
Why is it red

It all started off as a normal day. My friend and I just got out of school walking down the road we always walk down and then laughing having a good time. Then suddenly this guy turned up deep red and A Tear formed from the tears monsters popped out. We were so terrified we couldn't move a finger. Then for some reason I asked my friend why is the sky red? Thinking he would have the answer for some reason. it all went downhill from there.

nobody25 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Our next move

The sky went back to its normal self once again, it took a couple of days, but the rip slowly closed. The sun might be shining bright, and the sky might be blue, but down on the ground, beasts and monsters are roaming around. As I got stronger, I dealt with most of the beasts and monsters in my area. Doing so helps me learn more about my power.

"It's been about a month and a half since I had that dream with mother nature,". I thought to myself while sitting in the kitchen.

Over a month and a couple of weeks I gained quite a bit of muscle and more knowledge of my power. I was no longer that skinny, scared boy back in the gas station. I am the holder of mother nature's power to make the world a better place.

I started to walk up the stairs to go into the bedroom. As I am walking up the stairs, I see the mirror in the bathroom. I went to take a look at my new body.

"Wow, I have changed a lot in just a month, most of it because of this power but I did put in a lot of hard work". I said to myself looking at the body I train so hard to get.

As I'm staring at my reflection, at how my body has changed. I look at my broad shoulders and then see my chest which has become four times bigger than it was before. I looked down at my arms which have become three times bigger, then I saw my nicely shaped abs. Well, I was looking at my abs and I noticed how toned my legs have gotten, I was very pleased with my body.

"All the hard work paid off in the end, wasn't it Gaia"? I asked Gaia while looking into the mirror.

"Meow meowww". Gaia said back to me while sitting on the sink.

"Okay tonight we look over what we learn of my power and then we rest. Because tomorrow we're heading out to look for survivors". I said to Gaia as I pet her head.

"Meow"? She said to me with her head tilted.

"I just think it'll be a good idea to look over what I learned about my power so far". I said to Gaia.

"Meow, meow". She said to me, as she hopped off the sink.

"See not that bad of an idea plus we still have daytime to kill".

So, we went into the bedroom to grab my notebook then we went back downstairs and took a seat at the kitchen table. As I take a seat, I start to look through my notes while I do Gaia hops on my lap, and she decides to take a nap there.

"I have learned a lot of new things about this power, so I ought to go over them all". The power that I wield is nature, the same power that mother nature has as the mother of all life. At first, I thought it was just trees and roots but once I started to dabble into my power more, I learned that it's much more than just that. Like I can make leaves as sharp as razors or as strong as Shields. Then there's also the healing cherry blossom which takes a lot of energy to make, but I can make little ones. They still take a lot of energy but less than the bigger ones do.

"I guess the healing part of this power takes a lot more energy than the attack and defense do". I thought to myself as I wrote some more notes down.

I made one big cherry blossom in the backyard of this house, and I also made little other ones scattered across the area to test them. From what I can see they stick around for a very long time. I haven't seen any of them rot away yet.

Besides the Cherry blossoms, I also can grow a lot of food that I can eat, and plants I can use. Which I believe is how I gain so much muscle in only a month in a couple of weeks. Being able to grow my food with my power saves me the trouble of searching for food. The food also doesn't take that long to grow since I can boost the growing process. All they need is some sunlight and water.

Also by having the power of nature I found out that I can create water, not a lot but plenty to drink and feed crops and plants with. The water comes in handy for drinking and being able to clean me off. I will have to learn more about the water side of my powers later on though.

My power is pretty easy to control too. All I have to do is think about what I want it to do, but I do have to command it. I don't need to say it out loud though I just need to think of the command and then it happens if I have enough energy left. Like if I wanted to make roots look a certain way all I would have to do is think about it, but if I didn't have enough energy to do it might not come out good or it wouldn't happen at all. I have also noticed the bigger the object is, it takes more energy to make it, so I have to be careful while doing that. But sometimes, I will tell the roots to do something without a clear thought in my head of what it needs to do, and it will act on its own and do it.

"This is a very strong power. I'm glad mother nature thought of me as someone worthy enough to wield it". I said to myself while going over the notes in my head.

This is what I have figured out so far about my power of nature. I am sure that I will learn more as time goes on.

"Now then I should think about the plan for tomorrow before I go to bed". I thought to myself while I put the pencil up to my forehead, thinking of what we should do tomorrow.

I look at the bag beside me with all the food and water we have left, I also put 10 filled bottles full of healing liquid in it. It will last us about two weeks give or take. As I look at the bag, I reach for it and grab a map out that I found at the nearby gas station. I have markings on all the houses that I have explored and spots where I put the healing trees.

"I guess we'll head back towards my school and keep on going that way for a while until we find some people". I thought to myself while looking at the map and figuring out the route.

"Ok tomorrow we'll go through the park again but this time not going down the main road like I did to get here last time. That sounds like a good idea. I don't want to meet that titan again". I softly spoke to myself while petting Gaia on the head.

Well, I finished thinking of the route that we were going to take tomorrow. I looked outside and there was still some sun, so I decided to go over all the monsters and beasts that I have seen so far.

First, we have the beast that took Alex and my family away from me. That is the beast I've seen most so we'll put it in the normal category. Then we have the titan's category. The titan that I encounter first was the one with multiple arms, eyes, and ears. I'll put that in the middle titan category because I'm pretty sure that there's a stronger one than that out there. I have encounter two other normal titans that I have killed, they will be in the normal titan category. Then we have the flying beast that attacked Gaia the first time we met. I will put that in the flying category as normal. There's also that skinny long one that jumped at me, I will also put that one in the normal category.

"Sigh, all right I think that should be everything it's about time I go to bed". I said as i was stretching my arms up in the air.

I picked up Gaia in my arms and I started to head up the stairs into the bedroom. I softly place Gaia at the head of the bed and then slowly got into the covers. I look up to the ceiling as my eyelids start to get heavier and heavier. I slowly started to drift off to sleep.

"I should take this blanket with me". I thought to myself as I got some sleep.

As the sun peeks through the window and hits my face, while Gaia licks the side of my cheek I start to get out of bed. Then I start heading to the bathroom to clean up for a bit. Shortly after I head downstairs to make me and Gaia some food, as I do I summon some water and put it in a bowl for Gaia and a cup for me.

"Here you go Gaia eat up, it is going to be a long trip today". I said to Gaia while giving her chopped-up potatoes.

"Meow". She said back to me while starting to eat her food.

As we finish up our food, I pack all the supplies that we need. I put food, water bottles, healing liquid, and also a blanket to use while sleeping in the bag. Then we start heading for the front door as we did the roots move out of the way and we leave the house.

"Thank you for taking care of us all this time and until we meet again". I said to the house while bowing to it.

With that we start heading back to the park, this time I don't have to worry about the thick smoke. I have already adventured this far before and it's gone now.

"I still don't know how the fire went out, it hasn't rained or anything like that and it seemed like a pretty big fire too. Hmm well it's out of our way now so it's whatever". I thought to myself while walking where the smoke used to be.

We went through the back side of the park. I didn't get a good look last time but now that I do the park is pretty destroyed. The playground is mostly destroyed but more than half of the bathrooms are still standing. I pulled the map out of my back pocket and look at the route that we're going to take.

"Okay instead of taking the main entrance we go through the side entrance just in case that titan is still there". I said Well looking down at the map.

"Meow," Gaia said while walking right beside me.

So, we walked through the park leaving from the side exit. Well, we got out of the park and started heading to the school which was only about 15 minutes away.

"BOOM". Something big sounded like it was hitting the ground not too far from where we were.

"AAAAAAAAA". Then there was a loud high-pitched screen coming from where that big sound came from.

After hearing that scream, I started running as fast as I could over there.

"That sounded like a human screen. I need to hurry". I said while running full speed towards the screen as Gaia followed.

As we start running over there the screaming gets louder and so does the crashing and banging. I stopped behind a building to look at what was going on. As I thought it was the middle-class titan. I was looking around for whoever gave that screen, and as I did, I saw the titan get ready to jump up in the air.

"Shit, where are they"? I thought to myself as I scanned the area looking for the person.

Right as the titan jumps up in the air, I see a small little girl laying under it. I quickly made roots go to her before the titan smashed down on her.

"Come on go quickly, hurry, hurry". I said to the roots as they go to the girl.

Right as my roots grabbed the little girl, I could see the titan falling back down onto the ground ready to obliterate her.

"Come on, come on, quick roots". I thought to myself as I was getting nervous seeing the titan coming back down

The titans' hands smashed against the ground making a cloud of dust appear. The roots got the girl out just in time. The little girl passed out from all the pain as her left arm was twisted and so was her right leg. I quickly pulled out a bottle of healing liquid and dumped it all on her. As I did she started to open up her eyes while her body went back to normal.

"AA-". The little girl was about to scream but I covered her mouth before she did.

"Shh, you're safe now". I whispered to the little girl as I was holding her, she was shaking a lot as she started to cry.

I quickly looked back at the titan to see if it even noticed us. As I looked at the titan we made eye contact.

"Well shit". I said to myself, as me and this titan were staring at each other.