
Why not a villain?

In a world where intelligence once crowned him as the pinnacle of existence, Aiden meets an unexpected demise, only to awaken in a new life as Cassius Von Silvercrest. Now heir to the powerful ducal family "Silvercrest," Cassius finds himself thrust into a role diametrically opposed to his former self: the main antagonist of his favorite novel. Unbeknownst to him, this new existence comes with its own set of challenges as he inherits a formidable system that demands him to strip the protagonist, of all his cheats. Embarking in a journey filled with betrayal, love and friendship, watch as he become the most powerful existence.

ines17 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

8. The real Journey Begins

As I looked into my father crimson eyes I asked him why was he releasing his pressure.

"2 hours ago you were G- Rank and you suddenly jumped to F Rank. Explain yourself."

I forgot that up to SSS- Rank you can see the Rank of the others, so he probably saw my rank. I searched for an excuse and thanks to my high intelligence stat the excuse came up quickly.

"Father you know I'm Shiva's first avatar and every first avatar of constellations get some sort of reward. You remember Odin's first avatar got a Divine Rank item."


"So for me Shiva's first avatar I got a few items and skills and exp."

"Is it possible?" He asked visibly not convinced as it was never heard of

"Yes! I'm the living proof and plus the system is omniscient and omnipresent!"

[You're talking about me I hope.]

'Of course, so shut up and let me concentrate with my father'

"I'll believe you for now… But this wasn't the reason I called you today. You know that the heir of our family one year after his awakening ceremony has to leave for 5 years to become stronger and return when he is 9 years old. We will train you for one year and you will leave to get stronger, you will also not reveal your identity. I just wanted to tell you that someone with an even better talent than me in swordsmanship will come and train you from now on. Try to master the technique of our family as you can use it even without being SSS Rank or more."

"Yes, father. But who will be my swordsmanship instructor?"

"Rose Amilton."

Rose Amilton, she was the most talented when it comes to swordsmanship but in the original she was the swordsmanship instructor of the male lead not me. Well, not like it matters.

"Yes dad."

I excused myself and went back to my bedroom to sleep as she was known for her strict personnality and it was said that in the original the male lead suffered from her training.

~The next day~

Rose came to my bedroom and woke me up with cold water I screamed from anger but I stopped after seeing her ferocious gaze.

She stood in the doorway, her short blue hair framing her face in a no-nonsense style that matched her demeanor. Her violet eyes, once sharp with command, now held a seasoned wisdom earned from years of experience.

At 43, she had long left her post as vice commander of the third imperial squad, but the aura of authority still clung to her like a second skin.

Despite the surprise of cold water, there was no softness in her gaze, only the hardened resolve of someone who had seen their fair share of battles.

"Hello young master, get prepared for the morning workout."

"Yes master!"

"Don't waste time I want you in the training ground in 10 minutes."

I quickly prepared myself and ran to the training ground without eating my breakfast because the MC in the novel did this mistake and suffered from 3 more hours of training.

We started training and I couldn't eat before finishing the morning workout. The training's goal is to build my stamina so we started running and training my stamina from 4 am to 8 am, after that I finally drank water and ate breakfast.

I finished my first day of training and "Hell" is the perfect word to describe it.

She never let me stop swinging my sword, well at least she looked nice but I couldn't talk to her as she didn't let me talk, whenever I opened my mouth to talk she said something like:

"If you have time to talk swing your sword a thousand more times."

~1 month later~

You remember when I said she looked nice, hell no! She is a monster and I can't even rest properly as I sleep at 11 pm and wake up at 4 am.

I even begged my mom and dad to change my instructor but they said no as it was hard to hire her as the Lighthaven family also wanted to recruit her for their son.

So here I am swinging my sword for the thousandth time and know that I started training 15 minutes ago.

~2 months later~

I really want to escape from her she is the worst instructor but at least the results are good and I completely mastered my family's swordsmanship but the worse is yet to come because she wants to take me as her first disciple and pass on me her technique, I refused but there is no way I can win against her when it comes to persuasion.

Now I'm forced to train her swordsmanship technique even if it's too much for my current level but she always say something like "Don't worry even if you break one or two bones because of it you'll still kill your opponent and K have lots of elexirs".

She is a sword maniac but it's true that no one can beat her in terms of swordsmanship.

~8 months later~

One month before the hell training finish but I won't lie that I actually care for her and she's a little bit like a big sister for me, but just a little bit and I won't forget about all I did because of her.

Today I got a vacation of 1 week and started preparing myself for my leave. Nothing worthwhile happened during this 11 months and I spent my days training with my master.

~ Day before departure~

Tomorrow I'll leave and finally go away from master. She said today is a day off and I can spend my time with my family but to not forget to come after much so that she can give me something.

So I spent my day with my family and after lunch headed to her quarters. I shyly knocked the door. She opens it immediately with a hand behind her back.

"Hello master.", I said it with a whisper barely audible but she still hear me after all she is an SS Ranked individual.

"Cassius! Come in I have something to give you before you go for your journey."

I entered her bedroom and she handed me a box.

"Don't open it untill you go to your bedroom."

I nodded and quickly excused myself. I went to my bedroom and opened the box inside was a sword that I instantly recognised as it was the one that always hanged around her waist during training, when I asked her what it was she said it was her sword when she was my age.

I quickly used appraisal and its information showed up.

[Mysterious craftsman's sword - Super Rare (B+):

A mysterious sword that the Rose carried with her during her youth.

Effects :

- Gain 15% more experience point by killing monsters with it.

- You can increase your strength by a whole Rank for 39 seconds (cooldown : 1 week)]

I was surprised by its effect as it was the best I have seen so far for a B Rank item.

I decided to sleep early as I will leave at 7 am tomorrow.

~The morning~

I woke up early and found my whole family surrounding me. We are breakfast together and I left them with tears in my eyes. I hugged them and walked out of the house. I was ready to steal a lot of the hidden pieces reserved for the main character!