
Why is it red

It all started off as a normal day. My friend and I just got out of school walking down the road we always walk down and then laughing having a good time. Then suddenly this guy turned up deep red and A Tear formed from the tears monsters popped out. We were so terrified we couldn't move a finger. Then for some reason I asked my friend why is the sky red? Thinking he would have the answer for some reason. it all went downhill from there.

nobody25 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Damn titan

As I and the titans' eyes meet my heart starts to pound and I can feel the blood rushing through my body.

"The little girl is probably too tired to move right now. I have to get them some ware safely. I'll make Gaia go with her too". I thought to myself while looking at the two of them.

"Hi there little one, this is my friend Gaia she's a cat and she will be going with you some ware safe, okay. When you're at that safe place do not make a sound". I said to the little girl as I grabbed my blanket and wrapped it around her.

"O-ok". She said to me with a shaky voice as the roots wrap around her waist.

" Gaia I'm counting on you to watch over her, and the bag, ok". I said to Gaia as she hops on the little girl. Then I placed the bag in the girl's hands but took out eight of the healing bottles.

"Meow". Gaia said back as she sat on the little girl's shoulder.

I quickly made the roots take them to a nearby building. As they get in there, I made the roots form a cocoon around them.

"Okay now that they're saf-". As I was thinking to myself, I heard the giant titan jump up in the air.

I quickly looked up to see where it was going to land. Luckily it was coming straight at me and not the kid and Gaia.

"I can't do the massive root. It takes way too much energy. I don't even know if I can get it with that". I thought to myself as the titan was coming back down.

I had vines shoot out of my hand and wrapped around a pole, then I launched myself forwards. As I got out of the way I started to look back at the titan but before I could its mighty hands were coming at me. I barely had enough time to react, but I did put up a few leaf shields surrounding me. as the titan's palm slapped me, sending me flying down the road. While I was in the air, I had roots come out of the ground to help my body not slam against the ground. I was breaking through most of the roots flying through them like they were nothing. But I started to slow down and came to a stop with the roots supporting me up.

"I see... you're just that strong huh". I said wall reaching into my back pocket to grab one of the healing bottles.

My blood dripped on the ground and my left leg completely shattered. I dumped a whole bottle of healing liquid onto myself. As my body was healing the titan came running at me. It only took one step to get close as it raised its right hand to strike me. But before it did, I had vines come out of my hand wrapping around the titan's lower hand wrist. I shot myself forward in the air dodging the titan punches.

"Now become sharper than razors". I said to the vines as I pulled as hard as I could on them.

As I pulled on the vines, the leaves on them become razor sharp cutting straight through the titan's wrist making its hand fall off. Then I started going straight to the titan's head.

"AYYYYYYY". The titan let out a piercing screen.

The scream was so loud I started to bleed from my ears, and I lost consciousness for just a second. But as I did the titan raced up its left hand and curled it up into a fist. Then it brined it down on me with incredible force, making me shoot straight down to the ground, with only a little bit of leaves to cushion my fall but it was not nearly enough.

"AAAA, cough, cough,". I yelled in pain as I slammed against the ground, spitting up blood.

I could feel my spine snap in half, then my whole body went numb. I can't reach for one of the bottles of healing liquid to heal myself. As I was laying there the titan raised its leg to stomp on me. As its leg was coming down, the healing bottles broke open under my weight and I could feel my body again.

"Now roots come and help me"! I yelled while holding both of my hands up at the titan's foot.

Multiple roots came out of the ground striking the titans foot as it came crashing down. As some of the roots broke beneath the weight of its foot some of the roots were strong enough to hold it up.

"More Roots come and Pierce through its feet". I command as more roots shoot out of the ground.

Multiple roots pierced through the titan's foot. I took this chance to stand up and get out beneath its feet.

"Now, roots go through its leg so it cannot move". I said while swinging my arm up towards the titan's foot.

As I did, a big group came out of the ground, piercing through the titan's foot, then stabbing its leg. As I was running out from beneath its feet, I summoned a big leaf sword with vines on the end of the handle. Once I was behind his foot, I threw the big sword at its Achilles heel making it stick in. Then I made two great spears that had vines connected to the end come out of both of my hands. I shot them behind the titans' knee. As the spear sticks to the titan. I launched myself forward with the vines, and as I did, I pulled on the vine that was connected to the sword. While the sword is coming up from behind me, I use all my strength to twist my body making the sword go at the titan's knees from the side.

"Now become a razor shark". I said as the sword and vines were inches away from the titan's knee.

As I said those commands the leaves on the vine became razor sharp cutting straight through the titan's knee. The titans started to fall forwards, and as it did, I quickly shot another spear at its back. I use the spear to launch to me forward by pulling on the vines that were connected to it.

"NOW DIE YOU BASTARD"! I screamed while getting a powerful attack ready.

Right as I was about to attack the titan suddenly twisted its body. With all its momentum and strength, it hit me with the back of its fist and made me crash into a building. I came to a sudden stop while my back slammed against a tree.

"AA gasping…gasping". I tried my best to gasp for air, but it was too painful to breathe.

As I sat down on the ground up against that tree, I could barely keep my eyes open. Right as I was about to shut my eyes forever, I saw a pink leaf fall on me.

"Hahaha, either titan… you have extremely bad luck, or I have extremely good luck, but whichever one it is you're for sure going to die now", I mumble to myself as pink leaves started to fall all around me.

I looked up and saw the titan starting to get up off the ground. So, then I start to get up off the ground using the tree as support.

"I'm already fully healed, but I don't have that much energy left. I have to end this quickly". I thought to myself as I started to stand up.

I started to walk out of that gas station as I did. I see the titans standing on one leg staring at me. The titan crutches down when its one leg getting ready to jump.

"No, you don't". I said while leaning on the wall with my right hand out towards the titan.

Roots came out of the ground, grabbing its foot making sure it can't jump up. The titan tried jumping up in the air, but my roots pulled it back down before it could get up into the sky.

"Now pierced through its body". I commanded while my roots started to Pierce starting at its legs.

I looked up into the titan's eyes, it looked as if it didn't know what to do next. So, the titan decided to fall onto me. As it did it reached out its top right arm to crush me with its hand.

"Bad move their buddy. Now roots kill it". I said as the titan was falling towards me.

Multiple roots started to shoot out of the ground piercing through his leg. As the titan got closer to the ground more Roots started to come piercing through its torso going up to his chest and arms. The titan's hand stopped right above me pierced with roots the same as its body. But it wasn't dead yet, the titan opened its mouth up getting ready to screen.

"A-". The titans started to scream but before it could get any louder, I made a big root Pierce through its mouth.

"That's enough out of you". I said to the titan.

I started slowly walking back to Gaia and the little girl, but before I could even get halfway there my body collapsed on me.

"Come on Kane, you have to get up". I'm said as I slowly started to pass out.

I started to gain a little bit of consciousness but not enough to fully wake me up. All I could tell was that I was being moved. But I couldn't feel anything touching me. Right after that though I shortly passed out again.

"I-is he okay". A high-pitched voice said.

"Meow". Gaia responded.

"I know that meow that's Gaia". I thought to myself with my eyes closed.

I suddenly shot open my eyes and looked up, there were the cherry blossoms.

"I know this place it's where it all started. Where's the kid"? I thought to myself as I suddenly jolted up off the ground.

I took a look to my left and a little girl and Gaia was sitting right by me. Then I looked outside, and it was already nightfall.

"I must have been out for a while". I thought to myself while looking outside.

"Umm, mister is you okay"? The little girl asked me with a confused look on her face.

"Oh yeah I am, thanks for asking". I said to the little girl, with a kind smile.

"No thank you, you saved my life". The little girl said back to me with watery eyes.

"It's okay now I'm fine, you're fine, Gaia is fine I say it's a win-win. I saved you and I get to see my first human in a couple of months". I said to the little girl reaching for a bottle of water in my bag.

"B-but you could have died because of me". She said to me while wiping tears from her cheeks.

"Listen to me, little girl I chose to save you, plus I needed to kill this titan someday, I guess today was the day". I said to the little girl as I pet her head.

"Sniffle, sniffle, o-ok". She said to me as she started to stop crying.

"Now then I have some questions for you, but that can wait till morning rest now and I will keep watch". I said to the girl as I started to stand up.

"B-but aren't you tired sir"? The little girl asked me out of kindness and guilt.

"I have had plenty of rest, you should get some now ok". I said to the little girl as I made a bed out of roots and leaves for her.

"Now that might not be the most comfortable thing to sleep on, but it's better than the rubbish on the ground". I Said to the girl as I gave her the blanket.

"Thank you, sir". She said to me as she got up on the bed.

"Yep, now get some rest, and we'll talk tomorrow". I said to the little girl as I started walking toward the front of the gas station.

As I get to the front of the gas station, I look at the middle-class titan. I truly took in of what just happened.

"I can't believe I beat this thing. Guess I have got stronger". I thought to myself while looking at the titan.

I head back to the cherry blossoms, and I sit down on one of the roots. Then I made Roots block off all of the holes and doors in the building to be safe. I stayed up for a bit to watch over the little girl and Gaia. Then about a couple of hours passed and I decided to get a little sleep myself.

"Tomorrow I'll ask the girl about where she came from, no way she could have made it this far by herself". I thought to myself as I got some shuteye.