

What would happen if another Tsugikuni somehow happened to be born? A clan lost in time. Will he follow the path of his ancestor and slay those who lurk in the shadows or reject his humanity to become something else?

0BlackRabbit0 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

A beginning and a loss


High up on a snow-covered mountain a baby's cry could be heard, nothing could be seen in sight due to the horrid storm that seemed to never want to end. slowly two silhouettes came into view, one shorter than the other.

"It's coming from here!"

"Don't just say that, hurry and grab them so we can get out of here"

A sigh could be heard from the shorter silhouette, following the other's command they picked up the infant not bothering to hide its complaints, though the first thing they noticed was how cold the child was to the touch.

The silhouette moved the blanket from the child's face and what came into sight was something quite unusual. Marks on Its face and neck that resembled flames.

They stood there for a minute or so admiring the marks on its body. The taller silhouette looked at the other weirdly before yelling.

"Hurry it up!"

Hearing their companion's voice they snapped out of their stupor and walked back towards the other with the child in arms.

[7 years later]

"Yaiba!" a feminine voice called.

A seven-year-old boy with long black to red spiky hair in a ponytail and bangs sitting on his forehead turned his head towards the source of the call.

Suddenly a hand landed on his shoulder and he casually turned his head back to the left only to see a goofy smile waiting for him. "I'll be right back, Shin!"

This was Yaiba, Yaiba was 10 years old with short brown hair and eyes, he didn't have a face that would stand out much in crowds but his combat skills were absolute, though some would say he had a baby face.

Shin just stared indifferently at Yaiba. "Break a leg"

When Shin was 5 years old, Yaiba was brought in. Being the only person he was able to talk to the two quickly hit it off, or that's what Yaiba thought.

Shin didn't think anything of Yaiba at first, he was a boy who kept to himself while Yaiba was outgoing always laughing and smiling, Shin couldn't hate him but a small seed was planted, a small seed of envy.

The more time they spent around each other the more Shin envied him, the smile that made others want to smile.

Sometimes they even sparred with each other, Yaiba coming out on top every time. Even when Shin practiced harder he never won, it was as if he was meant to win from the very beginning, and to put salt on the wound he always gave Shin a gaze of sympathy, pity.

Yaiba looked into his friend's silver clouded eyes and slapped him on the back before letting out a laugh, he had gotten used to Shin's nature and didn't mind his comment.

While Yaiba ran off Shin looked at the woman who called, He didn't know exactly what she looked like due to his eyes.

Unlike what people thought, Shin wasn't entirely blind, he could see bones, muscles, and organs, stuff beneath the skin.

Shin was just about to take a seat on the ground until Yaiba returned faster than he expected.

"Dinner is ready"

"Already?" Shin looked up at him questionably, they just started preparing a while ago.

"Yea, apparently the girls helped cooked this time" Yaiba's eyes sparkled saying this.

Shin rolled his eyes at Yaiba, who in response didn't care and grabbed Shin by the arm and dragged him inside a church like building.

After walking inside the smell of food immediately hit their noses, Yaiba started to drool on the spot while Shin's expression never changed but a rumble from his stomach could be heard.

Yaiba laughed at Shin who in returned ignored him. "It'd be weird if you weren't hungry after today, you train more than both of us!" Yaiba stated still pulling Shin by the arm towards the kitchen.

The moment they walked in various kids threw smiles Yaiba's way, Yaiba returned kindly with his own bright smile pulling Shin to the table that had plates of food.

"See ya" Shin grabbed his dinner and walked off to a random table not waiting for Yaiba's response.

"But Shinnnn" Yaiba quickly grabbed his plate and followed shin around.

Shin ignored him and eventually found a table. that only had two people sitting at, two girls who looked to be like twins, one had medium length sky blue hair that covered her right eye, a ribbon in her hair, and big blue eyes. The other was the same but with light pink hair that covered her left eye, and large darkish red eyes.

Shin walked to the far end of the table opposite of them with Yaiba following behind yelling about how they should stick together.

"Nee-sama, Nee-sama, could you please tell our guest to quiet down?" the blue haired one spoke

"Remu, Remu, just ignore the loud one's" the pink haired one replied.

Shin took a glance towards them before quickly ignoring the two, Yaiba on the other hand started to talk to them.

Soon dinner was over and everyone left for their rooms to get some sleep since it was bedtime.

In every room soft snores could be heard that slowly made Shin sleepy as well, so after a couple of seconds of drifting in and out, he was out like a light.

Randomly in the night a creak could be heard coming from the side of Shin. "Go away.."

"Shin wake up" Shin slowly opened his eyes to see Yaiba looking at him with an anxious look on his face.

Yaiba noticed Shin's eyes open and let out a sigh of relief. "Shin we have to go, I think something's going on"

Shin looked at him strangely and spoke with an annoyed tone. "It's the middle of the night, now's not the time for jokes"

Yaiba frowned hearing him. "I'm serious, we have to go. 10 minutes ago I heard screaming coming from down the hall"

Shin looked at him seriously for a bit while going into thought. 'If he's telling the truth then we should get out of here, it's best to be safe than sorry'

Shin nodded his head and asked something he already knew the answer to. "What are we going to do?"

The air around Yaiba became serious and determined as he looked straight into Shin's eyes. "We're going to help the others escape"

Shin's eyes twitched hearing this and spoke with an annoyed tone once again. "What do you mean we? I'm not wasting my time with those I barely know"

Yaiba's frown deepened at his friend's words. "How could you say that? They took us in when nobody else did plus they're human just like us!"

"If you want to play hero then go do what you want, I refuse"

Yaiba gave Shin a disappointed look. "I can't believe I called you a friend.."

Yaiba quickly jumped from his bed and ran out of the room into darkness.

"What an idiot.."

Shin shook his head and walked out of the room to the nearest exit, he didn't believe anything that came out of Yaiba's mouth but he had to leave just in case it was true.


A dot of red liquid dropped to the floor, Shin looked up only to see half-eaten bodies pinned up against the ceiling.

The sight made him want to throw up the meal he had earlier but he held it in and continued to walk, his steps echoing through the halls.

Trying his best to stay calm Shin made his way to the exit but was greeted at the sight of the walls and floor covered in blood with cut in half bodies laying around, each step he took the smell of blood got thicker.

'The exit should be right here' Shin turned the corner only to see Yaiba trying his best to defend against a fast figure who moved in the shadows and the two girls from earlier hiding behind him right at the exit.

"Rem, Ram, run for it!" Yaiba yelled at the twins, Rem was reluctant but before she could cause a scene Ram grabbed her sister's hand and ran out the exit.

Shin who watched everything was puzzled. 'That thing could have caught them easily, why did it just ignore them?'


Shin was brought out of his thoughts when he heard flesh being cut and something hitting the floor hard.

Shin's eyes widened when he saw Yaiba being cut in half and his upper body flying towards him.

Yaiba flew right into Shin knocking them both down to the floor, Shin quickly moved Yaiba off of him.

"Heh, hey Shin"

"..." Shin decided not to say anything

"C'mon man, respond, I know you're there even if I can't see you. What did I tell you about getting out more?" Yaiba smiled and tried his best to reach out to Shin but only grabbed air.

Surprisingly Yaiba turned his head towards Shin. "You know, when we first met I couldn't help but admire you"

Shin's eyes widened but he refused to respond. "You were this kid who kept to himself, never got to know where he's from, and you're blind yet you do more than the others" every word he spoke was filled with kindness as a pool of blood formed beneath them.

"And when we became friends I was really happy, I was one step closer to you heh, looks like I'm out of time, do me a favor. If you ever see those twins again please take care of them"

The world had seemed to slow down when Shin's emotions were in turmoil, he felt sad, angry, and frustrated. He felt inferior to Yaiba in every way possible yet here he was saying he admired him, Shin couldn't help but shed a tear and whispered out the last thing Yaiba would hear. "Sayonara, Yaiba"

Yo, give me yo powah stones

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