

SERIES #LSPBSW# ( LOVE, SUFFERING, PAIN, BETRAYAL, SURVIVAL & WAR ) Description It has been already 1 million years or known as Megennium since the Supernaturals took over the Earth. In every Centamillenium or 100,000 years, the Moon Goddess choose a group of beings to be chosen. If they ever passed the trials given to them, they will be considered as protectors of Earth in that chosen time. They are destined to battle the Darkness and the God of Destruction, if they ever defeat their own demons,sufferings, nightmares and hatred. Every 100,000 years, wicked beings awoke or known as Darkness. Not only that but also the God Of Destruction is awakened in his hibernation, wanting to destroy all beings in his path, including the chosen ones. BOOK 1 OF THE SERIES #LSPBSW# ( LOVE, SUFFERING, PAIN, BETRAYAL, SURVIVAL & WAR ) Athoos, Snahhan and A Shen Li are three different personalities yet shared one human body, but was separated at birth. In order to change the future, Athoos, a human that can't feel positive emotions was chosen to come to the Supernatural World and try to change the Future, but she didn't know that coming to the Supernatural Realm will she discover secrets about herself, the Snake King and especially the true owner of the body she is currently using. The longer she stays there, the worst the secrets she finds out, driving her mad with betrayal, anger, pain and hatred. BOOK 2: I LOVE YOU, MY LITTLE NAUGHTY ZOMBIE TO THE STARS AND BACK BOOK 3: STOP GROPING ME, PSYCHOPATH!!! BOOK 4: YOU ARE SO INNOCENT, MY LITTLE DEMON!!! BOOK 5: YOU ARE AN ANGEL, STOP BEING A PERVERT!!! BOOK 6: HOWL WITH ME, MY PUP BOOK 7: GIVE ME MY MEDICINE, MY WITCH BOOK 8: YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL, MY MERMAID BOOK 9: SING WITH ME, MY MERMAN BOOK 10: PLAY WITH ME, YES MY LITTLE FAIRY BOOK 11: CAN YOU SEE ME, HUMAN? BOOK 12: GIVE ME YOUR FIRE, DRAGON BOOK 13: HUSBAND!!! PLEASE CARRY ME!! THE BOOK 13 WILL NOT BE THE LAST, BECAUSE I AM STILL THINKING.... THIS BOOK WILL BE THE CONTINUATION OF THE FIRST BOOK....

Miss_Lazy · Fantasy
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20 Chs


A Shen Li

After we have eaten breakfast, we

continue to look around the Capital.

Cheng Bai clings to me everytime. He hadn't stopped holding my hand or pulling my clothes.

I look at the store where accessories are. Searching for something that will interest my eyes. I saw Cheng Bai's eyes sparkle at the things. I smiled at that. Even they like the same things.

"Do you like something?" I asked Cheng Bai.

"No." He whispered. I frowned, looking at the necklace that captured his attention.

The necklace has a matching pair. The shopkeeper said. Red star and the other one is a black crescent moon.

The matching necklace is known as the love in the darkness.

"I'll take it." I said to the shopkeeper and gave him the money.

"You will really give this to me?" Cheng Bai whispered. His eyes widening a little. I nodded.

He take the red star and wear it. As for the other necklace.....

"Give the other one to the someone you care about." I said while looking at him, touching the necklace I brought.

"Here... I want you to wear it." He smiled and gave the black crescent moon to me.

"You shouldn't give this to someone you just met." I explained seriously while looking at him straight.

"I know... but you are the first one to give me a gift and treat me good." He said cutely.


"I want to put it on you." He said. I kneeled down to reach his level and he put it in my neck.


Snake's Kingdom

"Master..... why did you let the kid call you like that even touched or ate with you? Don't you hate kids? Why didn't you killed him yet?" Tiger asked seriously, the easy going Tiger is gone.

"I don't know. Even though we've only met twice... there is something about him. The dark voices and thoughts inside my head calms down and talks about him when he is near me. His scent surprisingly calms me down even the desire to kill and eat fades everytime he smiled at me." I sighed.

Shark gasped.

"Thats...." Shark can't finish what he's saying.

"Maybe... He is your mate." Tiger said hesitantly. Clenching my fist when I heard the word mate.

"Maybe...." Murmuring to myself. I dismissed the two to give myself sometime.

Cheng Bai.... who really are you?

Closing my eyes, touching the necklace in my neck.

On the other side, a certain someone is looking at the necklace he received a few hours ago.

I'll treasure your gift.... Always.


Next Day

"You're back.... I missed you!!!" Bimming Bao cried, snot flying around. I rolled my eyes.

"I've only been gone for a day." I irritatingly said.

"But..... still!!! That feels like forever." Bao exclaimed.

"Whatever." Clicking my tongue.

Bao continued crying along the way while receiving looks from the other students until we reached our first class.

The students are unusually quiet today.

I sat in my place while Bao did the same until the teacher came. Suddenly, the door burst open. I tensed. A familiar scent hit my nose. Ughhhhh not again.

Huang Cael walked in and the students looked at him. Then, an unexpected thing happened....

He sat beside me and fell asleep just like that...

Me: (-_-///)

Bao: (>o< )

The students: (^O^)

The teacher: (^_^¦¦¦)

This is new. Usually he won't come to class and listen. Also He doesn't like to have someone sitted beside him.


After one hour

Thank God, the first class is over. But..... still this guy is still asleep.

The classroom is becoming empty so I tried to wake him up.

*Poke..... Poke* I tried poking his face. It doesn't wake him up.

*Pinch...Pinch* I tried piching his cheeks to see if it will wake him up. Then, an idea came into my mind. This time it will surely wake him up.

I put my finger inside his mouth to try and wake him up. His eyebrows crinckled. Looks like it's working, but after sometime he didn't wake up.

Then, I felt something soft and wet lick my finger. I frowned. That's stranged. I jumped when I felt a sudden pain. I looked at the now awake Huang Cael. He looks at me while biting my finger inside his mouth. I quickly removed it.

"Delicious" He licked his lips

"You..... you!!!! Bastard!!!!" I shouted, blushing at his stare and runned away. I heard him chuckled.