

SERIES #LSPBSW# ( LOVE, SUFFERING, PAIN, BETRAYAL, SURVIVAL & WAR ) Description It has been already 1 million years or known as Megennium since the Supernaturals took over the Earth. In every Centamillenium or 100,000 years, the Moon Goddess choose a group of beings to be chosen. If they ever passed the trials given to them, they will be considered as protectors of Earth in that chosen time. They are destined to battle the Darkness and the God of Destruction, if they ever defeat their own demons,sufferings, nightmares and hatred. Every 100,000 years, wicked beings awoke or known as Darkness. Not only that but also the God Of Destruction is awakened in his hibernation, wanting to destroy all beings in his path, including the chosen ones. BOOK 1 OF THE SERIES #LSPBSW# ( LOVE, SUFFERING, PAIN, BETRAYAL, SURVIVAL & WAR ) Athoos, Snahhan and A Shen Li are three different personalities yet shared one human body, but was separated at birth. In order to change the future, Athoos, a human that can't feel positive emotions was chosen to come to the Supernatural World and try to change the Future, but she didn't know that coming to the Supernatural Realm will she discover secrets about herself, the Snake King and especially the true owner of the body she is currently using. The longer she stays there, the worst the secrets she finds out, driving her mad with betrayal, anger, pain and hatred. BOOK 2: I LOVE YOU, MY LITTLE NAUGHTY ZOMBIE TO THE STARS AND BACK BOOK 3: STOP GROPING ME, PSYCHOPATH!!! BOOK 4: YOU ARE SO INNOCENT, MY LITTLE DEMON!!! BOOK 5: YOU ARE AN ANGEL, STOP BEING A PERVERT!!! BOOK 6: HOWL WITH ME, MY PUP BOOK 7: GIVE ME MY MEDICINE, MY WITCH BOOK 8: YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL, MY MERMAID BOOK 9: SING WITH ME, MY MERMAN BOOK 10: PLAY WITH ME, YES MY LITTLE FAIRY BOOK 11: CAN YOU SEE ME, HUMAN? BOOK 12: GIVE ME YOUR FIRE, DRAGON BOOK 13: HUSBAND!!! PLEASE CARRY ME!! THE BOOK 13 WILL NOT BE THE LAST, BECAUSE I AM STILL THINKING.... THIS BOOK WILL BE THE CONTINUATION OF THE FIRST BOOK....

Miss_Lazy · Fantasy
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20 Chs


"Hey, are you okay.....? Are you sick? Your face is.... red." Bao worriedly asked.

Shit, that pervert will get it someday from me. I still can feel his teeth and tongue in my finger. Damnnn.

"I'm fine." I said. He doesn't seems to believe me, so he continue to glance at me time to to time.

"Stay, I'll be back. Just going to the restroom." I added and immediately left.

Cheng Bai

Hmmmmmm. What's the matter with her? Her face.... Is she having a fever or something? She is definitely sick. I thought.

"Well well well, what do we have here, the loyal dog." Someone sneered. I look up to see Ju An, one of the future Female Alpha Female known in the Supernatural World. Ughhhh, not this little bitch againnnnn.

"Where's the master?" She asked and laughed with her minions. I didn't answer and continued eating.

"Not talking, huhhh. Well then." She growled and suddenly, I was thrown out of my seat to the floor with them surrounding me.

The students attention are now focused on us.

"Ohhhh, are you gonna cry." She taunted and gripped my hair. That hurts.

"Cry.... cry back to your master." She laughed. The students also.

I gritted my teeth. I will not cry. They don't deserve it.

"Still not crying. Then, I will give a reason to cry." She wickedly laughed.

Suddenly, one of her followers broke my arm, twisting it cruelly. Whimpering at the pain, tears gathered in my eyes.

"This is where you belong, you pathetic---" She was cut off by a demonic growl.

I look at the door to see a furious looking A Shen Li.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" She growled, vibrating through the room. Her eyes changed shape into a snakes eyes."

"You....." Ju An stuttered.

"Of course, we are just teaching a dog a lesson."

"Really..." A Shen Li's face changed. She showed a cruel, dark and vicious smile.

A Shen Li

"Of course." Ju An confidently said. I smirked and showed my fangs. They will pay for disrespecting one of my people.

"Hey.... do you like dolls?" smiling at her pale face."

"I know a place where we can play with dolls." I added with a giggle.

I slowly walk to her and she automatically step backs. Fear showing in her eyes.

I leaned my lips to her ears and whispered....

"Fear makes me hungry, especially when it came from someone like you."

"I know all of your secrets, especially worst fears. So don't push it."

"I wouldn't mind eating your precious little sister. Hahhahh I bet she taste good as she looks."

"You're really crazy!!!! Psychopath!!!" She pushed me and shouted. I mouthed.... I know right?

I demonically smiled at her trembling and pale face.

After that, I take Bao to the Infirmary.

Ju An

How does she know about that?

I... I didn't tell nor let them get a sniff of it.

I even destroyed the evidences.

"Hey... What did she tell you?" Fan He asked, the others too.

"Nothing." I tried to smile at them. Telling them it's okay.

At the other side, a certain someone enjoyed the show.

That's my girl.

A Shen Li

At the same time

"He is fine. It's just broken bones and bruises." The Nurse explained. I sighed.

"You should rest. I'll meet you later." I said. Bao nodded and closed his eyes.

I closed the door and leaned on it, taking a deep breath.

Ju Family...

I remember you... You are one of the family that I was given to as a slave....

Ju An.... your family will soon meet its demise and you can do nothing but watch as I destroy them.


Cheng Bai

At the Vampire Palace

"Young Master, your Father, the Majesty wants to talk to you." Jun Li, my personal servant said. I nodded and left my chambers.

I knocked to the door and opened it.

"Come in. Son.... take a sit." Father commanded.

I sat and asked.

"Why do you want to talk to me?" I directly asked.

"Do you want to find your long lost sister?" Father asked.

"I already found her." I answered. Father gasped. He looks more excited than I am.....

"That's great!!!" He shouted in excitement.

"But she...."

Sorry for the typos in the chapter. I use cp not laptop or computer to write my story. So I can't help but to have some mistake. My keyboard is small....

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