

What would happen if another Tsugikuni somehow happened to be born? A clan lost in time. Will he follow the path of his ancestor and slay those who lurk in the shadows or reject his humanity to become something else?

0BlackRabbit0 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs


All the characters in this auxiliary chapter have already been introduced into the story, this is just to describe everyone and their abilities.

There may be spoilers if you haven't read up to the current one, this will be updated each time someone is introduced or gained something new.


Shin (MC) -Mysteriously appeared on a snowy mountain and was taken in by two women who owned an orphanage. He later met a boy named Yaiba that was overly friendly and wouldn't leave him alone until he agreed to be friends with him.

Years later a powerful demon attacked the orphanage and killed everyone except him upon discovering Shin being his close descendent and wanting a successor.

Appearance - Shin is a 17 year old 180 cm (5'11') demon with pale skin and 3 rows of eyes, his sclera and pupils are black while his irises are silver with a red hue to them, in his left eye the kanji for lower 2 could be seen.

He has long spiky black to red hair that could be changed to lose its spikes and become wavier. He also has red markings resembling flames on his face and neck.

Personality - Shin is a reserved demon that has some difficulty expressing himself and rarely ever shows his emotions. He shows great respect to Kokushibo due to the demon giving him power and being there for him, though he doesn't act like it; he thinks of the demon as somewhat family. 

He sees himself as insignificant due to growing an inferiority complex when younger and has a great desire to get stronger. Due to this, he had grown a complex relationship with his human past.

Abilities - Overall abilities: Shin is an extraordinary swordsman and demon with abnormally fast growth. Being able to mutate on his first night as a demon which earned him praise from the demon king. Using Demon Slayer Corps ranks, his strength could be considered a Kinoto on the verge of ranking up.

Transparent World: Shin was born with the ability Transparent World. This grants him superhuman kinetic vision that allows him to see muscles, blood flow, joint movements, and organs.

Enhanced vision: Possessing 3 rows of eyes, his eyesight had not only been augmented physically but also supernaturally as well. His vision and Transparent World had been improved to superhuman levels allowing him to perceive multiple attacks from multiple directions.

Extrasensory Perception: Shin can detect the presence of others to some extent, with Transparent World he's able to predict their attacks, still it's not perfect.

Flesh Manipulation: Like all demons, Shin possesses the ability to manipulate his own flesh.

Enhanced Durability: Due to mutating Shin's flesh had become harder to cut through.

Enhanced speed and reflexes: Shin possesses a high level of speed and reflexes before becoming a demon that was improved drastically after becoming one.

Enhanced Strength: Shin hadn't used all of his strength since becoming a demon except when he fought two hashira after defeating Rui, upon becoming a kizuki he believed that he could take on a hashira but would be heavily injured in the end and would most likely die with them.

Immense Regeneration: Shin possesses a powerful regeneration ability that could be considered too fast for a demon of his strength.

Pain resistance: in the middle of creating his sword he discovered he was developing some sort of pain resistance.

Tactical Intellect: As the successor of Kokushibo he learned how to fight slayers and other demons from him. Though he's still gaining experience through his journey.

Unlimited Stamina & Endurance: As a demon Shin gained the ability to have an immeasurable amount of stamina and endurance.

Blood Demon Art - Unknown.

Expert Swordsman - As the successor of Kokushibo, he was trained with the sword to the level of an expert since Kokushibo told him to discover the last step on his own. 

Swordsmanship - Moon Breathing, like his relative he is a demon that utilizes breathing styles, yet he is unable to learn above the sixth form due to not having the proper Blood Demon Art or one at all.

Equipment - The weeping goddess' vulnerability, Seijakusei for short. A heavily modified nichirin to fit that of a demon made of Shin's flesh and blood, the stronger he grows the stronger it grows. Being made of Shin's flesh and blood it has the same qualities as him, giving it three main abilities.

Enhanced strength: it is stronger and more durable than the common nichirin blade.

Shapeshifting: The sword can be modified at his will to grow longer and make attacks more intense. 

Regeneration: when broken in any way the sword will regenerate at the same rate as Shin rendering all attacks on it useless.

Relationships - Makomo: his first servant and right hand woman, he genuinely cares and trusts her to the point of telling her some of his secrets.

Susamaru: His second servant, though she's his servant and showed loyalty, Shin didn't trust her as much as he trusted Makomo at first due to her having a trauma over the lord, the girl slowly got over it allowing him to include her in more things.

Kokushibo: His relative and only family, despite the two not talking to each other they treat each other quite well.

Tsuzu: His third servant, she said she would serve him with complete loyalty even if he saw her as a tool, still he would only believe her if she proved herself through actions.


Makomo (First servant) - During final selection she met a green demon with multiple arms that claimed to have killed and eaten many of her teacher's students, enraged she dashed towards the demon to end its life.

As she was about to give the final blow her sword broke causing the girl to despair. The demon was just about to end her life yet Shin appeared to save her but in return she had to serve him and give up her humanity.

Appearance - Makomo is a 17 year old 151 cm (4'11') demon with pale skin that began to turn black from her wrist to her hands, and ankles to her feet. Her sclera and irises are black as coal and her pupils are white being the only thing visible in her eyes.

She has black to blue to pink hair that comes down to her shoulders and spikes outwards at the ends, she also has a black horn protruding out of her head.

Personality - Makomo is a calm, patient, and cheerful demon that shows extreme loyalty to Shin and does what he commands without thinking twice.

She believes Shin is always right and is the greatest. She is quite proud to stand by his side though at times she feels weak.

Abilities - Overall abilities: Makomo is a strong demon. She grows quite fast as she was able to mutate during the same night as Shin. Though she believes she was only able to due to Shin's plan. Her strength could be considered the level of a mid rank Hinoto.

Flesh Manipulation: Like all demons, Makomo possesses the ability to manipulate her own flesh.

Enhanced Durability: Due to evolving Makomo's flesh had become harder to cut through.

Immense Speed and Reflexes: Makomo possesses a high level of speed and mobility for a demon strength. She was quite agile as a human and becoming a demon only made her faster.

Enhanced Strength: Strength was never Makomo's stronger attribute but after becoming a demon it increased exceptionally being able to push back a low ranked Hinoe.

Enhanced Regeneration: Like all demon's Makomo possesses an inhuman regeneration speed, being able to grow a limb back quite quickly.

Cool Headed: Due to Makomo being quite calm and patient she developed the ability to remain calm in the most dangerous situations. It takes a bit to make her genuinely irritated.

Unlimited Stamina & Endurance: As a demon Makomo gained the ability to have an immeasurable amount of Stamina and endurance.

Blood Demon Art - Unknown.

Expert Swordsman - After training with Shin and Kokushibo she was able to get her swordsmanship up to this level.

Swordsmanship - Mutated Water Breathing. Like her master, she's a demon who uses a breathing style, after becoming a demon her style mutated and became stronger. The blue of the water was gone and replaced with a blood color.

Equipment - A light blue nichirin that is visibly shorter than a normal one.

Relationships - Shin: Her master and savior. She is close enough to him to be able to tell what mood he is in even though he's always expressionless and hard to read to others, she also harbors feelings for him and believes she belongs to him.

Susamaru: Her partner, at first she believed Susamaru was nothing but a troublemaker but as time went on she began to like her more even though she still saw her as a nuisance.

Kokushibo: Her somewhat trainer, she's grateful to him for letting her follow Shin and turning her into a demon so she'd be by her master's side.

Tsuzu: A new demon that joined the group, Makomo didn't think anything of Tsuzu at first but once the demon declared her loyalty to Shin without stuttering she saw her in a new light.


Susamaru (Second Servant): A girl who dreamed of being a kizuki and was manipulated, she was sent to kill Tanjiro with her old partner Yahaba. The two lost in the end and Yahaba died, as Susamaru was about to invoke the curse of saying Kibutsuji's name Shin interrupted her, gaining her gratitude.

She boasted of being a kizuki which Shin denied completely. He broke her down and told the girl the lord had abandoned her due to her failure. She was devastated but Shin promised to take care of her, earning the demon's complete loyalty.

Appearance - Susamaru is a 16 year old 157 cm (5'2') demon with pale skin. She has bright hazel eyes with black to orange short hair that resembled paintbrushes at the ends with bangs over her forehead.

Personality - Susamaru is a playful and cheerful girl who always enjoys a challenge. Though it hasn't been long she shows extreme loyalty to Shin and would do what he says without a second thought, she grew a bit of trauma to Kibutsuji but she's slowly getting over it during her time with her master and partner.

Abilities - Overall Abilities: Susamaru isn't as strong as Shin or Makomo but that doesn't mean she is weak. She tries her best to keep up with the others and her strength is what gained Shin's attention. Her strength could be considered a Kanoe on the verge of ranking up.

Immense Strength: Susamaru has enough strength to fight off a mid rank Tsuchinoto.

Flesh manipulation: Like all demons, Susamaru has the ability to manipulate her flesh, she uses this for her combat form to grow four additional arms.

Enhanced Durability: Susamaru's skin is difficult to cut through but isn't on the level of Shin or Makomo.

Enhanced Speed and Reflexes: Though she isn't the fastest she's still a demon and able to swiftly move around.

Unlimited Stamina and Endurance: As a demon Susamaru has the ability to have an immeasurable amount of Stamina and endurance.

Blood Demon Art - Hiasobi Temari. Susamaru's Blood Demon Art allows her to conjure Temari handballs at will. She can either throw or kick them at such intense speed and power that she can completely annihilate any limbs with a single touch. Though she isn't as strong as the others she has been a demon longer and gained her Blood Demon Art.

Equipment - Multicolored Temari balls that can be summoned at will.

Relationships - Shin: Her master, she believes he's always right and does everything he wishes. Like Makomo she gives her everything to him and dedicates herself to pleasing him.

Makomo: Susamaru thinks of Makomo as someone to have fun with and doesn't hesitate to tease her.

Tsuzu: A new demon that joined the group, the two quickly got along after the small demon returned to her true form and opened up.


Kokushibo (Shin's relative) - He attacked the orphanage Shin was staying in and left no one alive except his descendent, Shin. Instead of killing him, he chose to make him his successor and a demon.

Appearance - Kokushibo takes the form of himself at 24 years old, He is 190 cm (6'3') with pale skin and 3 rows of eyes that have red sclera and yellow irises. His middle set of eyes features the kanji of upper rank and one. 

His hair is spiky and black to red kept in a ponytail and has flame marks on his face and neck.

Personality - Kokushibo is the same as Shin, a reserved demon who keeps to himself. Yet he shows high respect for the hierarchy of the kizuki and keeps to his words. Though he took Shin in for him to be his successor he later came to care for him.

Abilities - Overall Abilities: Kokushibo is an extraordinary and powerful swordsman being the second strongest demon in existence from what he had said, not much is known about him or his combat strength.

Flesh Manipulation: Being a demon he has the ability to manipulate his flesh at will.

Immense Durability: As the strongest of the kizuki his flesh must be difficult to cut through.

Immense Speed and Reflexes: Being the strongest of the kizuki his reflexes and speed is quite high, when he performed Evening Palace his movements were so fast Shin wasn't able to see them.

Immense Strength: Kokushibo used enough strength during Evening Palace he was able to rip earth up from the ground

Immense Regeneration: As the strongest of kizuki his regeneration must be one of the best.

Tactical Intellect: Having to live for hundreds of years he built enough combat knowledge to get him where he is today, when he was still training Shin he passed some of his knowledge down to him.

Unlimited Stamina and Endurance: As a demon Kokushibo has limitless Stamina and Endurance.

Blood Demon Art - Unknown.

Master Swordsman - Living for hundreds of years had given Kokushibo the chance to polish and improve upon his swordsmanship till that of a master.

Swordsmanship - Moon Breathing, like his descendent he is a demon that utilizes breathing styles and the creator of Moon Breathing.

Equipment - Looks to be a sword made of flesh with eyes on the handle, guard, and blade.

Relationships: Shin: His descendent, though the two don't talk much he watches over him when not around to make sure he's safe, he was stunned when he saw Shin's monstrous growth.

Makomo: His descendant's servant, he expects her to keep her word and look after Shin.


Tsuzu (Third servant) - a young demon who was forced into a fake spider family as the role of Mother. She was found by Shin on a mountain where he promised to free her if she served under him; she later gained the name Tsuzu.

Appearance - Tsuzu took the form of a child with pale skin contradicting her actual age, her cheeks were marked with two maroon lines and her eyes were round with yellow iresis, her pupils were shaped like an x as well. Her hair was black and parted at the end in pigtails.

In her other form her appearance was that of a short voluptuous woman in her thirties, she had bushy white eyebrows and long white hair that parted at the end. Her skin was milky white, her eyelashes and nails were teal, and she had a red circular pattern on her face.

Personality - Like most demons Tsuzu was a sadistic demon who enjoyed killing humans, but after joining Rui's family that tendency was snuffed out and replaced with trying to survive. When she was saved by Shin and met Susamaru and Makomo she was able to relax and open up, showing that she was a girl who liked to relax and have fun. Like the other two servants she too shows undying loyalty to Shin.

Abilities - Overall Abilities: Tsuzu isn't the strongest demon in the group but shows promise. Shin believes that her blood demon art could take over towns if used properly. Her strength could be considered a mid rank Kanoto.

Flesh manipulation: Like all demons, Tsuzu has the ability to manipulate her flesh.

Shapeshifting: Taking the role as mother she was forced to completely change her appearance to the level of Shapeshifting, being a young demon she reverts back to her true form mistakenly.

Enhanced Durability: Tsuzu's skin is a bit difficult to cut through but at the moment is barely noticeable if someone had cut her.

Enhanced Strength: Strength was never Makomo's stronger attribute like Makomo but as a demon it is still high. 

Enhanced Speed and Reflexes: She's slightly quicker than Susamaru, living on a mountain has taught her how to move around faster than the average demon.

Unlimited Stamina and Endurance: As a demon Tsuzu has the ability to have an immeasurable amount of Stamina and endurance.

Blood Demon Art - Spider Physiology, even though Rui died she can still use the powers she gained to some extent such as String Manipulation, Puppetry, and Spider manipulation which allows her to create and command spiders that would tie threads around their victims limbs for her to use like a puppet. 

Equipment - None.

Relationship - Shin: Her master, she seems him as a kind demon even though he had told her he only brought her due to seeing she was useful and would have left her behind if she hadn't, still, after hearing him she told him she would follow him even if he saw her as a tool or came to regret it in the end. 

Makomo: Another of her master's servants and sees her as one of her friends due to Makomo treating her well.

Susamaru: Her master's servant and her friend along with Makomo.

No idea if the age of Shin and Makomo fits with the timeline but aye!

Also I messed up so if you see all the examples or paragraph comments gone it's my fault, please forgive!

0BlackRabbit0creators' thoughts