
Big Brother

Pulling myself out of bet I yawned lightly, heading to my window with a bright smile. It was a warm day, and the sun was shining threw the small patches of clouds. Really it was almost always nice here, not getting cold even in winter.

Now of course I should introduce myself, my nae is Don Eppes, and I turned three months ago, October fifth to be exact. I had a bunch of my friends over -sadly Suzy couldn't come due to pink eye- and I got a lot of gifts. There was one thing however that mom told me that I would have to wait to learn about, that she had a big secret that she could only tell me today.

Part of me knows what it is, and I really hope it's not true. I've noticed that mom has been putting on weight, but I didn't want to say anything. But now it was almost undeniable, and that was really strange.

Heading to the stairs, I smiled as I headed towards the kitchen, the smell of pancakes filling me with joy and causing me to temporarily forget about my concern. Besides, it could be good news and the weight could be nothing. I had always wanted a dog, perhaps she was going to tell me I could get one.

Heading into the kitchen I puled myself into my chair, and silently swung my legs impatiently. This seemed to catch Mom's attention, as she walked over, plate of pancakes in hand. Setting it quietly in front of me she brought a plate for Dad and herself.

"Hey Donnie, did you sleep well?" Dad asked smiling brightly as I started to eat my pancake. Nodding I smiled, not looking up from my food. "So do you want to hear the bid news?"

"Of course Dad!" I respond smiling happily, glancing over to Mom. "What is it?"

"I'm pregnant, your going to be a big brother two two little siblings." She responded, smiling happily at my shocked look. "Isn't that great?"

"No!" I yelled, completely forgetting about my half eaten pancake. "I don't want to share you!"

"Now Don, it's going to be fun having siblings. You can teach them all about base ball when they get old enough, and show them how the world works." Mom said, nodding lightly. "You're going to love being a big brother."

"No I won't! None of my friends are big siblings! Why do I have to be one?" I demanded, glaring lightly. "I don't want a baby sibling at all! I want a dog!"

"Now Don, you behave yourself. You're going to have to help out more, and you are going to have to understand that this is a big change for us too." Dad called, walking up beside me,paling a hand on my shoulder. " I know it's going to be hard, but you are going to love them."

So, I didn't exactly know how to end the chapter but I think I did alright. I had fun trying to get the perspective correct, and paint how Don would have felt.

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