
Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts

A college student reincarnates in the world of HP with the power to cast Lore of Magics from the Warhammer Age of Sigmar universe(Total War: Warhammer 3). It is going to be a weak to strong story. In time, I am thinking of expanding on all of the magical world rather than only focusing on Magical England. Disclaimer: I do not own any of this other than my OCs; anything else belongs to its respective author. A/N: English is not my first language, so if there is a grammar issue, please tell me in the comments, and I will fix it. I will try to release three chapters a week. If you want to read 35 chapters ahead or donate, you can visit p-a-tre-on/kurowashi

KuroWashi1903 · Book&Literature
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75 Chs


A/N: If you want to donate or read up to 35 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi 

If you see grammar errors, please let me know so I can fix them and I'm always open to constructive criticism. 

I would like it if you guys left some reviews.

Thank you for your good words and support.


Corvius Fawley

Elizabeth Fawley

Fredrick Elminster Fawley


Elmi's relentless determination and his growing nagging convinced his mother. He had indeed talked her head off with his persistent pleas. Elizabeth began to seriously consider the idea of purchasing a wand for her son. His responsible nature and the escalating frequency of his accidental magical incidents had become a genuine concern for her. As he continued to experience magical bursts almost daily, she felt increasingly apprehensive. 

She understood that providing him with a wand could be the key to helping him gain better control over his burgeoning magical powers, and it would also allow her to teach him some basic charms. The prospect of this pivotal step in his magical journey was both exciting and daunting, and it marked a significant moment in their exploration of the magical world. With the guidance of Mr. Ollivander, the esteemed wandmaker, they would venture into Diagon Alley to acquire Elmi's very first wand.

 Mr. Ollivander is known for his deep knowledge of wands and the fine art of matching them with witches and wizards. His shop was a place filled with countless wand boxes, each holding a unique and powerful magical instrument.

As they entered the shop, Mr. Ollivander welcomed them with his soft and insightful gaze. 

"Good day to you both. How may I assist you? Ahhh, Elizabeth Greengrass Phoenix Feather core, Redwood 11 inches." he inquired with a warm yet slightly mysterious smile. He kissed her hand, and she smiled,

"It is Fawley now, and here is my son Elminster."

Mr. Ollivander crouched down with a warm smile on his face. He said,

"I sense we have a young wizard here in search of his first wand."

Mr. Ollivander's eyes twinkled as he approached the young wizard. He measured Elminster's arm and handed him a wand to start. The wand sparked with lightning when he swung it, and Mr. Ollivander crouched to dodge the lightning. With a loud explosion, a vase broke into many pieces.

Mr. Ollivander smiled, "Ah, not quite the right one, I see. Let's try another, shall we?" He got onto the ladder and took a box from the middle row.

"Dragon heartstring and oak, 9 inches."

Elminster gave the wand a wave, and a violent gust of wind knocked over several boxes.

"Not quite the right fit either."

He pulled a few more wands, and all of them caused one violent reaction after another. Mr. Ollivander's smile started to wane, and he sighed.

"Hmmm, it looks like none of those cores are compatible with you." He got lost in deep thoughts and said, "I don't make much of those because they are really rare, temperamental, and explosively powerful in nature."

He got on top of the ladder and pulled the one at the top,

"Thunderbird feather core, Sycamore, 11 and a half inches. It is a really hard wand to control, and it will lose all its brilliance if used for mundane tasks for too long. It is a questing wand and one of the rarest and most powerful ones I made. The only problem is it is really arrogant; let's see if you can tame it."

Elminster took the wand in his hand and immediately sensed its rebellious nature. It tugged at his magical essence, seemingly eager to unleash a powerful explosion. However, Elminster wasn't one to be easily overpowered. With a firm grip on the wand and a decisive flick of his wrist, he harnessed both the winds of magic and mana. It was as if he was wrestling a spirited horse, and the wand fought back for a moment before succumbing to his control. It was like pulling the bridle of a horse. The wand ignited with a soft light, and a refreshing breeze seemed to blow through the shop.

Mr. Ollivander couldn't contain his excitement, applauding with a wide smile, "Brilliant! It appears we have a promising wizard in the making. My boy, not everyone can tame such a wand, but it also means the wand will rather burst into flames than fade into obscurity and drown in the mundane."


After getting some ice cream from Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour, Elminster and his mother were walking down the Diagon Alley. Elmi couldn't wait to return home and work on the first-year charms. As they were walking, he was the Magical Menagerie. He turned to his mother and said, as cute as possible,

"Mommy, can we buy a pet too?"

Elizabeth couldn't help but shudder at the sudden change in address. Elminster gazed at his mother with those wide, pleading puppy eyes, his lips forming a pitiful pout. He employed that endearing word, "Mommy," which he typically reserved for times when he desired something. In his usual demeanor, he spoke with a dignified and well-spoken tone, a mismatch for his age. He typically addressed her as "Mother." His transformation into an adorable child only emerged when he sought something or was throwing a temper tantrum.

"No, we bought a lot of books and a better potion set."

The one his father had purchased before could only be considered a toy compared to a genuine potion and alchemy set, and the one they had just acquired was like an herbal tea set compared to the real one, but he couldn't convince his mother to buy that one. Elmi was not willing to give up easily. He decided to use a somewhat manipulative tactic, and with a hint of sadness in his voice, he said, "You're always traveling and leaving me in hotel rooms. I wish I had someone to play with." 

This move struck a chord in his mother, and Elmi felt a twinge of guilt for tugging at her heartstrings. He understood that his mother was doing her best, but he couldn't help feeling incredibly bored during those extended stays in hotels and hotel rooms. He liked to travel with his mother, but hotel rooms were the least liked part of it. She said,

"It's a big responsibility to care for a magical pet. Do you think you are up for the challenge? I will not help you."

"Yes, I am. Please, mother, let's just buy one."

"What kind of magical pet are you interested in?"

"I don't really know. Can we go inside? I want to see what kind of pets they have. Come on... Come on!"

He started pulling her toward the magical menagerie while acting cute. At last, she relented and said,

"Okay... Okay, stop pulling. Let's visit the magical menagerie and see what options we have. But remember, Elmi, taking care of a magical pet is a serious commitment. You have to feed them, train them, and make sure they're happy."

Elmi nodded eagerly. "I promise, Mother, I'll take excellent care of my pet."