but suddenly felt his blood heat up. His heart began to slowly beat faster and become louder to the point that each beat sounded like drums.

Shin clutched at his chest. it didn't take long for the heat to subside and his heart calms down.

Makomo began to grunt to his side causing him to look over towards her.

She was going through the same thing he was. As Shin was about to stand he heard bones breaking from inside him.

Shin's skin began to burn away like ash before almost immediately regenerating back to full health or better. His bones broke and healed themselves repeatedly causing him to feel immense pain yet he only clenched his teeth to hold back his yells.

After what seemed like an eternity, the pain in their bodies ceased to exist, leaving them both on the floor panting heavily. 

"Master..are..you alright? Hah!" Makomo turned towards Shin trying her best to gain her bearings.

"I'm fine..what even was that?" Shin questioned, he wasn't doing much better than she was.

Makomo was about to respond but a voice suddenly entered their heads. "You two are new blood yet you seem to have mutated on your first night, interesting." The voice faded away at the end.

The two demons looked at one another. Even with Shin's expressionless look it felt as if a smug air surrounded it. "I told you it would work." 

"I never doubted your plan for a second master, I got to test out my new strength and discovered that my breathing style went through a change." Makomo replied gleefully.

They looked at each other for a few more seconds before turning their heads away. They both didn't say it but they thought that the other had gotten more attractive after whatever had just happened.

"So that's what that was earlier, I wonder if mine went through any change." Shin thought back to when he was 7 and Kokushibo was demonstrating Evening Palace.

Makomo stared at him confused, anticipating an answer.

"No, it most likely didn't. The last time six eyes used it, it just looked like it had bigger crescent moons and traveled further. If any change occurred then that would be it." He said.

"Master, you can't go around calling people six eyes when you have six eyes yourself, but that would make sense." Makomo replied, she looked out the window and saw that the sun was already rising so they couldn't do anything for now.

"What do we do next?" She asked.

Shin closed all the windows and shut the door tight. The room became pitch black but the two could still see perfectly. "First thing's first, we should get umbrellas and masks so we're able to move through the day. Being holed up in a building or stuck under a tree for hours during the day is no good when important events could be going on." 

"We need to test to see if the umbrellas will work first, so once we get them we'll take a random demon and make them walk out into the sun with it."

Makomo made a sound of understanding before asking a question. "Where are we supposed to get those master?"

"Asakusa Tokyo."

Mm short chapter, I slightly cringed looking over this but that's all part of creation. If you want some R18 stuff in the future let me know.

Give meh yo powah stones and don't forget to leave a review bub. (Hope you enjoyed the chap.)

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