
Wife of The Demon Prince

To save her family from dying unjustly like they did in her previous life she has to marry a Prince rumored to be a demon. A marriage that was only a deal on paper turns to something they both can't resist. ** Two people who transverse through a lifetime of difficulty and hardship only to find each other again in another lifetime. Will their love transcend over the forces of time and the evil that lurks behind the power of a wish? Or will fate tear them apart to regain the world's stability. *************** Excerpt "How ridiculous, just because you saved my life, now I have to pay you back by marrying you?" Hamon looked strangely terrifying as he gave her a mocking laugh. If he wasn't already wounded Ara might've beat that laugh off his face, for her own peace of mind. "Your Highness if you keep laughing like that, your wound will open." Her voice sounded muffled behind the armor making it quite gruff. "Shut your disgusting mouth, even your voice is disgusting." "Your Highness, listen to what I ha-" "I'm going to say this one last time. I'm not going to marry you....so You can take your sorry self and leave this place right now while am being nice!" Ara wanted to fume At him when he kept on interrupting her again and again. 'He thinks I'm disgusting, after I risked my life to save him? What an arrogant pompous Prince!' Despite her anger boiling beneath the surface, she said in a calm voice. "Can you please just listen to me first?" __ Excerpt 'Without Arabella...Hamon is nothing.' 'Die? How will you die when I'll be here to bring you back? Not even death can take you away from me, wife.' 'If anything happens to you...I will ruin the entire world!' Memories of his words to his wife began to echo in his head, then images of her smiling face. And what she said earlier. 'If you tell me to split up with you again, I'll get very mad at you. And I won't allow you hold me to sleep tonight!' 'Hamon, I'll be dead before I leave your side, I am your wife and once your soldier, I am not a coward. I am staying by your side!' Hamon sat frozen on the cold forest ground as he held Ara's dead body in his arms. There was no longer any signs of tears in his eyes, all that was left was a pair of soulless eyes. He slowly glanced down at her pale lifeless face, the reality began to sink to his mind. His wife was dead, Ara was dead... She died saving him, taking the arrows meant for him. As those thoughts went through his mind, his face slowly began to darken, like cloudy storms of an incoming typhoon that could tear the skies and the earth apart, gradually his forearms veins started to turn purple and it spread to his neck veins and forehead. He pulled away from Ara's body and stood to his feet. Eyes as red as blood, claws long and sharp pierced through his fingers cutting his skin, but he didn't so much as flinch as the blood dripped from them. Purple dark veins appeared on his face as his sharp fangs peeked out of his clenched lips. There the Demon stood with flames blazing in his hands, it looked nothing like Hamon. Just his soulless eyes were enough to make one crawl away in fright. __ Note: this book is a slow burn romance, and there's no major tragedy. You can also check out my other book. Title: Bound To The Ice Dragon King Happy reading! Disclaimer: Cover image isn't mine, will take it down if the owner wants me to.

Ash20 · Fantasy
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341 Chs

Prince Hamon

Hamon De Biville. Who Anne referred to was the crown Prince who turned his back on his kingdom few years ago.

Ara had a sudden realization.

"Anne what year is it?"

"It's year 1676, did you forget that too?"

At that moment Ara was unable to say anything, as if she had been struck by lightning. It was exactly nineteen years in the past around the time the crown Prince left the kingdom after the battle, and never returned. And it was only a year or so before the royal family will be destroyed.

Ara remembered it clearly. In the past, the crown Prince was to show up at the grand ball for the very first time, and Ara was accompanied by Anne at the grand ball. At the end of the day, the crown Prince never showed up, they had gone home without seeing him.

It was only later that they found out about the crown Prince's disappearance, then ten months later the royal family began to decline when it had been revealed that the king had been fighting a long time heart disease.

Yes, she remembered now. Anne had also rushed into her room like this when she heard the crown Prince was going to attend the ball.

Was it really that day? What had happened so far passed through Ara's head in a panorama.

'Am i really back in time?'

It was impossible to believe. How on earth? Why? How? A lot of unsolved questions arose. There was no one to ask, and no one to give answers.

She began to realize that this moment which she thought was a dream, was in fact reality. She turned pale as if she had forgotten how to breathe.

"Are you alright?"

Anne held her sister's hand worryingly carefully looking at her. Despite such small gesture, Ara was close to tears again. It didn't matter how she got back to the past, now there was a real chance in protecting her family from dying. She would never let such a future come again.

Ara gripped Anne's hand and said in a devoted whisper.

"This time, I promise to protect you. No matter what happens."

Anne slowly nodded at her sister's strong words, she was acting strangely today. At first she had thought Ara was under stress for having to manage the household, but Ara had said some strange stuff.

"Are you really okay?"

"Of course, especially when you're in front of me like this. How could I not be okay? This moment is for me...I can not describe how much I appreciate it. Thank you for being alive Anne."

Anne's face flashed with embarrassment, she didn't understand why her sister was acting this way, but she smiled shyly anyway because it meant Ara loved her. The fact that Ara was the best sister in the world never changed.

Ara leaned back, and looked at Anne tenderly. Ara couldn't almost bear to look at her, Her heart ached for the future that Anne didn't know.

A thought suddenly came to Ara's mind.

"Where is father now?"

"You told me yesterday that father went back to Zari, and he'll be back in a few days."

"Oh, really?"

Ara gave her an awkward smile then thought carefully. In order to avoid the same tragedy, she had to do something quickly. There wasn't much time left to change the future.

Should she run to her father and tell him everything she knew about the future that awaits them? Ara thought carefully and immediately shook her head. She wasn't sure if he would even believe her unrealistic story, which she found difficult to believe herself, and even if he believed what she said, the Boxton family was absolutely loyal to the royal family. Her father was a man who would fight to death rather than run away. Because of this he had been killed in his previous life by king Cornell.

How could she stop Cornell from becoming the king? No one knew it now, but the present king is suffering from a serious heart disease, he will die soon.

'Should I kill Cornell before then?'

Even if she had returned to the past, and she knew her skills with sword did not disappear completely, it would be necessary to train her body again to peak physical condition. She had failed in her original goal, but she was still the one who had almost killed the infamous king Cornell in her previous life.

But even if she succeeded in killing Cornell now. The royal family will hunt down the person who killed Cornell, ignorant of his evil deeds.

The Boxton family wouldn't be able to avoid responsibility. And if she failed... She closed her eyes tightly, not wanting to even think of the outcome.

Although she didn't want to admit it, she had worked her whole life to kill Cornell.

Ara knew better than anyone how strong he was. She had already lost to him once, was it possible to win with this second chance? There wasn't a guarantee that she would be able to kill Cornell this time, she could not risk the lives of her family against such slim chance.

'I can't afford to fail again this time.'

Even if the worst possible outcome were to happen, she needed to be able to ensure that the Boxton family survived, but a good plan didn't come to mind. She was ashamed of not avenging her family's death in her previous life. She had done everything that could be done alone before, but now she needed an assistant to stand by her and give her strength.

'If there was only someone who could help me this time'

There was only one person that came to mind.

'Prince Hamon?'

To her knowledge, he was supposed to leave the kingdom in a few days after the battle, the battle was still taking place now. But....What if she could stop him from leaving? The crown Prince, son of the present king would be the biggest obstacle for Cornell, even if Hamon only accomplished half of his achievements on the battlefield.

No it will be very helpful if the rumors about him were true. She doesn't care what people say he is, furthermore, if she could make him king he could stand in the way of Cornell rise to power.

She had to stop him from leaving somehow, it would be a decision that would further shake the whole continents. The effect of it would be unpredictable.

After a moment of hesitation, Ara laugh at herself coldly.

'I don't care if the whole world drowns or burn. I only want to save my family.'

She would walk with a smile in this bloodstained road, Ara looked down at Anne's bright eyes and made a deep promise again.

'I'll save you this time no matter the cost'

After Ara made up her mind, she began to feel nervous, she had to find a way to stop the Prince from abandoning his kingdom.

The time when Prince Homan would leave already overlapped with the present. Although she doesn't know the exact place the battle is taking place, but she fortunately remembered the location as the battle had been the most talked about event before.

There was no time to waste. It would be a disaster if she missed this opportunity to stop the Prince.

Boxton mansion was located in northern part of the kingdom, and it would take several days to get to the battlefield from here.

She had to make haste as soon as possible.

"Brother Henry is in the training hall now, isn't he?"

"Yes, it's always the same. If he doesn't hold a sword for a day...he'll probably kill himself."

Anne stood there talking lovingly. Ara had missed her sister so much, she was anxious to keep her eyes away from her even more, but now she was in a hurry. She stroked Anne soft cheeks and said to her sadly.

"Anne, I have to go somewhere for awhile."

"Huh? Where are you going to?"

"It's just for a few days."

"That long? I'll come with you then!"

Anne clutched at Ara's nightdress.

Perhaps it was because Anne didn't remember their mother, who had died when giving birth to Anne, but the young girl had always hated being away from her older sister since she was a child. Ara did not hate Anne for treating her like a mother, and they had little memory of being separated until their family had been destroyed in their previous life.

The years of living without Anne had been extremely lonely. Ara wanted to indulge her sister and listen and everything she said, but this isn't the right time for that.

"I have to go alone Anne, you can't come with me."

She quickly turned her head away. She had to be away a least for some few days to find Prince Hamon, but she couldn't disappear for no reason. This isn't a life when no one stopped her from going anywhere she please. She is the daughter of a general who had to tell everyone her every moves.

A memory flashed through Ara's head and gave her an idea.

"I have to go see Danielle, and you can't travel that far with me."


"Yes, she invited me to her birthday banquet by letters a few days ago."

Danielle lived in neighboring kingdom and she's a distant relative of the Boxton's. She loved both Ara and Anne, Although she's not a frequent visitor, she made sure to visit the Boxton mansion whenever she visited the kingdom. Ara remembered that Danielle had been very excited preparing for her 19 years birthday banquet. In Ara's previous life she had to leave Boxton mansion under any pretext. Danielle, who had been her good friend since childhood, would make a good excuse.

Ara glanced at Anne's face with apprehension, wondering if her memory might have been wrong. Luckily, Anne spoke with a subdued look as if she knew about Danielle.

"Do you still have to go there by yourself? I mean you can't travel that far alone...This house is nothing without you."

"You know how important it is to Danielle, I need to attend the banquet, besides I'd have love to take you with me, but I know how you always get homesick whenever we're far away from home.....It's not like I'll be gone forever, I'll be back in few days."

"But I wi-"

"Anne, Danielle has a lot of hair and worries about it. If I go there it will help her greatly, don't you think?"


Anne pouted in disapproval, and Ara sighed. If the future didn't depend on her, she would never leave her sister's side for a long time.

"you are too nice for your own good."

Ara smiled faintly at this, she didn't care if the world is dying for the sake of her family, so the word "nice" was far from appropriate.

To find the crown Prince, she needs to go to the battlefield to join him and bring him back to Findara. Ara smiled innocently as she stroked Anne's soft hair and said.

"I'll bring you a present when I get back."

"Really? I'll be looking forward to that."

"Yes, I'll pick something you like, so be patient."


As if she had completely forgotten her opposition to Ara leaving. Anne smiled as bright as a flower that bloom.

Yes, Ara wouldn't mind marrying a demon of hell to protect this smile on her sister's face.

"Then you should wait at home quietly. When father comes back, tell him I've gone to help Danielle prepare for her birthday banquet, okay?"

"Okay, you have to come back as soon as possible, sister Ara."

"I promise. I just have to say goodbye to Henry and then I'll leave right away."

"This soon?"

"The sooner I leave, the sooner I can come back."

Anne's expression turned sullen, but then her face soon lit up with an idea.

"Then I'll ask the kitchen cook to make lunch so you can eat it on your way."

"You don't have to-"

"In the meantime go talk to brother Henry, see you later!"

Anne left in as much of a hurry as she could, and Ara smiled sadly to see her go. Anne is a lovely girl, who deserved a love of a mother, Although Anne's seventeen years old, Ara was still worried about leaving her at home, but she felt moved at her efforts, when she saw this bit of kindness, she couldn't help but realize that she really was back.

After a moment of being grateful, Ara quickly came to her senses and sat on her bed, she planned to leave the house under the pretext of Danielles birthday banquet, but Ara wasn't sure if she could really attend the birthday banquet. Then she decided to let Danielle know about this in advance so that she could avoid a difficult situation later on. Ara wrote a letter to Danielle about going to visit her after the celebration because something came up which she needs to attend to.

After she was done writing the letter, it was sent straight away bearing the seal of Boxton family.