

Lower Midtown Manhattan....

Driving through Park Ave, FBI Mutant Specialist Fredrick Duncan got an odd call about a young African American that appears scared and confused.

Fred immediately picks up the call and heads over to the kid's location, only a block a way from where he was. Arriving at the very public scene he finds a large group of civilians video taping the kid, while police are trying to hold them back.

The young man was dressed in cheap clothes and walking around aimlessly and touching random objects, all the while screaming with a frightened look in his eyes.

"HE'S COMING!!!! P-PLEASE T-TAKE ME WITH YOU!! D-DON'T LET HIM T-TAKE ME!!!" The young man who was thin as a stick was walking around and lunging at random people. Freddie walked up to a group of cops, firemen, and bomb squad.

"What's going on here?" Freddie questioned them.

"Well well well, Detective Duncan on the case. We're all 'safe' now." The Chief of Police mockingly greeted, it seems the Chief is still sour at letting his son's attacker let go. "Beat it old man, I got it all covered. We shoot the kid and say he was carrying the bomb. Easy right?"

The other department leaders were astonished to hear such idiotic words coming from the Chief of Police.

"Wow..." The bomb squad leader was stunned, "First of all no. And second I called Fred here." The Chief angrily stomped away after his idea was dismissed.

The bomb squad leader then explained, "We got a call about a bomb threat, description was on point for the crazy guy over there. Caller said the guy was carrying a bomb or...he could be the bomb."

Duncan gave the leader an odd look at his assumption, "Look we swept the perimeter, either he's got something up his ass or we got a special one."

"Thanks for the call Hank. Let me make one of my own, meanwhile get his attention away from the crowd." Hank nodded and left to call out orders.

Meanwhile Freddie calmly dialed a familiar number to a professor. "Hey Xavier, turn on a god damn tv!"

"Ah, Fredrick." The cool and smooth voice of Professor Xavier sounded out. "Yes, I have heard and can confirm it is a young mutant. Although his mutation was rather abrupt."

"What do you mean?"

"I believe his x-genes have been forcefully activated, an outside force created enough stress for his genes to activate." Xavier explained. From hearing what the mutant was saying and Xavier's assumptions, Freddie guessed that someone created this mutant.

"Alright, well when is your team gonna get here?" He asked.

There was a long pause before a saddened voice came through, "I am terribly sorry, but I'm afraid the X-Men cannot interfere with this situation."

"WHAT?!?" Fred was shocked hearing Xavier's denial for help. "It's your job to help mutants in need!"

"The mutant community must remain hidden for as long as possible. Having many unknown super powered individuals come and secure another, will only serve to frighten the public." Xavier painstakingly explained.

*BOOM!!* *BOOM!!*

Snow started to fall as two cars behind the police exploded creating a mass panic and leaving a few policemen and civilians injured who were caught in the blast. The young mutant watched in horror as people were scrambling to help the injured.

"PLEASE! I DIDN'T MEAN TO-" He suddenly buckled over as a gunshot echoed in the air. The Chief of Police looked at his firearm being held by his trembling hands and let out a shaky breath.

Men started to move forward to detain the mutant, but a high pitched sound stopped them in their tracks. "N-No...it's coming...get away." The sound stopped and for a second, silence rang through the air as a column of fire exploded out from the mutant's body.


The crowd of people became a wave of bodies being pushed back from the force of the explosion. Freddie slowly got up along with those that survived the blast, and stared dumbly at the crater where the mutant once was.

"What the hell...." Freddie muttered out. Crowds of people were screaming, the white snow turn into black ash as smoke was coming from the crater.

"FREDRICK!!" Xavier's frantic voice came from the phone.

"Mutant's dead Charles, he blew up....along with some good people." Freddie said bitterly.

"No! He is still ALIVE!" Xavier corrected. As soon as Xavier confirmed the mutants status, particles in the air started to come together to slowly reform the body. "Quickly, call Robert he already has a public image. He may be able to help."

Freddie immediately hung up on Xavier and called Robert Drake, 'Come on kid we need you.' He desperately thought.


Lower Midtown Manhattan....

In a safe and hidden roof of a building two silhouettes could be seen in the darkness watching the fireworks happening just a block away.

One figure came to light as he stepped forward. Wearing a long brown trench coat, paired with his long shoulder cut brown hair and black headband framing his face. His red eyes glowed in amusement as he watched the column of fire rise through the buildings.

"What'd I say!" He began to speak out loud with a slight cajun accent to the other figure, "Told ya Doc could do it."

The female silhouette crossed its arms as if to say that the explosion wasn't impressive. The male rose his eyebrows in shock at her dismal and smirked, "What? You thought it was a one off. Doc told me that he could reform over and over. The asset is a living reusable bomb, the Doc likes to recycle. Save the planet and all."

The female silhouette remained stoic and silent despite the joking man. Suddenly helicopters filled the air and she caught a glimpse of a familiar eagle logo on one of them.

"Time to leave." The woman spoke in a slight german accent and left abruptly.

"Wait for me love!" The man called out and reluctantly looked back at the rising smoke, "Ughhh, Doc's not gonna be happy that I lost him."


Scene of the explosion....

Fredrick Duncan was helping those in need and carrying the injured behind cover and giving them medical attention.

Freddie looked towards the smoking crater in despair, he's only a normal man he can't fight off a living bomb. Freddie prayed as he watched the young mutant finally reformed and stumbled out of the crater he created.

The young mutant looked around in horror at the mess he caused and kneeled down in defeat. His naked body shivering in the cold as black snow continued to fall, tears fell from his guilty eyes.

"I-I didn't want this. I never wanted this." He lifted his head up and spread his arms wide. "PLEASE SOMEONE END THIS NIGHTMARE!!"

Fredrick let out a deep breath and reached for his gun, but another high pitched sound rang through the air silencing everyone around.

"NOOO!!! STOOOP!!! PLEASEEE!!" The mutant held his head down and curled his body tight, trying to resist the oncoming explosion. The surrounding people dived to the ground and took cover from an oncoming explosion.


They waited for the deafening screech. They waited for the foul smell. They waited for the heat of the fire. But all they heard was a muffled explosion and the shattering of ice. All they felt was the cold winter winds howling in the night. When the people looked to see the supposed explosion, they saw blue sparkles of ice and white snow in the air.

Freddie looked over from his car to see a figure clad in black and blue and immediately sighed in relief. The stunned crowd recovered and looked towards the new arrival and whispered among themselves.

"Who is that?"

"Thats the Ice guy."

"It's Iceman idiots."


Random voices spoke out from the roaring crowd, as a helicopter with a spotlight centered in to the black and blue vigilante and the swirling particles he was facing.

Robert Drake stood at the ready to face a rogue mutant. The living bomb reformed faster as Drake tensed his ice covered hands, but was caught off guard as he came face to face with a skinny and naked dark skinned man.

'This is the bomber?' He thought to himself.

The rogue mutant opened his to see a man in a trench coat and immediately covered his hands in defense. "NOOOOO!!! I WON'T GO BACK!!!" The mutant shouted and accidentally exploded the air in front of him sending Iceman flying back in a heap of smoke.

Robert who was prepared and set up an ice shield that absorbed the blast, and quickly recovered in the air and created a slide of ice to recover from the force. He slid his way back into the cowering mutant and held him on the ground creating icy cuffs to held the scared mutant.

"NOOOOO!!! PLEASEEE!!! DON'T BRING ME BACK!!" The mutant with his eyes still closed started thrashing and screaming, trying to break free.

"Calm down." Iceman's cool voice crackled as he spoke and kneeled next to the scared mutant, "I am not your enemy."

The scared mutant slowly calmed down and opened his eyes hearing an unfamiliar voice. "P-please you have to help m-me." The scared mutant looked around and was frightened by the amount of people coming closer to the two of them.

"Tch...idiots." Robert quickly created an ice platform beneath the two of them and rose them up high in the sky with an ice pillar. Out of view from any cameras and people the rogue mutant began to relax.

"What's your name? And who is coming for you?" Robert released the rogue mutant and created stumps of ice to sit on.

"I-I d-don't remember. All I remember is the pain and running away from the place that held us and arriving here." The rogue mutant stammered as he tried to remember anything but only remembered fragments of his past.

Robert narrowed his eyes at his story and strangely felt that he had a similar experience. 'A telepath messed with his mind.'

"I never wanted to hurt anyone. But it keeps happening, I can't control it." The rogue mutant explained. "I just want it to end. I'm living a nightmare."

He looked at Robert with hopeful eyes and begged, "Kill me. Please its the only way."

"As you wish." Robert eyes hardened and stood up at the ready. If there was another way to save him, then Robert might have declined but since it was his wish.

"Hahahahaha! Thank you! Thank you!" The desperate mutant jumped with joy and hugged Robert tightly. He took a step back and smiled for what felt like a long time and waited for his departure.

Robert raised his hand and formed an icy sword. As Robert was about to swing his sword a high pitched tone rang in the air signaling an explosion.

"No no no no! DO IT! KILL ME!" The rogue mutant yelled. Robert swung his sword but stopped a breath away from his neck and jumped a distance away to not get caught in the explosion.

"NOOOOO!!" The mutant exploded and took half the ice pillar with him.

Robert came back and landed on the pillar where the mutant will soon start reforming. "I'm sorry, but I have found a better solution. Please forgive me."

Robert waited for him to start reforming once again and as the particles came together, they slowly slowed down as ice started form around the molecules that will soon make up the living bomb. Robert has frozen the mutant in a incomplete form, ensuring that he will not explode unless melted and completed.

Robert let out a guilty breath as he looked at the ice sculpture in front of him. Deciding on his next course of action he created a white fog to hid him and the ice sculpture, away from the lights and cameras of the helicopters recording them. He quickly disappeared from the scene with a souvenir to drop off for a certain eye-patched man.

"Damn kid is leaving us with this mess." Fredrick Duncan looked up to see Robert leaving in the white fog. He gazed around to see craters, burning cars, and a giant ice pillar on the road.